Crescent City: OOC -
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studiesallnight From: [info]studiesallnight Date: December 29th, 2010 02:49 am (UTC) (Link)
Hi Kasey! I'm Cede and it's great to have you here!

I have two lovely ladies at the moment, the first being Bekka [info]studiesallnight who, for a lack of a better term, is a bitch. She smokes too much, drinks less than that and runs an illegal gambing ring. Her fashion sense might make Slone cry though- as it's typically made up of the most god-awful thing I can find on polyvore and still call it fashion. >_>

The second, [info]alittlevauge who is the nicest, sweetest, most rainbow-esque kid you'll ever meet. She might not be the smartest kid in the school, but gosh darn it she's the most fun! :D A fellow sophomore- Slone will very likely know that just before winter formal last year- she had a bit of a freak out over finding body parts by the woods- no one else saw them. :C

Like I said earlier- welcome and it's great to have you here!
turnonthebright From: [info]turnonthebright Date: December 29th, 2010 05:08 am (UTC) (Link)
Hi Cede!

Slone will most likely cry at Bekka's fashion and may offer to give her a makeover (or five).

Slone would feel bad for her about the body parts because that sounds gross and creepy. But other than she would think she's fun and would like to hang out with her!

Thanks :)
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