Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game

June 26th, 2011

Re-Match @ 04:33 pm


Paris was watching one of the screens getting a broadcast of some news service. A state visit by the president of Ghudaza to Washington, D.C. His teeth were grinding with every word the man spared for the cameras. He should probably turn this off. He had so few outlets for his anger here, and so much of it.

But he doesn't turn it off.

May 19th, 2011

Prelude and Field Trip. @ 06:13 pm


Exodus was quite happy to finally be having a chance to do something. But he wasn't going anywhere yet. Not with the exertions his Lord was engaging in.

Fresh-baked bread -- yes, a 12th-century soldier can bake -- with butter. Plenty of ice water. And he takes it to go check on his master.

Later, he can go find the children.

May 3rd, 2011

(no subject) @ 09:26 am


It was his old home and yet at the same time it was not his old home. Since he had arrived Erik had learned the magnetic structures of his area until once again he could monitor them without thinking. It was much the same as breathing or your heart beating to him to have the fields and waves of power and resistance constantly at the edges of his awareness. It was one of the reasons he was always so hard to sneak up on. It is hard to take someone by surprise when you have to move through the magnetic fields to get there.

Their role here was not sure yet. He encouraged Exodus to explore and speak with people while they waited but he had kept himself separate for now unless he was approached by someone. Those who approached were always treated openly and with honesty which might be a surprise for some. And he kept his helmet off to show his trust that even should Emma decide to transgress and look inside his mind that she would find only the intent he'd shown since the beginning.

They would figure out what to do with him eventually or at least allow him to figure that out for himself. Until then he waited.

April 25th, 2011

Touch the sky... @ 10:25 pm

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 Since she's gained control of her powers, Rogue has missed the high places.  She wouldn't ever trade the flight for the control over her powers but there are days where she wishes she could take off at will, to soar among the clouds.  It was easier to think, or easier not to think, when she was flying.  Instead, now, she has to make do with climbing as high as she can manage.  Usually, that's the top of the school and the mansion.

Today, she's up there, taking in the sun and the wind, watching the work going on around the island.  She tries to take a little bit of time every day to come up here but today, she's been here too long and she knows it.

April 21st, 2011

'Some virtues, when taken to the extremes, become crimes' @ 02:06 pm

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Paris had ventured out of his little room, which he mostly stayed in hoping that eventually there'd be something useful for him to do, to the public areas. He'd found a device with a lot of electronic books on it, including The Count of Monte Cristo. Exodus was quite fond of the book: brilliant victim emerges from his confinement to safeguard his people, take on loyal associates, and wreak justice against his enemies. A fine story. The only part he didn't like was where the Count makes a tragic mistake. It made him uncomfortable. Grand quests for justice shouldn't have tragic mistakes in them. They just shouldn't. One should just be able to enjoy the villains getting what was coming to them, and not worry about unforeseen consequences.

April 15th, 2011

These Things Happen To Other People. @ 06:01 pm


It was a very small room, with a very small bed, and nothing on the walls but a couple of hooks on which he had hung a 12th-Century arming-sword.

Exodus was deep in thought, his hands folded on his chest as if in prayer... or death.

April 9th, 2011

Nearly done and we still haven't started...(Open to X-Men) @ 04:37 pm


Scott Summers looked down at the stacks of paperwork and information on his desk with a critical eye. Trade agreements, delivery manifests and personnel reports were among the top things that he needed to find time to deal with. He also had to schedule time to talk to everyone in the various areas of Utopia on the progress of rebuilding from Bastion's attack. His people, both the X-Men and mutants in general, have been through so much recently that it was wonder they hadn't broken yet. Of course, there were many that did.

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Marvel Legends- A Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game