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Hidan ([info]celibation) wrote in [info]itai,
@ 2010-07-11 07:05:00

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A GENERIC HIDAN? too lazy to make non-TC journal w/e u luv me
If humans have the biggest brains out of all the special little creatures, why the hell can't I find someone who can hold a decent conversation for once. No I don't want to hear your philosophical bullshit and a holistic cure for having a limp nutsack and I don't give a shaken ass about how great your girlfriend fucks. For all the big sopping brains around, you'd think something interesting would be said every once in a while.

And don't pull that "if you want news, make it." I said no philosophical dook.

And it's not complaining! Reporting the facts, alright?

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2010-07-12 04:17 am UTC (link)
It wouldn't be the homeless cause they would fuck you over before you had the chance.

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2010-07-12 04:18 am UTC (link)
Everything is sex with you.

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2010-07-12 04:28 am UTC (link)
Because from the way you started this out, it really looks like you are in for a deep and meaningful relationship.

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2010-07-15 04:22 am UTC (link)
What I said had nothing to do with that! Not like you'd understand deep and meaningful, dribbly whore.

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2010-07-15 12:09 pm UTC (link)
Trying to justify it now, huh. Admit it, you want that fluffy bullshit.

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2010-07-20 04:19 am UTC (link)
Don't confuse your own loneliness for something I posses.

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2010-07-20 12:15 pm UTC (link)
You just want to be held, don't you?

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