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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-01-31 22:36:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

Stick to the script Foxy
Robin decides to do one last sweep of the neighbourhood he's in before calling it a night. It's been pretty quiet, especially given that this isn't exactly one of the nicer neighbourhoods, and it's looking like he'll wrap up patrol early.

For fun he does a double flip to land on the next roof and is about to take off at a run to try and do the same for his next jump when he stops in his tracks, and stares at the bleeding figure on the rooftop for a long moment.

Was that?

No. Oh no.

And Robin takes off at a mad dash.

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2012-02-02 02:38 am UTC (link)
She's almost ready to doze off. She's very tired and understandable she isn't in any shape to stay awake for much longer.

"God I'm tired."

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2012-02-02 03:03 am UTC (link)
He gets up off the bed and just sighs. Clearing the place will come after he's sure she's asleep, there's some stuff he needs to take out of here.

Taking off his cape, Thomas drapes it over her and says, "Get some sleep Foxy. I'll check on you later."

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