DC Next Generation

Shadows in the Night @ 08:28 pm


Rutland, Vermont

Though Victoria was capable of long distance travel on her own, and of bringing other people with her when required, she had, instead, opted for Zachary's spells in taking them there.  A bit more obvious, perhaps, but also a good test of their enemy's reactions.

Frankly, Victoria was occasionally of the opinion that Rutland out to be razed to the ground and then mystically erased from memory.  Too many times over the years she'd been doing this, the trail had led back to this sleepy little town.  It had exactly two things going for it: a super-hero themed Halloween parade, and mystical phenomena.

"Be on your guard," she told the others.  "I am sensing... something."


Happy Birthday Maria (Open) @ 09:45 pm


He wasn't very good with birthdays or gifts but he did leave Maria presents on hers.
There was the usual card saying he'd cover her patrol tonight and any emergencies that cropped up, along with a short hand note about the short cut ways of getting out of police issue handcuffs. He'd included a few shirts too. And to actually include a gift with relatively nice sentiment behind it in the lot, he left her one of those individual sized cakes with 'Happy Me Day' on top with a candle. Okay, so it was bought from a bakery and no Alfred thing, and not really big enough to share much but...birthdays needed cake.

DC Next Generation