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Iris West/Impulse ([info]catchmeifyoucan) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-29 01:20:00

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It's an emotion, taking me over....
Iris laid on her stomach in her bedroom at home.

She was bored. Her homework was done, there was nothing good on t.v., and almost everyone was busy. If there was one thing that Iris hated, it was being bored. She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, looked out her window, and heaved a sigh.

Why was there never anything to do around here?

The radio, which had been playing an upbeat Taylor Swift song, suddenly cut off in the middle of the chorus.

"Word that the Rainbow Raiderettes have appeared in downtown Keystone City has reached us here at KX293 FM. The Raiderettes are currently making their way through the stores at the Golden Ridge Plaza...shoppers are in a panic...."

Iris didn't need to hear anymore. She hopped up, grinning. Finally, something to DO. Quickly changing into her Impulse costume, Iris zipped out of the house, and down to Golden Ridge Plaza. She didn't think to call Jai or her Dad.

She could take them with one hand behind her back.

She was, after all, the Fastest Girl Alive.

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