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brainiac_6 ([info]brainiac_6) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-13 23:39:00

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Entry tags:inactive - brainiac 6, inactive - j'anna j'onnz

Oh, no! Temporal Trouble!
Alura's head was spinning, reeling.  Her sense of direction and position, usually almost flawless, was currently failing her.  Her immediate memory was hazy too.  She remembered fighting... someone, something, but the details were fuzzy.  Troubling, that.  Her 12th level intellect gave her a flawless recall.  How could she not remember what had happened to her?

There was also, it seemed to be, the matter of reentry.  She was falling, had already reached terminal velocity. She quickly calculated her relative position in the sky compared to her rate of falling and deduced that even if she could regain completely control of her faculties--something that currently seemed to be eluding her--she would not be able to stop in time.


The Kryptonian/Coluan hero hit the pavement in Star City hard, like a meteor strike.

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2010-08-14 02:58 am UTC (link)
"Twenty-first. Welcome. I'm guessing by your expression that this is not the particular thread of time that you are accustomed to. Don't worry, we have cheeseburgers."

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2010-08-14 03:06 am UTC (link)
"I am from the thirty-first century," she said plainly.

She frowned. "Strange. I do not recall how I came to be here."

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2010-08-14 03:17 am UTC (link)
"You fell from the sky. I'm guessing wormhole."

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2010-08-14 03:33 am UTC (link)
Alura's smile was a small one. "Hmm. I did not think humans of this century were nearly as well educated in such matters. I am pleased to see I was wrong."

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2010-08-15 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"The various theories that gave name and meaning to the concept of wormholes were actually developed during the twentieth century and are being explored at length at present." J'anna nodded. "Physics is cool."

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2010-08-15 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Hmm," Alura mused. "Our knowledge of this era is somewhat scant, I will admit."

She looked up and scanned for a moment with her super-vision. "Unfortunately, I can detect no signs of any such phenomena at the moment."

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2010-08-16 04:13 pm UTC (link)
"That's likely because wormholes are surmised to be very...undetectable and sudden. Looks like you're stuck here for a bit, but on the upside of this you can use the time to fill in gaps about your era's knowledge of mine. Hungry? I was on my way to lunch."

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2010-08-16 11:53 pm UTC (link)
She allowed herself a small smile. "It is just as likely my teammates may be looking for me. The Legion has always had a strong affinity for this time period."

She nodded. "I suppose foodstuffs would be fine for the moment. I admit to still being a bit shaken from the landing."

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2010-08-17 12:14 am UTC (link)
"...do they have cheeseburgers where you're from? Or chocos?"

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2010-08-17 12:36 am UTC (link)
"Oh? You have not invented Ultra Chocos yet?"

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2010-08-17 12:38 am UTC (link)
J'anna's eyes grew wide and her expression enraptured.

"What is an Ultra Choco?"

For a moment, her Martian form threatened to come through and her eyes went red.

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2010-08-17 12:43 am UTC (link)
"Sometime between my time and yours," Alura explained, briefly noting the change in eye color, "colonial scientists on Mars will develop a creme filling for Chocos seventeen times more delicious than the original product."

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2010-08-17 12:46 am UTC (link)
More delicious Chocos? Could it be? J'anna was ready to demand to be taken to this stranger's time when something else snagged at her.

"...who colonizes my homeworld?"

Okay, so technically her father's homeworld. Close enough.

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2010-08-17 01:07 am UTC (link)
"Humans," she said. "Invited to settle there by a descendant of original Martians."

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2010-08-17 01:09 am UTC (link)
J'anna blinked.

"That...would have to be a descendent of mine. Or, given the lifespan of a Martian...actually me."

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2010-08-17 01:17 am UTC (link)
Alura nodded. "I had suspected you were not entirely human," she said. "But I had been unable to decipher what."

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2010-08-17 01:19 am UTC (link)
"Martian. I'm J'anna J'onnz."

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2010-08-17 01:27 am UTC (link)
"Alura Dox. Kryptonian-Coluan hybrid."

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2010-08-17 01:54 am UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you. The idea of people being granted permission to colonize Mars fascinates me. I think this is going to consume me for some time. My father will find this of interest."

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2010-08-17 02:28 am UTC (link)
"Your father would be... J'onn J'onzz, correct?" she asked. "The legendary Manhunter from Mars?"

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2010-08-17 02:29 am UTC (link)
J'anna's face lit up with pride, her posture getting a little straighter.

"Yes. J'onn J'onnz is my father."

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2010-08-17 02:31 am UTC (link)
Alura smiled slightly. "He is well remembered, even into my time. Second only to Superman in establishing the foundations of trust between humans and the other races."

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2010-08-17 02:38 am UTC (link)
"And a noted fan of Chocos. That is very important to remember." J'anna smiled. "I would ask when it was that he passed, but I believe that to be unfair of me to ask, to want to know too much about history yet unwritten....even if I do want to know who authorized colonization of Mars."

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2010-08-17 02:51 am UTC (link)
"I shall remember that," she said. She nodded. "Yes. I should likely minimize disruptions to the past, if I can avoid them."

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2010-08-17 03:01 am UTC (link)
"Yes. Avoiding paradox is good. Though I may pester you about the colonization thing. Only so I can be proud of the improved Chocos contribution."

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2010-08-17 03:13 am UTC (link)
Alura smiled. "I will tell what I am able. Records from much of this era are spotty are best."

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2010-08-17 03:33 am UTC (link)
"That's very strange considering how much data gets passed around. Very curious."

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2010-08-17 03:44 am UTC (link)
Alura resisted the brief urge to speak of the nuclear wars which would wipe much of that and humanity out.

"Very strange," she agreed. "And most unfortunate."

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2010-08-17 03:47 am UTC (link)
J'anna caught just the briefest impression of what Alura was trying to conceal and stopped.

"Everything? Everything is destroyed? Everyone?"

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2010-08-17 03:50 am UTC (link)
Greif. Martians were telepathic, weren't they.

"Not everyone," she said, quietly. "But billions of lives were lost."

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2010-08-21 03:29 pm UTC (link)
J'anna remained shocked.

"There aren't that many billions on this planet."

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2010-08-22 12:07 am UTC (link)
"It is still some time in your future, though the exact date is hard to determine. But life will go on, and Earth will eventually become part of the galactic civilization."

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2010-08-22 01:57 am UTC (link)
"This is still troubling and creepy." J'anna worried if she knew too much now, considering that she would have an extended lifespan not unlike her father's. It would bother her for some time.

"So I believe I was taking you to food."

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2010-08-22 02:15 am UTC (link)
"I believe you were," Alura agreed, grateful to be off the subject of the future.


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2010-09-09 03:43 pm UTC (link)
(-end scene-)

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