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imperiousamazon ([info]imperiousamazon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-10-10 01:11:00

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Entry tags:corinna prince, jon kent

I call shenanigans!
Corinna was sure no one was going to be here for hours except for her.

That opened up far too many possibilities. So she decided to go with the fun one. Armed with a robe just in case Corinna made her way to the monitor room. Then she took off her robe nd hung it up for quick and easy access.

It was naked monitor duty time. No one would see her naked. She was sure this would be perfectly fine just for a few hours.

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2011-10-10 03:39 am UTC (link)
Jon has all the access codes, and virtually lives here some of the time. He had graduated early - Kryptonian brains and super speed and all, for his trip into space, and dedicates himself to hero work and not a lot else, aside from on Thursdays.

As such, he hadn't bothered to log himself in - no reason to worry about it. He spent some time updating the records and reading mission logs, then heads for the monitor room just to make sure whoever is on duty is doing alright.

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2011-10-10 03:42 am UTC (link)
Oh Gods will this be embarrassing for one of them.

The lights are dimmed and Corinna is periodically checking different situations to be sure no one needs to go take care of something.

Honestly she's bored. Today is the one day nothing is happening.

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2011-10-10 03:51 am UTC (link)
As usual, that someone will probably be Jon.

He walks into the main monitor room, just appearing in her peripheral vision, noticing someone in the main chair, but not who, or her current state. In other words, this would be a really bad time for her to, say, turn around or stand up when she notices movement.

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2011-10-10 03:55 am UTC (link)
This is of course exactly what happens. Corinna sees movement so she literally jumps.

hen turns and blinks because Jon isn't supposed to be here. And he's in the way of her being able to reach her robe. Oops. Instead of blushing or getting embarrassed she just simply raises one eyebrow.

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2011-10-10 03:59 am UTC (link)
And he... freezes. Not the best of reactions. He's within reach of her robe. He could try and look away, lots of things. But the surprise value and... well, Amazonness of it has him staring, and turning a shade of red to match the 'S'.

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2011-10-10 04:03 am UTC (link)
A hand moves to one hip. It probably doesn't help that despite being a warrior Corinna has some meat on her. Enough to warrant a little looking.

"Jon. If this makes you uncomfortable you could just hand me my robe."

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2011-10-10 04:10 am UTC (link)

Not the most intelligent or coherent of statements. He also realizes, when she speaks, that he hasn't been looking at her eyes. Usually, he's very good at this. He blames the surprise factor. Or will, when he has a chance to think later.

"Robe... right." he adds, gaze lifting about a foot and a bit... which, as it happens, does not help.

The blush remains. Darkens, even, if that were possibly.

Finally, he manages to grab at her robe... knocking it off the hook and to the floor in the process.

Not quite what he'd intended.

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2011-10-10 04:15 am UTC (link)
She's trying to not laugh. Casual nudity mustn't be something he is used to.

She moves past hi,m and bends giving Jon a very glorious sight. Not many would say no to a very firm and womanly shaped ass.

Then she comes back up holding her robe.

"I'm sorry I would have remained dressed if I knew you were here." And still naked.

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2011-10-10 04:17 am UTC (link)
Chivalry gets him in trouble on occasion. Usually, the worst is just racing Maria for doors. This time, its leaning down to pick up her robe when she moves, and the glorious sight ends up closer than he expected.

Jon straightens back up - and to say he's not used to casual nudity is an understatement. Maria has seen this shade of red on him. Not many others can say the same, even as easily embarassed as the bouu scout can be.

"Oh, its..." A lot of words sort of flicker to mind while he tries to pick out an appropriate one. "Its ok."

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2011-10-10 04:20 am UTC (link)
She pulls the robe around her body and ties it off. Thankfully it hits her knees so Jon doesn't have to worry too much.

Still it isn't a very thick robe. This is why the lights are dim right now.

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2011-10-10 04:23 am UTC (link)
He finds his brain a little at that point, somehow right about the time she's tying the robe off.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Ok, almost finds his brain a little.

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2011-10-10 04:27 am UTC (link)
"Jon. It's okay," Corinna assures him.

"This was all my fault. I thought I'd be alone for at least two more hours. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you into a situation like that."

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2011-10-10 04:29 am UTC (link)
He realizes how bad he was stammering, then shakes his head. "My fault. I forgot to sign in when I came to review mission logs."

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2011-10-10 11:49 am UTC (link)
"Still." Now she is smiling a bit. "I should have known better. What if there was an emergency? I can't run at full speed, I'm not wearing my leg brace today."

Should he look down he will see her leg is not inflamed today though.

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2011-10-10 01:00 pm UTC (link)
He nods. He'll let her accept that much of the blame - and blushes a little again when he realizes he's looking at her leg.

"Its looking pretty good, and that's what comms are for."

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2011-10-10 04:57 pm UTC (link)
At least this time it isn't the rest of her.

"Yes but....You just never know," Corinna tried to explain herself. She felt guilty still.

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2011-10-10 10:16 pm UTC (link)
He shakes his head. "First job of whoever is on watch duty isn't to respond to emergencies anyway. Its to find out who is in the area and get them en route. We'd still need someone here, after all. You were fine."

Which... he realizes after he says it might not have been the best wording. He doesn't want to encourage this... but she's not in violation of any rules.

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