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Dorthy James ([info]dorthyjames) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-13 22:03:00

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Entry tags:holiday, inactive - dorothy james, inactive - dream catcher, team - x-men

When everybody has somebody

It was a bitter day for Dorthy, just plain bitter. When she was little, her father would always come home from work with two dozen roses. Red for her mother, and pink for her. But now she was alone at Xavier's, on a day when everybody had somebody, and she had nobody. So instead of going downstairs and dealing with all the lovey dovey stuff, Dorthy grabbed her old copy of Pride and Prejudiceand began to read.

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2010-02-16 12:23 am UTC (link)
He extends a hand to her. "Only if you don't like my cooking." he replies with a smile and wink. "Come on."

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2010-02-16 12:48 am UTC (link)
Dorthy grinned standing up and flattening her black pleated skirt. "Lead the way."

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2010-02-16 12:57 am UTC (link)
He heads back out to the backyard. Its still pretty quiet, but he made sure to make plenty of food for as many as want to show up. "Make yourself comfortable. There's nothing too fancy, but I haven't had any complaints. There's lists for the scavenger hunt over there if you're interested."

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