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Pixie ([info]pinkfairydust) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2010-11-14 20:53:00

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Entry tags:pixie, prodigy, wind dancer

Pixies and Demons (open)
Pixie had a lot of expectations about being an X-Man.  She thought it would be action-packed, lots of adventure, butt-kicking and do-gooding as they swept in as a team to save the day.  The first few times she put her uniform on she had done it with a sense of pride and anticipation, checking that everything was in its proper place so that she would be ready to do something legendary, something epic.  It didn't take long for her to realize that for the most part the most exciting thing she would get to do was inadvertently blast Wolverine with her pixie dust and end up in detention for month because he hallucinated rabid unicorns.

With hoof-claws.  Laughing at him probably hadn't been a good idea, in retrospect but there wasn't much she could do now.  Now she was stuck dealing with her detention.  At least there was a variety to her punishment.  First week she'd been assigned to an extra study hall.  Second week she had to clean all of the common rooms in the Mansion.  Third week had involved washing the Blackbird, and her final week was tailored to raking all of the leaves on the school grounds.  Because the grounds were so big, Pixie popped on a comm device and teleported herself out to the furthest end of the grounds, rake in hand.  It was kind of a zen job, really.  It let her just think.  Which is why she at first thought she was imagining things when she noticed movement in the woods just a few yards further out.  Then, she saw it again, and heard noises.  It...was dragging something.  Something decidedly not an animal.

"Um...can anyone hear me?"

She spoke over the comm, keeping her voice very low. 

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2010-11-19 01:14 am UTC (link)
Tactics weren't Sofia's thing. She'd let David handle those, and throw her weight around where they needed her too.

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2010-11-20 03:11 am UTC (link)
"I...I can do that." She paused. "Pleasedon'tgetyourselfhurt. I mean, I'd go to limbo for you, but I'd rather not."

Pixie looked at Sofia.

"Ready to disappear?"

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2010-11-25 01:44 pm UTC (link)
"Sofia, when I point at them, I want you to throw a wind blast at the one on the far right, as hard as you can." he says.

"I'm going to see if I can establish dominance before they decide to figure out what we taste like." he says.

"If we can do that, I can drive them off before we get too far ahead of ourselves." he says.

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2010-11-26 03:38 am UTC (link)
Sofia nodded. "I can do that, David," she said.

She turned to Pixie. "Ready. Let's send these guys back where they came from."

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2010-12-02 05:51 am UTC (link)
"Okay, here we go." A few whispered words later and Sofia and Pixie both simply disappeared.

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2010-12-04 11:58 pm UTC (link)
Swallowing his fear at what he's about to attempt, David turns, then marches in the direction of the demons.

"Thou art not welcome here, creatures. This ist my domain and dominion and thine trespasses art not welcome.

Depart from this place and be spared." David says.

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2010-12-12 01:14 am UTC (link)
Pixie almost couldn't bear to watch but at the same time it was too good not to watch. She peeked through her fingers and...was surprised as the n'garai seemed to regard David with...respect? The smaller of them started to flee.

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2010-12-27 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Sofia watched David talk to the demons, waiting to see if she'd have to make a move. She made sure to stay very still and quiet.

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2010-12-28 04:52 pm UTC (link)
Pixie watched as what appeared to be the lead demon stepped up to David, obviously pissed. Pixie grabbed Sofia's hand. David was goingto have to give the signal. They were going to have to show force rather than speak it and frankly, that freaked Pixie out. She didn't want David to get eaten.

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2010-12-30 04:39 am UTC (link)
Oh, did David ever give The Signal. He really hoped Sofia knew what it was.

"You have no place here. Begone!" David intones.

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2011-01-01 04:51 pm UTC (link)
Sofia squeezed Pixie's hand.

Seeing the signal, she sent us a gust of wind in the demon's direction...hoping that she was doing something right.

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2011-01-06 03:42 pm UTC (link)
Sofia's aim was a little off, but the demon got the message all the same. His beady eyes widened at David and there were sharp noises that came from his mouth as speech. Those around him quickly began to scramble and the head demon bowed and quickly backed away, obviously frightened. In short order, they were all gone. They had left behind the bodies, though.

Pixie had her face hidden in her hands.

"They...they didn't eat David did they?"

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2011-01-14 01:05 am UTC (link)
"No, they didn't, Pix. He's okay." David grins.

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2011-01-14 01:07 am UTC (link)
Briefly forgetting she's still invisible, Pixie runs and pounces David with the mightiest hug the slight girl can manage.


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2011-01-14 01:09 am UTC (link)
Sofia laughed. "He'd totally be worth going to hell for, though."

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2011-01-14 01:12 am UTC (link)
"Yes, oh yes absolutely. I would gladly face down the worst demons for him!"

And then, she meeped, hoping she hadn't just embarassed herself.

Still invisible.

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2011-01-14 01:16 am UTC (link)
"Now that we know that David is very badass and highly capable of scaring off demons... are we allowed to be visible again?"

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2011-01-22 06:05 pm UTC (link)
David is not expecting an invisible pounce-hug, so Pixie takes him down with little effort, despite being smaller than him.

"OOF!" is the most eloquent word he can manage at the time.

"I think...you can come out now. We scared them off, but you two did the heavy lifting. I'm just glad I paid attention back in my old theater class before I got here." David says.

He doesn't say anything about being worth going to hell for, though he knows his friends would come for him. They're awesome like that.

"So, ladies...we can all stay here and find something else to do, or we can go back to the school.

What's the vote?" he asks.

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2011-01-22 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Still semi-attached to David, Pixie returns to being visible.

"I'd say we should check to see how many bodies they've dragged into their little hidey hole, but maybe we should let someone else do that checking. I've had enough demons for today. They make me itch."

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2011-02-04 12:51 am UTC (link)
"I think we should come back with an army for that, just because I don't like my chances at fooling them again should they come back in five minutes with friends." David suggests.

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2011-02-04 02:02 am UTC (link)
"I agree with David," Sofia said. "We should probably have more people with us when we check their hideout."

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2011-02-04 02:03 am UTC (link)
Pixie nodded. And in a few moments, she teleported them out of there.


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