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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-05-31 12:51:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, steven garrick

The Producer, scene I, take I
Steven has discussed the details with Tess, and gotten his girlfriend's approval of his idea for generating income and helping her charitable projects. That was, in fact, an absolutely critical step considering exactly what he was planning to do. A critical step if he wanted to live, anyway.

The next step involves getting someone he's less familiar with involved - but he thinks he has something to offer. Using the JSA's contact directory, he calls Cindy Lord.

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2012-05-31 04:59 pm UTC (link)
"Miss Lord... Steven Garrick. If you have some time, I'd like to present a business proposal to you."

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2012-05-31 05:01 pm UTC (link)
"Nice to kindasorta meet you, Mr. Garrick. I'm all ears."

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2012-05-31 05:06 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not really familiar with how this works, but I do have some charts and documents that may help. Can I meet you somewhere for coffee, so I can give you all the details at once? I can get anywhere."

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2012-05-31 05:09 pm UTC (link)
"See you in half an hour?" She gives the address of a cafe.

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2012-05-31 05:15 pm UTC (link)
"Yep, no problem." he agrees.

By the time she gets there, he'll have everything organized - mostly in the form of a neatly organized folder set in front of her, along with a sample photography portfolio. He's placed his order already, and is settled in, reviewing his notes.

He stands when she arrives, offering a hand.

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2012-05-31 05:21 pm UTC (link)
Cindy shakes happily, places her order, and takes a seat. "Okay. Let's hear it," she says as she opens the folder.

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2012-05-31 05:37 pm UTC (link)
"Alright... so, what I'd like to do is start a small independent film production company, Speedforce Productions. I have a number of projects in mind, but I need starting capital.

To be in keeping with the super heroics aspect, and mitigate some of the negative image some may accuse us of presenting with some of the films, I'd like to start each film with a clip of the heroes who will be appearing in the films helping in their communities. On top of that, and I know this might cut into the capital repayment... but I think its worth it both in general, and because its a good cause, I'd like to split 50 percent of any profits between children's charities in the cities the heroes in the films represent, and Tess Holt's neighborhood initiative - helping pay for better security patrols, investments in infrastructure and so on to improve various neighborhoods.

So... good deeds aside, the salacious details. I have a couple of adventure pictures in mind, but those require a lot more money, advertising, build up... so I was hoping to start with two projects that mostly fund and promote themselves, require very little set up, and just eleven actresses, so to speak, for the first.

I'd like to do a Super-Heroines promotional calendar featuring 'good girl' art. Scantily clad, and in their recognizable colors, but no nudes or anything like that - and combine the calendar with a 'making of' video, both literally the making of, and short interviews, gratuitous photo shoots with some of the girls in their bikinis or the like... that sort of thing. Don't dumb them down - but put some humanity and a voice to go with the super-identities.

That's the first project. I can pitch others if you like - but I'm intending to try and do one thing at a time. I'm hoping this sounds like something with enough promise that you'd be willing to put up the starting funds, along with Tess Holt?"

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2012-05-31 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"So you've got a name and business plan, charitable agenda and other backing, and a creative direction that includes bikinis AND other things. " She reads over the file and grins. "I am so in"

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2012-05-31 05:56 pm UTC (link)
"I do have all those things, yes. I still need someone with some business chops to file for all of the necessary permits and file the right paperwork. With your investment, I might be able to hire someone - but if you're doubly in, I'd love to bring you in as a tertiary partner to handle all of that side of things. I'll do all the directing, filming, set decoration and the works, with Tess handling the relations with charities and public relations.

Of course, agreeing to come in on that side of a partnership would also allow you access to the sets... though I might also help you, in that case, to assist with recruiting. I can think of... 8 or 9 so far. And for a calendar, I need 11, if only because I'm thinking of cheating a little for June."

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2012-05-31 06:10 pm UTC (link)
"I'm up for handling those angles provided I get to hear about June"

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2012-05-31 06:17 pm UTC (link)
He grins, leaning in a little. "So, one of the classic good girl angles is not just scanty costumes, but judicious covering. I was thinking I might do a group shot of all of the actresses - holding up beach balls that cover everything vital. Specifically, each her mask on, and a beach ball in the colors of her costume - and no hint on if they're wearing anything behind them or not.

If we can't get 11 models for the calendar, then we might consider repeating the theme on a couple other months, with seasonal variations. But that's the one I have right now."

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2012-05-31 06:22 pm UTC (link)
"Now that sounds-- no pun intended-- terrific."

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2012-05-31 06:32 pm UTC (link)
"Was hoping you'd see it that way. So, Tess helped me write up the proposal there... the back page has roughly the figures we think we'll need as a starting investment, in a worst case scenario. If we run under budget, you'll get anything back we don't use. If it makes a profit beyond costs, half is split between the charities, and then the other half is divided between the three primaries and putting something down towards the next film... which, incidentally, follows a similar theme, but will be more... wrestling oriented.

If we can get those off the ground, then I'll be looking into trying for a couple things with some action and adventure. If you need time to review, let me know. Otherwise, we can start recruiting as soon as I have your signature, and I can start buying supplies."

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2012-05-31 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Cindy takes a few minutes drinking her drink and reviewing the figures. Then her pen i out and she's signing the right places

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2012-05-31 06:44 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you very much, Miss Lord. While there's always a possibility for things to not go as planned... we should be able to start getting SpeedForce Productions off the ground. Tess's number is in the files. If the two of you would like to conspire on getting the paperwork filed, I'll start making plans for a pizza get-together to pitch the idea to some of the models I have in mind. If you have suggestions or phone numbers, please let me know."

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2012-05-31 06:57 pm UTC (link)
I"Sounds like a plan. You have Avia's already, right?"

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2012-05-31 07:05 pm UTC (link)
"Tess and Cat from the JSA, Petra, Avia, Maria from the JLA and associates. Caitria Curry. My cousin Iris from the Titans. Probably the green girl from your team, if I'm reading her right. I'm pretty sure Pippi will want to sign on to do hair and make up from what I've heard, more than appearing on film. Who am I missing, if I needed 3 more?"

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2012-05-31 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Jess probably will, yeah. Barbie Queen is getting into the biz again, but she still might look a bit sickly. If you're going for Cait, you may as well try Corrine and promise to focus on her good side. Maybe Even Whatshername, Jon's girl..."

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2012-05-31 07:25 pm UTC (link)
"Good thoughts. Tess, Cat, Corrinna, Caitria, Petra, Avia, Maria, Jess, Iris... and I can invite Ash, Barbie and Alina so there's a little room for error. I'll just let them know there's a pizza party in the works, if you can draw up an NDA?"

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2012-05-31 07:29 pm UTC (link)
"I'll send it to you in the morning."

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2012-05-31 07:31 pm UTC (link)
"You work quickly. I think its going to be a pleasure doing business with you, Miss Lord. I'll trust you want to be there for the presentation?"

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2012-05-31 07:34 pm UTC (link)
"Definitely. Good to see everybody and reassure Jess if nothing else.

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