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dc_gods ([info]dc_gods) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-10-08 11:41:00

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Entry tags:inactive - traya smith, npc - jai west, plot - "time of troubles"

Hermes and Jai West
Hermes, son of Zeus and Maia, was the patron god of commerce, thieves, travelers, sports, and border crossings and also the messenger of the gods, skidded to a halt in front of Jai West.

"Jai West, son of Wally West, I am Hermes and you have been selected to be my avatar during this time of troubles."

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2010-10-08 03:39 pm UTC (link)
"We cannot interfere with the affairs of mortals, but left unchecked the Titans will destroy the world and destroy the gods. I need you to use my powers and act in my stead to defeat the Titans."

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2010-10-08 04:21 pm UTC (link)
Jai is a great student in school, but his Greek Mythology has always been a little fuzzy. Still, he listens intently.

"The Titans are bad news. Even I can agree with that. I'll help however I can, but...what can you do? I should probably know in case I need to practice this. Oh...and between us, the Gods aren't known for being very nice to humans.

This isn't going to come back and bite us, is it? I mean, you guys aren't going to decide later that we screwed up somehow and take it out on us, are you?" Jai asks.

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2010-10-08 04:41 pm UTC (link)
"We are not permitted to interfere in the realm of mortal," Hermes said. "You will know what do to with my powers. I can say this is that they will make you faster than what you are now. No one will be able to catch you, not even another member of your speedy family."

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2010-10-08 05:02 pm UTC (link)
/That/ got Jai's attention. He's only dreamed of ever being able to catch his dad in a race.

And despite what Iris always said, the two of them had never been able to outrun each other. The idea that he might be faster than /either/ of them was appealing.

Why did this stuff only happen when the world was in trouble?

"Okay, well, I'm all about helping save the world, so count me in. When do I start and how do we go about this?" Jai asks.

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2010-10-08 07:30 pm UTC (link)
Hermes smiled. "Don't move." Hermes reached out and placed a hand on Jai's shoulder. The two of them were engulfed by a bright light. Then as suddenly as it appeared it disappeared.

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2010-10-08 07:56 pm UTC (link)
For a long moment, Jai didn't feel any different before. He was about to ask if that was all there was to it, because he had to get back to school. He still had finish up a few math problems for his Pre-Calc class; the last five had burned his brain pretty badly even though th answers were 18, y= 2, x= 7, -2, and 11.

/Wait a minute. I didn't know those last night./

Jai looked at Hermes, then at the street behind them. Everyone seemed to stand still, like they were frozen. Then everyone moved, so slowly, so minutely that Jai blinked again because he wasn't sure he caught it.

"How fast did you say I would be again?" Jai asks in shock.

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2010-10-08 07:59 pm UTC (link)
Hermes grinned impishly. "The fastest thing alive. Help your fellow avatars and heroes defeat the Titans. Use your powers wisely."

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2010-10-08 08:09 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, definitely." Jai nods. "I gotta get back to school, Hermes, but thank you. Really, thank you."

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2010-10-09 12:40 am UTC (link)
Hermes grinned and gave Jai a wink before disappearing.

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