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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-13 20:07:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

The Flowers Job
Sarah had needed to do a very simple job. Get into a party a gangster was throwing and plant some bugs. Her employer was trying to gather intelligence and wanted to make sure that he was covering all of his bases. Honestly was was far too easy for her to find a way into the party. Invitations were easy to get her hands on and with the right dress no one really wanted to ask questions either.

Guards were so easy to flirt past. Especially when she was putting out all the stops. She thought she might even check out the safe while she was here. This was proving to be an incredibly easy and fun job for the thief. She should just try really hard to not tempt fate.

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2012-02-17 02:44 am UTC (link)
This was what temptation really was wasn't it? This right here.

Because a part of him realizes she's serious. He so desperately wants to agree and knows that he can't. And although innerBat says it's because of the law thing, it's really not. She seemed to trust him and he...well he couldn't even remove his mask even if they did. It wasn't fair to her.

You didn't straight turn down a woman like this. That was just...wrong. But he couldn't...not yet anyway. No he needed to think this through, figure out what he was doing.

He casually twirls her hair and smiles, "Perhaps one day I'll take you up on that."

But damnit he really wants to now.

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2012-02-17 03:06 am UTC (link)
She gets that he's trying to not hurt her feelings. It's really sweet of him.

"You know where to find me."

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2012-02-17 03:10 am UTC (link)
As hard as it is to do, he lets go of her and takes back his cape.

He can't help the next part, he doesn't know why he feels the need to reveal what he knows but...

He kisses her once more and lets it linger, then whispers in her ear, "Good night Sarah." There's the signature bat disappearance off into the shadows now.

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