DC Next Generation

(no subject) @ 06:36 pm


It is about two hours after his arrival in this alternate Gotham. He feels marginally better since they got here. He and Thomas don't exactly get along right now. To Damian he is a strange Robin he doesn't know. He doesn't look like Red Robin or Nightwing so he isn't sure what to think of the obviously more experienced crime fighter.

Damian can see that this other Robin is the better Robin for now at least. Damian knows in time he will be at the level he wants to be so it doesn't bother him on the surface. He can't complain about his situation at the moment either. Right now they are waiting on results that show Damian is who he claims he is. They are running his blood sample and as much as Damian wishes they could instantly have the results these things take time.

At least they aren't sitting on a roof top waiting for it. The cave is comfortable and familiar even if there are some things that look out of place to his recent memory. He doesn't like this. It isn't home and he is worried that something bad has happened.

Beach Break @ 07:31 pm


Cian was rather glad to have a calm moment away from heroics and work. As much as he loved both of them it could get rather stressful at times and it had cut time out of his favorite thing to do surfing. He grabbed his longboard and left a note at the base telling them where he was going and inviting them to join him if they wanted before teleporting off.

The weather was nice at the beach he had picked and the surf was great. He could not wait to catch a few waves after he changed into his wet suit.

DC Next Generation