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Bobblehead ([info]bobblehead) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-19 18:57:00

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Entry tags:pippi peppers, thomas kyle

Gotham Fashion Week
Gotham wasn't quite New York or Paris, but its yearly high fashion show was one of the rising stars of the industry, recent and small enough that a lot of independent designers were there, big enough to start getting some of the names. Definitely big enough to draw Pippi's attention. She had her mom's handler arrange everything for her for all the events, her hotel, transport while there and so on, along with a chance to survey the town a little. She's heard all sorts of interesting things about the city - but mostly that no one there likes clowns. The circus even has to not use its clowns when they go through... she figures that's probably why everyone is so gloomy there.

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2012-10-26 03:47 am UTC (link)
"I hope you've told her that. Seems like she could use your help."

For some reason he really does want to see what counts as 'smart things' according to her. "Do you have the list with you?"

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2012-10-26 04:30 am UTC (link)
"I keep telling her that. She let me dress her up, do her hair, everything for prom. I don't have the list with me, but I do have it back at our base."

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2012-10-26 04:35 am UTC (link)
"That's nice of you," he smiled, knowing Dinah wasn't really the type to do that for herself. "Well, if we ever run into each other again I'd like to see the list." Self control. Do not laugh.

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2012-10-26 04:39 am UTC (link)
"I don't come to Gotham very often, but when I do, I'll try and remember to bring it."

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2012-10-26 04:41 am UTC (link)
"I sometimes venture out of Gotham for crimefighting reasons. Though I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't come back, quite the warm welcome we give here." Jokerz attacks were really not on the list of touristy experiences people wanted out of Gotham.

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2012-10-26 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Why would this make me not come back? No one was hurt, it was good exercise, and I helped two kittens. Next year there will be a fashion show too."

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2012-10-26 04:57 am UTC (link)
So maybe he's a little torn about her coming back to the city. On one hand, she had good intentions and didn't cause trouble this time but on the other...she was the sort of person it was best to supervise for these things anyway. Well, at least he could predict when she might show up and look for her on any guest lists. There was a fashion week every season after all, and predicting twice a year visits he could handle.

"Not everyone looks at things as positively but yes, it didn't go so bad." Could've been worse though, easily.

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2012-10-26 05:00 am UTC (link)
"Things can always be worse. It could be zombies again. Or maybe zombie clowns. Batman just doesn't have a very good attitude, and its getting to you too. The cat will help."

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2012-10-26 05:04 am UTC (link)
"Of course things could always be worse but doesn't mean they aren't bad enough." He chuckles slightly at that and as the kitten in question decides to climb onto his head. "I've always been like this, but I'm sure the little guy will make me a little better."

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2012-10-26 05:18 am UTC (link)
"That's not a very good attitude. You should be saying 'things are ok, now that the evil clowns are stopped, but they can get better!'" she replies with proper enthusiasm. "Mr. Paws will definitely help."

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2012-10-26 05:24 am UTC (link)
"...I don't think that sort of sentence will be heard from me any time soon." Or ever really. 'They can get better' most certainly not. He takes Mr. Paws off his new perch on top of his head so he can pet the kitten. "Well...Mr. Paws and I are getting along so I don't think it'll be a problem."

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2012-10-26 05:30 am UTC (link)
"And that's why Gotham has such a bad reputation. People just need a better outlook. But then anywhere that doesn't allow the circus has problems. I'm glad you're getting along though."

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2012-10-26 05:38 am UTC (link)
"...It's more like circuses don't come here because nobody would attend. Unless of course they took out the clown act."

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2012-10-26 05:44 am UTC (link)
"Which is still kind of sad, really. A few bad clowns have ruined all the good things about all the rest."

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2012-10-26 05:50 am UTC (link)
"What are the good things about clowns? I don't see the appeal. The circus has much more entertaining things."

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2012-10-26 05:57 am UTC (link)
"Of course it does. But at least good clowns want to try and make people laugh. Gotham could use more of that. And not the whole maniacal laughter thing. Just... more laughter, cheerfulness, color."

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2012-10-26 06:00 am UTC (link)
"There are comedians and that sort of stuff for laughter, the clowns can stay out of it." Thomas has to resist snorting here, people had said that stuff about Gotham before but his view of the city would always be a bit different from theirs. "Oh? How would you go about doing that?"

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2012-10-26 06:16 am UTC (link)
She considers that for a few moments, seeming to think very hard about it.

"I don't know. Redecoration, more pet adoption... at least. And have Batman stop being all broody and hidey. In most cities, the super heroes don't disappear when the cops show up. A lot of cities like their heroes. The Flash has a museum, Metropolis has a Superman day. Batman should come down to the city zoo and do something at the aviary or something. And smile more. A little more color, and a big Batman day would do a lot of good, I think."

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2012-10-26 01:06 pm UTC (link)
There's a long pause as he just blinks at her, trying to find out if she's really serious. She is.

What starts out as muffled laughter becomes full blown and Thomas just can't help himself. The image of Batman with a forced smile and a flock of birds on him trying to entertain children and the media was enough to make anyone break down into laughter.

Give him a minute to recover here.

"The happy and open thing doesn't work against criminals in Gotham, sorry," he finally responds while still pushing back laughter. There wasn't much point in explaining to her about fear and superstition, especially with regards to those who had no powers to use.

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2012-10-26 04:01 pm UTC (link)
"It only doesn't work because its been done one way for so long that no one even thinks of any other way." she replies. "And things don't change. He keeps beating the criminals, but the people still don't hope for anything different. They're just scared."

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2012-10-27 05:10 am UTC (link)
Thomas just shakes his head with a sad smile. "You underestimate Gothamites. They're a jaded lot. Whoever's here is here to stay. They don't scare easy, if they did...well, Gotham would've emptied out years ago. Things have gotten better here, make no mistake about that. We just have dismal press."

"As for the Batman press conferences and media appearances...that wouldn't work for us. We don't have powers Pippi, so we've got to use other methods." Now he lets Mr. Paws down so he can scurry over to play with Ms. Fluff. "Because at the end of the day, when it comes to crimefighting, it's always about fear in some way. Every person who fights crime or does law enforcement uses it. Even Superman." He shrugs and watches the kittens at play. Perhaps there was no point in going into how they used fear, but at the very least he wanted to make it clear that a happy and media friendly Batman would never happen and never work.

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2012-10-27 05:15 am UTC (link)
She considers that for a bit, then nods. "I remember, one of the things the Raiderettes did was fear. I didn't like that jewel very much... but it worked. It really worked sometimes. But all by itself, people would have been hurt, things sometimes just went wrong. Maybe some of the bad guys are afraid of Superman - but the good guys like him. And we still had to have the compassion and things to make it all work. At the end of the day, maybe it works. I guess its just sad that people have to become jaded to have it keep working, without all the hope and compassion and things. Maybe the good guys should make people scared sometimes - even the cops did those 'scared straight' things... I don't know what they had against gay people, but still... people who need help still want to talk to the cop, right? And they don't have powers. I just don't think it should be all about fear... I mean, people in Gotham are just scared of clowns too."

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2012-10-27 05:30 am UTC (link)
Out of all that he does manage to extract the message somehow but he needs to clarify one thing. "The good guys who don't like Batman are either sensitive, not so smart, or just don't get him. If they understood Batman they'd know that nobody is more about protecting the innocent than he is. But people forget that sadly. If you've done nothing wrong, you have no reason to fear the Batman. Simple as that. He's a very good guy under it all."

A little more sifting through bits is needed, including that part about cops and gay people which he's not quite seeing why that's there but who knew with her. "Compassion we do, not overtly but we do it in various ways but hope is a harder one to hit. And is useless if there's no action to act on it. So we start from the bottom. We clean up the streets, clean up the police force, get things safer and then people see that and they realize things are better here now. Not perfect, but better. So they stay. That's a form of hope isn't it? They see it's getting better. And if we've taken a city from a time where upstanding citizens could get gunned down in the streets to the point it's at today...how's that not hope it'll get better? We don't instill hope through talking about it, we do it by example."

He sighs and gives her a small smile. "Everyone works differently. What works for you won't necessarily work for me and vice versa. But at the end of the day I'd like to think some of the diverse methods out there balance. We need people who work with hope just as much as we do ones who work with fear. End results matter and, hey, if today's any indication, we're getting some good ones."

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2012-10-27 05:37 am UTC (link)
"That's just it - I don't think Batman gets it. Because the way people talk, /everyone/ is scared of him. Everyone else's kids, the good people. They all talk about him like the boogeyman. I bet he's just lonely and stuff... but I think maybe they know he's about protecting people... but I'm not sure all the people know that... and most of the other super heroes... they know, but they're all scared of him anyway."

She pauses, and sighs. "I'm glad it works for you and maybe things are getting better. But I hope a kitten helps him be less lonely while he's being scary and broody."

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2012-10-27 05:46 am UTC (link)
There's a slight amused look now. "Oh that's an entirely different matter. It's because he plays the boogeyman and the devil's advocate when it comes to teams and decisions. Someone needs to say the not-so-polite-and-nice things and he does it, so that way the others don't have to and they keep a good reputation. It's how things go, there's always got to be one. So as a result he doesn't have the nicest reputation but he is the most reliable person you could ever want on your side. And think about it, no Robin or Batgirl is ever scared of him. Because we know why he does things and that he isn't concerned about seeming like a nice person to others. If you don't think he's nice, then you fear him more."

Mr. Paws comes back and decides to climb the cape again. "The kitten is for me, but I'll make sure he keeps Batman company in his broody moods. He'll have a good home. Make sure you find a good one for yours."

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(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 05:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-27 05:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 06:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-27 06:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 11:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-27 11:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 11:36 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-27 11:37 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-28 12:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-28 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-28 12:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-28 12:51 am UTC

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