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kneelbeforeme ([info]kneelbeforeme) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-09 11:44:00

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Entry tags:inactive - kayla luthor, inactive - kieran grey

Holidays and revelations (open).
Kayla Luthor hated Christmas.  She hated the music, the crowds, the decorations, everything.  She even hated the television programming.  The only thing she didn't hate was shopping, but that was mostly because she didn't particularly have a spending limit. She was, legally, a Luthor.  Money wasn't ever really an object.  She got what she wanted, whenever she wanted it, and and she didn't care who or what was in the way.  Obstacles quickly got out of her way.  The shopping at Christmas was just another opportunity to exert her power and control that way.  It was, in a sense, what Luthor's did.

Except she didn't really feel like a Luthor.  All the money and all the name-value didn't change the fact that she felt a little hollow, as though there was something more she was supposed to have.  Her hatred of Christmas?  Came from the idea that it was a family holiday and the Luthors certain weren't Hallmark or Kodak families.  Her arms laden with bags and packages, she sat down at a cafe to people watch a little.  Everyone seemed to have something that she didn't.

For once, instead of rage the poor little rich girl only felt...sad.  Sad.  That was a feeling she wasn't used to.

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2010-12-10 02:56 am UTC (link)
“That’s sad to hear,” Kieran said, “Why can’t you spend time with your adoptive parents?”

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2010-12-10 03:00 am UTC (link)
"It's somewhat complicated. I think parents might be too strong a word for this. I have no mother. I never have."

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2010-12-10 03:06 am UTC (link)
“I understand complicated parental situations,” Kieran said, “I haven’t talked to mine in years.”

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2010-12-10 03:25 am UTC (link)
Kayla looked carefully at the man, her pristine blue eyes studying him with curiosity and interest though otherwise devoid of much emotion. She had her mother's Kryptonian eyes, deeper than human eyes, for better or for worse.

"Perhaps then you should speak to them rather than me. I'm a stranger. Surely family is more important than conversations with the random persons in this city."

She was feeling that uncomfortable emotion again. Sadness.

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2010-12-10 03:39 am UTC (link)
“That bridge burned down years ago,” Kieran said. His parents did like to keep an ocean between them if possible.

“If you want me to go all you have to do is ask I won’t be offended.” Kieran gave a warm smile.

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2010-12-12 01:35 am UTC (link)
"I'm not telling you to go. I'm just...somewhat amused that you've chosen to spend your time talking with a less-than-hospitable stranger with issues."

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2010-12-12 01:54 am UTC (link)
“I think it’s a good way to spend time doing good like that.”

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2010-12-17 05:10 pm UTC (link)
"I'm surprised someone hasn't hurt you yet. You're like a very fluffy kitten."

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2010-12-17 06:43 pm UTC (link)
“I like to think it’s because I’m a good judge of character,” Kieran said. He did find the kitten thing to be a bit disconcerting.

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2010-12-24 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"That's an interesting view on things. It's...remarkable that you're so optimistic. Are you always like this, truly?"

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2010-12-25 12:18 am UTC (link)
“I try to be as much as possible even if I don’t always feel it,” Kieran admits. He had been through hell lately.

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2010-12-25 02:36 am UTC (link)
"It's an interesting way to choose to be." She nodded sincerely.

"Thank you for talking with me this afternoon."

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2010-12-25 02:54 am UTC (link)
“It was my pleasure,” Kieran said with and earnest grin, “I hope it helps.”

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