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Sam Weaver ([info]angryarcher) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-23 23:02:00

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Entry tags:sam weaver, thomas kyle

Did you hear about the big shoot out? (Thomas)
Sam was in Gotham City tracking down a lead from some gunrunning that he had come across back in Star City. Sam had to say Gotham was kind of a depressing place in his opinion. Still he was doing a pretty good job trailing this guy. It looked like the guy was heading into a warehouse.

After the guy went into the building Sam started scouting the place out not wanting to get caught off guard about anything if he could help it.

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2012-01-24 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Archer," Sam says, "Got trained by Connor Hawke."

He figured that would be enough information for Robin. It wasn't like he knew this guy well enough to go into his full background or anything.

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2012-01-24 03:57 am UTC (link)
Robin just nods in acknowledgement. He figured the guy was an Arrow but confirmation was always nice.

"Gun shipment came in the other night. They're meeting up with a buyer right about now. You in?" He wasn't so stubborn as to not realize that some help on this sort of thing was a good idea. These things so easily turned to shoot-outs at the drop of a hat.

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2012-01-24 04:04 am UTC (link)
"Well I was going to go in there by myself so yeah," Sam says. Sam knew that in a fight two was definitely better than one.

"Want to make a plan or just play it by ear?"

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2012-01-24 04:32 am UTC (link)
"Too many people in right now to ambush it outright. Sneak in and wait for our chance is the best bet. Unless of course it all goes to hell in which case: screw the plan. You know, the usual."

Frankly he'd prefer if he could get some more inside intel, or at least a view of what was going on in there. But they'd done a good job of preventing him from having any opportunities to do so. Which meant a bit of improv, but he doubted that'd be anything new to this guy.

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2012-01-24 04:40 am UTC (link)
Sam nodded. "Got a few arrows that might help with that if we need it," He says, "But that sounds like a good idea to me."

Sam hadn't gotten a chance to really scout the area so he was going to take his word on what was going on there.

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2012-01-25 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Let's go. I'll take the north entrance," he says, nodding towards the warehouse.

There's a swoosh of the cape and Robin has disappeared off into the shadows.

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2012-01-25 02:26 am UTC (link)
"Ok. I'll take the south," Sam started saying, "Or you could just disappear."

Sam then positioned himself on the south before firing a zip-line arrow over to get in.

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2012-01-25 02:33 am UTC (link)
Robin sneaks in via the north entrance and is perched on the rafters of the warehouse, blending into the shadows.

He waits to see where Archer positions himself and then watches the proceedings below.

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2012-01-25 02:49 am UTC (link)
Getting into position high up on the opposite side Sam kept an eye on what was going on below him while he watched Robin to see what he was up too.

They guys on the ground where just talking right now while one showed off the guns they had.

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2012-01-25 02:57 am UTC (link)
Making note of Archer's position, Robin focuses on the buyer and his group. Especially since a few of them look more fidgety than they should be. He silently hopes that's just nerves on their part.

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2012-01-25 03:09 am UTC (link)
The talking started to turn a bit more aggressive as Sam watched. It seemed like the buyer wasn't happy about something and the seller waving a gun around as he talked did not seem to be helping in the slightest.

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2012-01-25 03:24 am UTC (link)
This was not looking good at the moment. Robin glances over to Archer to meet his eye just as the situation below decides to escalate.

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2012-01-25 03:36 am UTC (link)
Sam agreed with the not looking good thing and reached back for a arrow.

But things had already reached it's boiling point. And that's when bullets started to fly.

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2012-01-25 03:51 am UTC (link)
Wonderful, a full blown gun fight. Just his luck.

Choosing to not pull out the smoke bombs until the other guy gets a few arrows in, Robin sends a few batarangs at the leaders of the groups, aiming to disarm them.

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2012-01-25 04:02 am UTC (link)
Sam shot a couple of blunt arrows aiming for disarms especially the ones with the bigger guns.

He weighted his other options with his arrows as he went.

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2012-01-25 04:05 am UTC (link)
A few of the thugs are disarmed, so Robin throws a smoke bomb in their midst and jumps down to do some more up close and personal crimefighting.

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2012-01-25 04:15 am UTC (link)
Sam let loose a couple more arrows before the smoke became to thick for him to aim through. He then jumped down to join the fight. There had still been some gunfire even with the disarms before the smoke but even that had mostly stopped now.

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2012-01-25 04:57 am UTC (link)
Using the smoke as cover Robin sweeps one thug off his feet and a nerve strike once he hits the ground knocks that one out.

One down, a bunch to go.

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2012-01-25 10:57 pm UTC (link)
Sam put's his bow on his back as he lands. He then sends two quick kicks followed by a punch to the head to knock them out.

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2012-01-26 01:37 am UTC (link)
Robin continues trying to take out as many as possible before the smoke clears. He sends a vicious high kick to the back of one's head and moves to punch another one knowing that he didn't have much time before bullets began flying again.

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2012-01-26 03:08 am UTC (link)
Sam keeps on the move fighting as well. A punch to one guy before slamming his elbow back into another's face followed by kick.

Sam could see the smoke wasn't as thick as before and it was only a matter of time.

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2012-01-26 04:24 am UTC (link)
Three are down before the smoke has dissipated and Robin glances around for which of the remaining ones are armed.

"3 o'clock!" He shouts at Archer to warn him of a remaining gun, and charges towards a different one, pulling out the bo staff and extended it with a snap of his wrist, aiming to disarm his target.

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2012-01-26 04:38 am UTC (link)
"Thanks," Sam yells towards Robin. Taking his bow off his back, Sam spins towards the guy slamming the bow into the guys gun arm and head hard before he grabs and arrow from his quiver.

A few others with guns start to recover to be able to start shooting again.

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2012-01-26 04:50 am UTC (link)
His gunman disarmed, Robin takes him down with a well aimed swing of the bo staff at the man's windpipe. Target on the ground now, he takes the opportunity to knock him out.

Bullets start flying and Robin stays low as he runs behind a beam for cover. Glancing back to check that Archer is fine he pulls out a flash grenade and yells above the noise, "Eyes!" He hopes the guy will get the message.

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2012-01-26 01:40 pm UTC (link)
"Right," Sam says firing off a couple of arrows before closing his eyes tightly and ducking down below a punch.

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2012-01-26 02:02 pm UTC (link)
The flash grenade goes off in the middle of the fray, blinding everyone but the two heroes.

Robin takes the opportunity and dashes over to take out a few more of them while they're still blinded.

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2012-01-26 02:35 pm UTC (link)
Sam does a leg-sweep getting up taking a blinded guy down followed by some more arrows.

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2012-01-26 04:50 pm UTC (link)
There's some general confusion among both the buyers and sellers as most are taken down but a few recover from the flash enough to try and put up a fight...or run.

With only a few left and the guns on the floor, Robin spins his bo staff assessing the situation. "The seller is mine. I'll leave the rest to you."

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2012-01-26 07:32 pm UTC (link)
"Fine by me," Sam says pining a guy to the ground with a few well place arrows before turning to kick another guy.

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2012-01-27 02:53 am UTC (link)
It's just annoying when they run. Robin sends a batarang whizzing past the guy's ear as a warning shot. It panics the guy enough that he stops and turns only to be met with a fist to the face.

Robin glances over his shoulder to see if Archer is done. "How's it going?"

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2012-01-27 02:56 am UTC (link)
"Pretty good," Sam says back to Robin as he quickly slams his knee into his last guys face knocking him out.

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2012-01-27 03:08 am UTC (link)
He goes back over to survey the damage. Other than a few bruises from the occasional blind and lucky hit a thug got in and a bullet or two nicking his cape, this was a rather smooth end to a potential disasterous shootout. Which he couldn't say would've been the case if he had to do this alone.

"That went better than expected," Robin says as he glances over at one guy groaning on the ground with a broken nose.

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2012-01-27 04:09 am UTC (link)
Sam had faired well in the fight as well he had taken a few blows but they hadn't caused any real damage. Over all it seemed like this had turned out pretty well and this should put a stop to the issues he was dealing with in Star City.

"Yep a lot better," Sam says looking around the fight, "So do we call the cops now. I'm not exactly sure how you guys handle that stuff here."

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2012-01-27 04:27 am UTC (link)
While he may not be pleased this guy had barged into Gotham to do some crimefighting, the fact that he seemed willing to go by their rules made up for it. "Already did. They should be on their way now, we should leave, c'mon." And there's Bat disappearance of the night number two.

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2012-01-28 02:32 am UTC (link)
"You guys really do like to do that don't you," Sam says mostly to himself before heading outside for his own getaway after grabbing some of his arrows.

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2012-01-28 03:48 am UTC (link)
Robin is perched on the edge of a nearby rooftop, watching as the police cars start arriving.

"Well that should wrap up the dealer's business in Star City. Which is what I assume you came for?"

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2012-01-28 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Yep that definitely should," Sam says grinning as he gets his cable arrow fixed up, "Thanks for the help there."

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2012-01-28 04:00 am UTC (link)
"Nice working with you. I'll give you a call if I ever need a hand in Star City." For once he doesn't disappear and instead waits for the other guy to leave first.

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2012-01-28 04:11 am UTC (link)
"Thanks I'll be sure to help out," Sam says, "And it was nice working with you too."

Sam lines up a shot before leaving on a zip-line of a cable arrow away/

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