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nightflame ([info]nightflame) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2013-02-04 13:45:00

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Entry tags:clark kent, janie drake

Daily Routine (Janie)
So, it kinda became the usual thing for Clark and Janie to fly together.  They had this meeting spot right on the border of New York that was a perfect starting place for the traditional 300 kilometer race.  Then it was just leisurely flying and talking.  Clark brought his backpack, which had some food his mom made.  He'd told her about Janie and that she was cool, so his mom always baked something for them to eat.  Hey, it was after school hours and Clark was always done with his homework early;  why not let the boy hang out with a super-powered girl in the sky?

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2013-02-18 06:34 pm UTC (link)
"A debt? Weeeell, I guess as long as I can have some goldfish."

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2013-02-18 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, you owe me one, I'll collect another time," she smiled and held out the bag of goldfish for him to take from. Super favours were never a bad thing to have.

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