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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
Julian didn't blame Harry at all for not wanting to attract more attention to being a mutant than he already had. Some people enjoyed fame, others didn't.

"Look, this is normally the part where the guy in the suit tries to sell you his vision of the world and why you should be a part of it. I'm going to make this simple, though, Harry. You're a mutant, and you've accepted it. You're out and proud, even when you know what the backlash could be. That's inspiring, not only to me, but to others." Julian says.

"Now, I understand you're not big on fame, but you're in a position to help millions of people like you come to terms, not only with who they are, but their place in the world. You probably saw that Reverend Butler guy talking about how mutants need to register and identify themselves.

I don't believe that's necessary. People are scared now on both sides, but forced registration is only going to drive the divide deeper, especially if they're targeting a specific race of people. Why don't the Avengers have to register? Or the Fantastic Four?

What I'm proposing is...a little off the wall, and maybe dangerous. I'm proposing that a group of people stand up and show the world that forcing people to register isn't necessary. Both sides can find a common ground, if someone's willing to lead the way. You're known. So are DJ Whedon and Pauline Argosy. So is Jason Reed.

I think that if people stand up and show that mutants are trustworthy, and above all, proud of who they are...it might cause people to think about forcing everyone to register and starting a witch-hunt that's going to end poorly for everyone." Julian finishes.

"Of course, you can tell me I'm completely nuts right now, and I won't bother you further, too." he smiles.

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