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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-19 23:02:00

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Entry tags:fox, thomas kyle

Happy Birthday Foxy
 In the ungodly hours of the morning, when even most vigilantes would be calling it a night, a silent alarm goes off. Except for once instead of any tell-tale signs of robbery there's a trail of blood and discarded clothing. First the cape. Then gloves. Crushed utility belt. And finally the tunic that gives it all away.

He's a crumpled figure on the floor,  surrounded by bits of a first aid kit that he's managed to knock off the shelf before collapsing, and propped up against the wall in what is both the most convenient and inconvenient position. It's the only way he can see the stab wound, one of many, just below his ribs in order to stitch it. But it's also the position he's bleeding out the fastest in.
The blood loss, blurry vision and shaky hands are making this worse, and he's completely oblivious to his surroundings at the moment.

Not that it mattered much at this point.

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2012-03-20 02:24 am UTC (link)
She's got to go now. He needs that blood in him.

She's worried she won't be fast enough.

"Please don't die Robin." If he does she doesn't know what she'll do.

In five minutes she has her contact on the line and a meeting spot. She's out the door and has to make it there as fast as she can.

And she has to give this guy lots of cold hard cash to make this work.

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2012-03-20 02:27 am UTC (link)
The more minor injuries can be left unstitched, she's gotten the larger ones that were causing most of the blood loss closed up.

When she gets back he'll still be there as she left him, lying in a pool of blood. At least now most of it wouldn't be fresh.

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2012-03-20 02:38 am UTC (link)
"You son of a bitch," she curses then decides to move him. He can have her bed. She'll take the couch.

Besides the fact it will be easier for him to recover plus she can use the poster to get the blood in him.

"If you die I'm going to find a goddamn wizard," she mutters loudly.

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2012-03-20 02:42 am UTC (link)
He's much taller than her, and despite his lean build, muscle makes him heavier than he seems. He's not easy to drag to her bed, and he's completely out right now.

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2012-03-20 02:47 am UTC (link)
Her body hates this. He is one big guy compared to her. She gets him in bed then starts setting up the bag of blood for his transfusion.

"You'll live."

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2012-03-20 02:50 am UTC (link)
He'll feel bad later about having bled all over her safehouse, from the floor to her sheets to stray hand-prints on the wall.

He's lucky she was close by and that the nearest safehouse had been hers.

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2012-03-20 02:53 am UTC (link)
Once she's sure he's safe she's going to start cleaning. It will keep her busy so she won't freak out.

And she already knows she'll have to throw out her rug that he was on. Not a big deal, really.

Once things look cleaner she passes out on her couch. She had already been really tired when he woke her up.

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