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Melinda Dyars / Shatter ([info]shattered) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-21 12:51:00

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Fragile Glass, Hard Diamond
It's like a whole new life, Melinda thinks to herself, looking out the window of the cab as it pulls up to 1407 Graymalkin Lane. Across the ocean from her family, her old life, her life of ignoring the truth of who she was... and a chance to repair some of the damage she has done.

Her parents had a hard time hearing what had happened. Her brother had listened... and told her that he loved and supported her, but had no idea how to help her beyond that. Her mother had cried. Her father had just been angry... not at her, but at the situation. And late at night, she had heard him sobbing in their bedroom. They all told her that they didn't blame her for what she'd done.

But that didn't matter. They might not blame her, but... they didn't know. They didn't know what it felt like to kill people... and worse, to remember enjoying killing.

She had to come. She had to try to wash this stain on her soul clean... even if she didn't think she ever could.

She gathers her bags from the cab's trunk and heads for the front door. A short time later, a student guide helps point out her room, and opens her door for her, letting her in.

Melinda steps into the room, bags loading her down.

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