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actionlad ([info]actionlad) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: The Marketplace
"Yeah. He's got a multi-billion credit business at least. Hell, he spent two billion on the ship that I'll be flying to get you guys around, and he's having my personal ship fixed on top of that. This organization is very well connected. He just.... Wants the best people he can get to do this. Whatever reason he chose each and every one of you, it's a good one," Cyrus says bouncing on his heels slightly.

"And I don't know, man. I've never even seen his face and I've been with them for a couple weeks. What I do know about the Elusive man is that he actually wants to help. He is very interested in making sure we can save the people who were taken.... And find out who is behind this. Urdex says no one meets the Elusive man face to face anymore. People have tried killing him, and whatever so no one even knows what he looks like so he can protect himself so he can spread head Cerberus. The whole name of his little organization."

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