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Natasha Romanova ([info]iron_widow) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-09-23 18:15:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", black knight, bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

With Great Power Comes... Shiny Faux Gold Belts, pt. 2
Natasha purchased the shortest and tightest little black dress she could find and a pair of killer heels to go with it. The dress of course showed off ample cleavage. She was going to negotiate with a man after all. They were easily distracted by the female body and Natasha was one to put her assets to full use.

Dani and Sarah were with her as the clients she represented and managed.

Natasha sauntered up to the guards at the door to the building. She gave them a small smile. "I am here to see Mr. Edward Garner," she said with a thick Russian accent.

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-07 05:06 am UTC (link)
Vice stops, accepting the coffee. He's got his armament, so the cookie will have to wait.
"Yeah, sure rookie. What's up?"

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-07 12:39 pm UTC (link)
"So, I'm finding myself liking this line of work. Been doing it awhile before this and security is my thing. Who do I need to impress to be more than on-call?

And how do I get more gigs? I could use the extra cash." Dane says.

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-07 04:47 pm UTC (link)
Vice looks at the man thoughtfully. "We move around the region some, but if you got no ties here, ain't too hard. We got another show in a week. Though..." he considers. "Well, depends on your skillset. I might be able to help you find a couple other gigs. I can see if the Doc is hiring."

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-08 12:17 am UTC (link)
"No. No ties to speak of. I'm pretty good in a fight, and people tend to give me a wide berth or answer my questions." Dane says.

"I can work any time needed, too, if that helps." Dane says, sipping his own cup of coffee.

"So, the guys in the white coats are cool, right? One the other guys wanted to stop 'em earlier, but I told 'em I saw them talking to Jackhammer and he let them thorough. Just want to make sure we don't hassle someone who's on the safe list, you know?"

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-08 12:27 am UTC (link)
Vice nods. "Yeah, that's the Power Broker people. About a quarter of the wrestlers, and most of security get their super strength and toughness through Power Broker. Its expensive, but hey... super strength, if you can pay for it. Most of us work security detail for Dr. Malus and Power Broker when there's no UCWF events going on. Tell you what, I'll talk to the Doc. If you got any references, maybe he can find a place for you." After all, they need to check new guys out to make sure they're not undercover cops or anything. But he knows Malus always has something needing doing.
"A lot of Power Broker's stuff is pretty secret, and who wouldn't want to try and get their hands on that kind of stuff, right? We might be able to use someone to ride security on shipments or work the desk at the labs." Or go on protection detail, or back off some of the doctor's enemies. People need to pass inspection before they get the bigger paying jobs though.

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-08 02:03 am UTC (link)
"You let me know. Security and bodyguarding are my things. I've got some other skills that make it easy, too." Dane says, filing the names away for later. He doesn't want to ask too many questions; that would raise flags.

Now, he just needs to get some references.

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-08 02:39 am UTC (link)
"Sounds good. I'll let you know. Do a good job tonight though, and I'll see what I can do for you."

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Re: Talking to the Power Tools
2010-10-10 03:46 pm UTC (link)
Dane nods and goes back to his post, intent on making a good impression on Vice.

He also makes sure to file this information away for the group meeting tonight.

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