DC Next Generation

Ch-Ch-Changes @ 08:21 pm

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The fact of the matter was...  Heather was changing.  Ever since she'd finished regrowing her legs from the last batch of injuries (and thank goodness no insane space people had tried to do anything in the time since), and maybe even going back to the start of her relationship with Lenny, she had begun to feel... different.

When she kissed him, she could feel it.  Feel it in a way she'd thought was impossible since her transformation, since her senses of smell and taste and touch had all been stripped away from her.  Felt different in her skin, a skin that she had thought was hard and immobile, but seemed more flexible and yielding than before.

She was still definitely made of crystal... but what kind of crystal seemed different than before. 

A couple of weeks ago, she had gotten her sense of smell back.

Last week, she had felt different, as though she was no longer solid crystal through and through.  But there had been nothing to test that.  Her sense of touch had begun to return with it.

Today, she had woken up starving.  She'd grown so used to powering herself off the feelings of love from people around her--and in a house with couples, that had not been hard--that she'd almost begun to forget what having to eat what like.

But today?  Today she was eating cereal.  It was plain cornflakes.

And it was the most wonderful thing ever.


DC Next Generation