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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-03 16:50:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

Who's the better thief?
Robin leans back on his hands to wait for a certain thief to arrive so they could start the competition. Perched on the edge of the roof of the Gotham Museum of Art, he lets his legs dangle over the edge while he waits. He's already checked the message a few times but does so once more before tucking it back into his belt, Art Museum roof 1am Tuesday. This could easily be a trap but he doubts it, because honestly the museum roof was not exactly the best place for an ambush and it wasn't her style.

A slow smile creeps over his face as he hears someone approach from behind.

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2012-01-04 12:47 am UTC (link)
He fully expected her to case the place out, after all he had the advantage of experience and if she went in blind there'd be no competition. This just makes it more fun.

There aren't many guards on his side of the museum and he's almost to the center exhibit where the necklace is being held when he gets nervous. He's not quite sure why but he's learnt to follow that gut feeling when it came to these things. He's been setting cameras to loop but if she's done that too and there are guards...the footage will look odd. Figuring he has enough time to spare Thomas takes a detour to the security room with all the footage. Not all museums have one, some have cameras only for show, but this one does. Hopefully there won't be a problem with the cameras but he has to be sure. Bat paranoia and his gut feeling make him go check. He'll no doubt lose time and she'll close the time gap now.

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2012-01-04 02:03 am UTC (link)
She only looped a few but added with his that might raise a few flags. Plus she has to disable a silent alarm at one point to make it look like it wasn't turned on just right to save her own bacon.

Either way that doesn't just catch her up with him she's ahead now enough to see that there's newly added security that she did not/ expect. It's new so she starts to be extra careful.

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2012-01-04 02:23 am UTC (link)
She's ahead now no doubt but he sneaks into the security room and looks over the footage. There's nothing that'll send them on high alert but if someone were to look... Thomas sets a few cameras he knows that both of them have bypassed by now back to normal. Looking through the computer he sees a brief record of the silent alarm going off but no doubt they put it off to a glitch when it turned off so quickly. Knowing the guard on break will be back soon, he wipes the record of it fixes the alarm and disappears off to go catch up again.

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2012-01-04 02:39 am UTC (link)
And then she is able to get around what she needs to. She waits up in the shadows as the guards move on to go check out another section. The night seems so still to the guards but not to her.

She finally is at the case.

She looks and blinks. She pulls out her flash light to double check because that didn't look right. She counts the stones and checks the coloration with a tool on her belt.

"Damn. That's a very expensive looking fake."

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2012-01-04 02:52 am UTC (link)
The guards have already passed by so he has nobody to watch out for as he makes his way to the exhibit. He gets through on autopilot, barely thinking since he's been here so often, until the new security. It's just another obstacle but he's extra careful when getting through it and is soon behind her.

"So it is a fake huh? Damn...wonder when it was stolen."

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2012-01-04 02:57 am UTC (link)
"Either that or they don't trust Gotham and want to protect their investment," she says carefully. "It's a very old piece. I'd almost feel bad if it was stolen for real."

Almost because she'd enjoy stealing it for real. So shiny and expensive.

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2012-01-04 03:03 am UTC (link)
"That's happened a few times. Although you'd think the museum would hire someone who would know it's a fake. That or they know and figure the public can't tell the difference." He glances back as he hears the guards making their rounds towards them.

"Well mission accomplished. We should get out of here, c'mon." Robin disappears back into the shadows to make his way out.

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2012-01-04 03:07 am UTC (link)
And she is right after him. He's right they don't want to get caught. It might ruin his reputation or something. Plus it just would look sketchy.

Besides she did all her crime earlier tonight. Robin has no idea either and she plans to keep it that way.

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2012-01-04 03:20 am UTC (link)
Getting out is easier than getting in, they've already been through all the security once so they know the way and soon they're out on the roof again only slightly breathless from booking it out of there.

"Well that was a close one." He's refering to the competition of course

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2012-01-04 03:30 am UTC (link)
"But I won," she teases looking very entertained. So entertained by her victory that she has slid up next to him smirking just so he can see how pleased she is.

This is going to end with more trouble. She can tell.

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2012-01-04 03:36 am UTC (link)
"Barely. And that's only because I went to cover our tracks and your little thing with the silent alarm," he pouts back but lets her scoot over as they sit on the edge of the roof. He smirks a little since they're awfully close now. "And what was the deal if you won again? Remind me Foxy."

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2012-01-04 03:44 am UTC (link)
"Pffft," she waves a hand. "You just don't like loosing. And the silent alarm thing had to be done."

She can't help but smirk up at him. "Oh I think it was just you not mentioning a little thing you saw."

Just that? Now she's trying to tease him. It's fun.

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2012-01-04 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Uh huh it had to be done now? Riiight. Well Foxy you're lucky I'm not a sore loser. But..." Now he smirks at her and leans a little closer, "Just that? I do recall you offering a consolation prize Foxy..."

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2012-01-04 03:59 am UTC (link)
"Consolation prize?" She looks so innocent as he brings that up. "I have no idea what you mean. Maybe you should help refresh my memory?"

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2012-01-04 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Well I do recall you saying that if you won I was to never mention the swing line again and...that you'd kiss me on top of that. Didn't you say you always kept your word?" They're awfully close now and he's giving her a teasing smile.

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2012-01-04 04:13 am UTC (link)
"Well I don't want to break my word," she says with a smirk. Carefully she slides one arm so it's hanging around his neck because he still has height in her. As soon as she is sure he won't get tugged awkwardly from that she kisses him.

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2012-01-04 04:27 am UTC (link)
Robin smirks back at her and waits to see what she'll do. Once she wraps her arm around him he leans into the kiss secretly somewhat glad he lost and has the excuse to do this.

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2012-01-04 04:36 am UTC (link)
He'll get that intell eventually. He just has to talk her into it or make her slip up. Right now that's not likely to happen.

For one they're not talking at all.

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2012-01-04 04:55 am UTC (link)
He's banking on that. It's an affordable (and enjoyable) loss, which he can never usually say.

Of course if anyone asks he's just convincing her not to escape. What? There was no reason the two of them had to go through those tired motions of fighting and bad movie lines. This was a much better solution. She certainly wasn't complaining.

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2012-01-04 05:02 am UTC (link)
Of course. Robin is preventing crime by distracting the thief.

Anyone would believe that. Especially with her arm around him. He's totally in control.

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2012-01-04 05:06 am UTC (link)
Exactly, distracting the thief is a task that takes a lot of attention. One wrong move could be disastrous.

Of course he can't let her have all the control so he wraps one arm around her waist and pulls her a little closer.

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2012-01-04 05:10 am UTC (link)
Oh no how will she ever escape? Rats. She is caught now. Especially with his hand near her utility kit. She would be hard pressed to get away if she wanted to.

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2012-01-04 05:18 am UTC (link)
The utility kit near his hand? Entirely intentional. Yep. He planned that one out. Clearly this method of catching a thief was far more sucessful, he clearly had her in his grasp. The kissing is just distraction so she won't realize he's caught her. Very well planned out this whole thing was.

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