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Angela Renee Waller-Holt ([info]yourkingismine) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Yes, sir, I'm watching the news as well and seeing the reports. The super-types are going to want blood for this one." Angela says.

You will take no offensive or investigative action regarding Superman's death. Do not involve the Suicide Squad at this time. Manchester Black speaks into her mind.

"Sir, the heroes are being dropped like flies right now. That kid from Keystone City is still missing, and two Atlanteans are dead as well. Not to mention that Hawkman and Hawkwoman are dead...again.

I know that millions of people die every day, but this is getting to be too well-timed and well-planned. They might think /we're/ hunting them again." Angela reasons.

Again, take no offensive action. This is actually /helping/ us in the long run, Agent Holt. The fewer of them there are, the less we have to monitor. Wait for further orders.

"Yes, sir." Angela says feeling Black's presence leave her mind.

This whole thing is bad and Angela can only think it's going to get worse.

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