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Mia Dearden/Red Arrow ([info]redarrowmia) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-18 15:13:00

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Entry tags:npc - donna troy, npc - mia dearden

Hurrah for off days
"I'll take a large french vanilla coffee with an extra shot of expresso please."

It was one of the few days that Mia got off from the paper. And she was determined to enjoy it. No phones going off in the background, no one screaming to get their articles in by the deadline, and no one shoving a piece of paper and a red pen in her face, demanding for a quick spell check before they sent it to the editor for final approval.

Making her way out of the coffee shop, Mia Dearden took a long swig and put on her aviator sunglasses with her free hand.

Sighing happily, she made her way down the street where some of Star City's best shopping was.

Maybe she'd do some window shopping...or maybe she'd indulge and splurge on some desperately need new shoes...as the ones that she normally wore to work were looking just a tad worn out.

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2009-08-28 12:52 am UTC (link)
There's the sound of one of the last Polaroid insta-cams in the world going off behind her. Only one person she knows tries for the occasional candid shot before saying hello.

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2009-10-28 01:41 am UTC (link)
And a wide smile crosses her face, as she turns around, taking a sip of the latte.

"Playing paparazzi or is this part of an assignment or something?

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2009-10-28 07:28 am UTC (link)
The Amazon shrugs. "Just me. Just my camera. How's Ollie?"

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2009-10-30 04:37 am UTC (link)
Mia gave a little shrug of her own. "Okay, I guess. Debating finally going into retirement. Which he's been doing for about four years now."

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2009-11-14 09:36 am UTC (link)
"Only four years?" She quips. "Then we have, hopefully another three to go before he makes his peace or does something foolish." No bets on which one her father-in-law will do. "If he's going to retire, I can send Lian and Aiden to bother him more often."

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2009-11-15 06:42 am UTC (link)
A sly grin crosses Mia face. "If he does...you can always send them to him to harass him back into work."

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2009-11-15 07:16 am UTC (link)
She chuckles a little. "Exactly." It's not that Lian and Aiden were bad children. They just were very intelligent, aware, and stubborn. They were all thing Ollie loved, but more in the abstract sense on some days. "But knowing him, he'll feed them sugar, wire them up, and then send them back home."

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