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Keith Queen ([info]sonic_arrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-15 13:27:00

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Entry tags:inactive - keith queen, inactive - robert queen, npc - sin queen, npc - tim drake, plot - "brothers in arms"

Return to Star City
Green Arrow stalked the streets of Star City with his brother, Merlyn.  Wasn't that some kind of twist in the storyline?  The two roles were so opposite of each other, and yet they were paired off in a mission together.

Councilman Vontrell Griffin II was in his home in Soulk Village.  The lights were still on in the living room, which Keith recognized.  He'd met the councilman before, with his father.  He had a family; a wife and children.  The thought of killing him sickened Keith to the core, but what could he do?  Damien was pulling the strings.  At least Robert was there, though.  He was the only one Keith felt he could rely on in this situation.

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2011-02-16 01:27 am UTC (link)
Merlyn watched the living room through his binoculars, looking things over. Councilman Griffin had two sons and a daughter. The oldest kid, Vontrell III liked to hang out in the Triangle and wasn't home tonight.

The second oldest boy and the daughter weren't in view, but the Councilman and his new wife were home. Apparently, his last wife died due to gang violence. Of course, if this man had pissed off the Demon's Head, he was either a good man, or a bad one.

Robert hoped he was a bad one.

"Keith...I've been thinking. Maybe you should go home now and let me handle this. It's my fault you're involved right now and...maybe if you go home and talk to Oliver, he can fix this for you. He's got the money and the pull; no sense in you adding to your record right now." Robert says, ignoring the pain in his back from the stab wound he'd suffered days ago.

He really wanted to hear Jane's voice right now, but there wasn't time.

After this is over, I'll go home to Jane and figure out my next move. Merlyn thinks.

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2011-02-16 01:40 am UTC (link)
Keith looked over at Robert, confused.

"What? No way. I can't let you take over my problems. I don't want to do this...but I have to."

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2011-02-16 01:45 am UTC (link)
"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as letting me do what I should have done that night in the Artist's cell. I shouldn't have let you go through that, Keith. Don't get me wrong; I'm proud of what you did...but you weren't ready for that kind of burden." Robert says.

"You have to be in a certain frame of mind to kill someone and live with it, let alone do it over and over again. I've killed a lot of people, Keith, and when you do that it takes something from you that you can't get back.

I should have protected you better by killing Wells first." Robert says. "I can handle that responsibility and it's not like anyone is going to see me differently for being who I am.

This is already ruining /your/ life." Robert says.

"That was the last thing I wanted."

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2011-02-16 01:52 am UTC (link)

Keith looked away for a moment, knowing that Robert was telling the truth. This situation was ruining his life.

"But still," Keith replied. "It's not your fault, what happened with the Artist. You couldn't have stopped it from happening like that. You don't have to make up for anything that you couldn't control."

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2011-02-16 02:05 am UTC (link)
"I could have walked in, shot Wells dead and walked back out before you got there. Or we could have crossed paths and you'd have tried to capture me.

Either way, you would still be a free man." Robert says.

He sighs and realizes that the best think he can do is make sure that his brother doesn't have to kill anyone else.

"You handled yourself well with Shado. She throws most people off of their game, including myself." Robert grins.

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2011-02-16 02:11 am UTC (link)
He didn't reply to the first bit. Honestly, there was nothing he could say to refute Robert on that.

"Thanks," he said. "But... I dunno. Some of the things she said...I just..."

He didn't want to tell Robert that he thought the guy's mom was a deceitful bitch. It wasn't that he was particularly keen about knowing when people were lying or not, because he didn't know if she was lying. She seemed to be telling the whole truth. But Keith couldn't accept her truth.

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2011-02-16 02:25 am UTC (link)
"I completely understand. I would, and do, have a difficult time when people disparage Slade in front of me. Rose and I have learned to agree to disagree about him, so I can do the same for my mother...and Oliver." Robert says simply.

"Keith, if we're going to do this, I want you to let me take the lead this time. If things go south, you get out of here and /do not/ come back for me this time.

The worst they can do is send me to Super-Max, and I'm not afraid of that place at all. The Warden owes me a favor." he grins.

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2011-02-16 02:28 am UTC (link)
It took a moment, but Keith nodded.

"Alright," he replied. Of course the Warden there owed Robert a favor. He seemed to have connections everywhere.

"Just... I don't want this to be the last time I see my brother, alright?"

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2011-02-16 02:38 am UTC (link)
"I promise you, Keith, that I'll be in your life as long as you want. Things may get crazy and we may not hang out often, but I'll be there when you need me." Robert vows.

He hands Keith his binoculars.

"Okay, there are six men between us and the house. I've seen twelve total, and these don't exactly look like private security. These look like gang-bangers in suits. There may be kids inside. I want you to find and secure them. Lock them in their rooms, then meet up with me in the study in the West Wing.

We'll deal with the Councilman and his wife from there." Robert says.

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2011-02-16 02:49 am UTC (link)
He took the binoculars and smiled, and then looked through them down at the house.

"Right. Then I guess that's that. Ready when you are."

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On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-16 04:19 am UTC (link)
Red Robin hears that the League of Assassins is planning a hit on Councilman Griffin, and decides he has to get involved. He wants to bring in the Outsiders, but he doesn't. Not this time.

He's going to use whoever is here to find Damien Wilson and bring him in.

He enters the property quietly, then sneaks around to the guardhouse to disable the guards.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 11:05 am UTC (link)
Sin Queen had also heard of a League hit on Councilman Griffin and though she was not usually a protector of the city, this was not something that she could simply let pass. She, too, enters the property near-silently and drops two guards on the perimeter in short order before heading towards the house.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 05:15 pm UTC (link)
As Red Robin heads toward the house, he notices someone else sneaking around on the property. Not wanting to take any chances on this being the League's hitter, possibly Morgaine, Red Robin moves to intercept the person sneaking into the property.

When he's close enough, he'll throw a disk that lodges itself in the wall less than a foot in front of Sin's face.

"Maybe you should turn around and leave now. I missed that shot on purpose, but it's not going to happen again." he rasps.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 05:34 pm UTC (link)
"Ah. So you are the assasin."

Sin didn't turn, nor did she acknowledge the disk.

"I should tell you that you will pass no further forward and your mark shall not be met."

She turned in the direction of the voice, blade drawn.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 05:43 pm UTC (link)
"I like the attempt at reverse psychology, there. I didn't know Damien Wilson was sending his underlings to college.

I guess a mind really is a terrible thing to waste." Red Robin says, noting the drawn blade.

All right, so she's a katana fighter. he thinks.

He draws small metallic cylinder from inside his cloak and presses a button. His bo staff springs into existence, seven foot long form end to end.

"You're going to leave, right now, or you're going to jail." Red Robin growls, readying himself to attack.

"Choose now."

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 05:49 pm UTC (link)
"I don't work for Damien Wilson, though I would like to have words with him in regards to an insult to my niece."

She watches appraisingly as Red Robin's staff reveals itself and she takes a proper staff.

"We fight and when I win I will be certain that you--and your employer--are prosecuted for your crimes. The Jade Arrow may not available this evening, but the Jade Canary is and as such, you Will. Not. Pass."

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 06:05 pm UTC (link)
And the warning bells go off in Red Robin's head.

She mentions a niece, and then a Jade Arrow. Either one alone gives him pause, but taken together, they could mean that she's either Lian's ally, or a member of the Arrows...or both.

The name, Jade Canary, also sticks in his mind. The last woman to use that was someone Tim knew--and feared--well.

Lady Shiva.

"Who are you?" he asks, wishing he could call Lian to confirm what's going on here.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-17 06:07 pm UTC (link)
"I am not going to tell you directly my identity directly. That would put others at risk and I assure you, you do not wish to incur Black Canary's wrath."

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-18 02:33 am UTC (link)
"Anyone who spends a night in this town can figure out what names to drop. Give me something I can work with or I drop you." Red Robin says.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-18 03:17 pm UTC (link)
Sin narrowed her eyes and took stock of the situation. There was nothing she could say that was going to convince this guy that she wasn't the assasin. Also, looking at how he moved, he had obviously spent some time training with the Batman--the original one. His posture and stance were modified from League moves, once upon a time.

He was probably not the actual threat. And if he was, she was confident she could end up anyway. She drew back her blade.


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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-19 02:29 am UTC (link)
That name...he remembers both Lian and Mia mentioning someone named Sin.

He puts his bow aside.

"Good to meet you, Sin. Sorry, but I had to be sure you weren't Morgaine or the Kumbata Twins." Red Robin says.

"Which means, if we're out /here/, whoever the League sent could still be here." Tim says, cursing himself for wasting time.

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Re: On the other Side of the Property
2011-02-21 01:13 am UTC (link)
"Then let's go."

Without further word she takes off for the house.

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Inside the Building
2011-02-18 12:22 am UTC (link)
The guards were taken down quickly, courtesy of a few non-lethal arrows. Nobody was going to die except the councilman, even if regretted it. He took care of the kids, putting them to sleep with his sonic scream before they realized he was there. They were locked away in their rooms.

He took off to the West Wing after that, to meet up with Robert.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-18 02:41 am UTC (link)
Merlyn has dealt with most of the guards in non-lethal ways, out of respect for Keith. When he reaches the doors to the West Wing, he takes deep breath. Keith should be here any minute, and it would be a better idea to wait for him than to go in alone.

But in the heat of the moment, Keith could kill someone again to save him, and Robert doesn't want that.

Merlyn kicks the door in and puts a taser arrow in the wife's leg, then draws and fires again, putting two more in both of the councilman's guards in the ornately furnished room. Both men fall twitching, but unconscious, to the Persian rugs on the floor.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-18 02:42 am UTC (link)
Council Vontrell Griffin II looks up at Merlyn from behind the oak desk, a steely determination in his dark brown eyes. He runs a hand over his smooth, bald head and takes a deep breath.

"You must be here to kill me. I guess I have to thank you for your timing; my oldest boy is out tonight. I wouldn't want him to be home for this." Griffin says, his expression resigned.

"Are my other children dead?" he asks.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-18 02:54 pm UTC (link)
"They're alive," Green Arrow replied grimly as he walked in.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Griffin. I wish we didn't have to do this."

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-19 02:37 am UTC (link)
Councilman Griffin looks more than a little surprised as the Green Arrow enters the room.

"So, I guess it is true, Green Arrow; you really have switched sides." Griffin says, licking his lips.

"I didn't think it was true, but I guess people can still surprise you. Thank you for making sure my children are all right. Like I said, I'm glad my oldest boy is off at his self-defense classes. He's about your age, Green Arrow." Griffin says.

"Well, I suppose we should get this over with. The Demon's Head has to silence me and you two have to do your jobs, right?" he says.

"COUNCILMAN, GET DOWN!" a man in a charcoal-grey suit yells, aiming his gun at Robert.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 04:24 am UTC (link)
It's a knee-jerk reaction--Keith immediately nocks and fires an arrow into the barrel of the gun that was point at his brother. And when he got that rush to protect Robert, he came to a sudden realization. What the hell was he doing? Why was he letting his life be run by Damien Wilson? Why was he letting Robert get his hands dirty for Damien Wilson?


He grips his hand on his bow so hard that it hurts.

"No, Merlyn. We can't do this. We... we just can't. I don't care what Damien said. I'm not going to let more people die to make his punk-ass happy. Let him come after me all he wants, I don't care. This just... it isn't right."

He put his bow away. He couldn't do this anymore.

"I'll face whatever I need to face head-on. No more running away."

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 04:34 am UTC (link)
The gunman fires as Keith's arrow plugs the barrel, and he clutches his hand in shock and pain as the gun backfires in his hand.

The gunman screams and falls to the floor as Councilman Griffin's eyebrows rise in shock.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 04:43 am UTC (link)
Merlyn hears the gunman and his brother, and lets out a deep breath. Either Keith will stop this, or he won't. Either Robert will die right now, or he won't.

When he hears the gun fire, but feels no bullet, he understands that his brother has saved his life once again. However, he also hears Green Arrow's next words and a sadness enters Robert's heart.

Time seems to slow down as Merlyn watches the Councilman's eyes drift a fraction of an inch away from him.

For, at this moment, Green Arrow has chosen to be true to the principles their father taught him. He's going to accept whatever punishment comes his way for killing the Artist, no matter what that means for his life. It also means that, eventually, Damien will come after Keith for disobeying him and that means that Keith, Conner, Lian, Oliver will all be killed by the League of Assassins. They will all die, unless /someone/ makes the only choice left to make.

I'm sorry, Jane. Looks like I'm not coming home after all. Robert thinks to himself sadly.

And then Robert Queen stays true to the principles his mother taught him as a boy.

There are those who bring life, and those who deal death. You are the latter and never confuse yourself that you are the former, my son.

Merlyn uses the distraction to fire his arrow directly between Vontrell Griffin III's eyes, in the same manner that Keith killed the Artist.

Vontrell Griffin III dies instantly, the force of the shot throwing him backward over his ornate desk, his body twitching even though his mind is already dead.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 04:50 am UTC (link)
"No!!" Keith shouted. His heart skipped a beat and he tried to outrun the arrow. But he couldn't. Councilman Vontrell Griffin III was dead.

"Merlyn, why?!"

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 05:01 am UTC (link)
Merlyn is pretty sure that Councilman Griffin isn't the kind of man to let a conversation happen around him and not have some record. Even if the room isn't bugged, the man lying on the ground can hear him, as can anyone else entering the room at this time.

"I had to do it Green Arrow. You tried to stop me and you failed. Men like Griffin and Frank Wells don't deserve to draw breath, and my job is to make certain that they /don't/.

You win some, you lose some, hero. You lost this one, just like you lost in Gotham when I killed the Artist." Merlyn says.

"I put the arrow between Vontrell Griffin's eyes the same I did when Frank Wells begged for his life in that cell. You could stop me then and you couldn't stop me now.

I'm leaving, Green Arrow. The only way to stop me is to kill me, and we both know you don't have the guts for that." Merlyn says.

I'm sorry, little brother. You aren't fit to live life on the run. I've been running my whole life.

It's always Green Arrow vs. Merlyn. We could never change that, not even by being brothers.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-20 05:07 am UTC (link)

Keith was absolutely stunned. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He didn't understand what was going on. Robert just said that... he killed the Artist? But Keith killed the Arist. Why was he making that claim?


What the hell, Robert? I killed the Artist, not you...

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 03:42 am UTC (link)
The conversation between the brothers is interrupted as Red Robin bursts through the window, scattering glass and other debris about the floor as he rolls to his feet and assesses the situation.

Green Arrow is here as is...him?! How could /he/ be here?

"Merlyn." Red Robin growls. "I didn't know you'd finally joined the League. I always thought you were freelance. Whatever hold you've got on Green Arrow ends /now/." he says.

Then he tosses two disks at Merlyn, intending to drop him first.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 03:50 am UTC (link)
To say that Sin is surprised to see her brother in the room would be an understatement. She responds without words, instead drawing two dagger-type blades and throws them at Merlyn.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Red Robin-- Jade Canary-- Stop!!"

Keith punched the discs that Red Robin threw on their sides to knock them off course and away from Robert. He couldn't reach the daggers in time, though. Robert had to dodge those on his own, which Keith was worried about. He was still injured from his fight with Morgaine.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 05:50 am UTC (link)
Merlyn doesn't bother with words. He simply nocks and fires two arrows simultaneously, shooting down Sin's daggers before they can get to him.

He hopes that his skill is sufficient enough to give them pause, because that trick is going to be hard to duplicate and his shoulder is really hurting right now.

"I just killed Vontrell Griffin II, the same way I killed the Artist in Gotham. Green Arrow found me in his cell and failed to stop me, just like he tried right now and failed again.

So, Red Robin and Jade Canary, you two need to know a couple of things. I've disabled every man on these grounds with a fast-acting neurotoxin, including Griffin's children.

You can stop me or watch them all die as their nervous systems shut down. It's going to be extremely painful. Cheshire's poisons tend to be that way." he taunts.

"So, what's it going to be? Stop me or save these people?" Merlyn asks.

He has to hope they buy this bluff, because he's screwed otherwise.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 05:51 am UTC (link)
Red Robin sees Green Arrow move to defend Merlyn and his mind races, though his expression doesn't change. He doesn't understand why Green Arrow would be protecting this guy, but he obviously knows something that they don't.

"Arrow, step aside. We're taking this guy in. Whatever he's holding over your head, you don't have to worry about that anymore. If he killed the Artist, we'll see that he pays for it." Red Robin assures him.

"But you can't keep us from taking him." he says, once again drawing his staff.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 12:13 pm UTC (link)
Sin doesn't believe Merlyn about the toxin any more than she can believe that her brother is defending the villain in this. Something here isn't adding up--namely that Merlyn hasn't offered or revealed an antidote. But she doesn't want to take chances any more than she wants to see her brother get caught in the crossfire of a madman.

"I don't believe you, Merlyn," she says. "Red Robin, I'm going to check the children. Merlyn's yours. Green Arrow, with me. Now."

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 04:55 pm UTC (link)
Keith was at a loss for what to do. He finally understood what Robert was trying to do, but it was hard to be a witness to that. And at the same time, he didn't want to just let Sin and Tim take Robert down.

He grabbed his bow, nocked and fired an arrow at the ground. It was a smoke bomb arrow. The smoke released quickly started to fill up the room. He didn't say anything, though. Keith just wanted Robert to take the chance to get the hell out of there.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 05:23 pm UTC (link)
Robert wants to ask his brother to come with him. All they'd have to do is get to the harbor and they could be free men. Robert feels that there's a lot he could teach Keith, and a lot that he could learn from his brother as well.

But, in his heart, he knows that someday Keith will come to resent him for taking him away from his family. His parents, his brothers and sisters, and even his girlfriend. They all love him, and Keith wouldn't mean to, but he'd come to hate Robert for taking his life from him, no matter how great it would be to make this a permanent team-up.

He vowed to himself that he wouldn't let Keith sacrifice be in vain.

Merlyn runs in the direction of the door to the study, heading for the garage. If he can just get to a car, he can get out of here.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 05:26 pm UTC (link)
The smoke bomb both irritates and confuses Red Robin, but moreover, it crystallizes a suspicion he's had since the moment he entered the room.

Green Arrow, for whatever reason, seems to helping Merlyn. That's more distressing than the idea of Merlyn threatening Keith's family in any way, because Tim can understand a threat against his family.

"Merlyn!" he yells, moving his way through the smoke. Luckily, he'd memorized the layout of the room upon entering, so he knows the direction of the door as well.

Ducking low, Red Robin runs off after Merlyn.

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Re: Inside the Building
2011-02-21 05:31 pm UTC (link)
The only reason Jade Canary isn't subduing her little brother right now is the possibility that children are in danger. She does, however, level Green Arrow a look that says it all as she disappears from the room to check on the children, quickly ascertaining that Merlyn was, in fact, bluffing.

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2011-03-02 03:26 am UTC (link)

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