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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-25 21:34:00

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Entry tags:eternals, inactive - dae, kalypso, plot-"eternal damnation"

In Antarctica Ikaris and Eros led the group of Eternals, Titanian and Earth, toward the city of Olympia. Their home had been overrun by deviants and it was time to take it back. While they were here, another group of Eternals were taking Polaria back from the deviants. The ancient enemy would be driven back into the depths of the ocean.

They teleported from Titan to a location a hundred miles from the city. They took some time to recuperate and once they were ready, Ikaris and Eros led the group toward Olympia.

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2010-03-25 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Dae was among the group of Eternals going to Olympia. He flew over and focused his powers to make his body exceedingly hot. Touching him was a bad idea.

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2010-03-25 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Kal was next to her brother. Olympia was a second home to her and she would fight for it.

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2010-03-26 01:57 am UTC (link)
Skarpirus was wait in Olympis, she and the others knew that the Eternals would make a foolish attempt to retake their city but that was not going to happen while she and the others were there to stop them.

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2010-03-26 02:14 am UTC (link)
Kal kept to the air and she let loose a blast of a couple thousand degree heat from her hands at the first deviant she saw.

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2010-03-26 02:23 am UTC (link)
Skarpirus laughed at the young Eternals attack heat and fire were useless attacks against her kind. Skarpirus jumped in the air and flew straight towards Kal wanting to scratch her with her poison nails.

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2010-03-26 02:30 am UTC (link)
Okay so heat was ineffective against these deviants. Noted. Kal switched to concussive blasts from her hands hoping to knock her opponent into a building or something,

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2010-03-26 02:38 am UTC (link)
Caught off guard by the change in tactics, Skarpirus is sent flying into a building. This time prepared she flies at Kal preparing to breath an acid at her as soon as she gets close enough.

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2010-03-26 02:42 am UTC (link)
Kal was not going to let her get close. There was another blast of force waiting to meet her as she came at Kal.

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2010-03-26 02:50 am UTC (link)
The blast caught Skarpirus but not as badly as before and those blasts actually hurt. Taking a large piece of rumble Skarpirus hurls is at Kal before fling at her hoping to use it as cover and a distraction so that maybe she could finally land a hit on Kal.

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2010-03-26 02:56 am UTC (link)
Kal telekinetic grabbed the piece of debris and threw it to the side. She was distracted and Skarpirus' hit landed. It hurt and Kal went flying backward.

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2010-03-26 03:00 am UTC (link)
Taking the opportunity that Skarpirus had made for herself she flew after Kal ready to scratch her with her poisonous nails.

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2010-03-26 03:08 am UTC (link)
Kal didn't have time to recover before Skarpirus got her with her nails. Thankfully Eternals were immune to poison. Kal tried to throw the woman off of her.

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2010-03-26 03:13 am UTC (link)
Kal throws Skarpirus hard into a building; her head was starting to spin a little but not enough yet to really affect Skarpirus. Noting that the poison had done nothing she made a note of that and would try her acid breath on Kal the next chance she got.

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2010-03-26 03:15 am UTC (link)
Kal telekinetically grabbed Skarpirus and tried to toss her into another building.

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2010-03-26 03:26 am UTC (link)
Skarpirus was starting to get back on her feet when Kal throw her telekinetically into another wall. Skarpirus was starting get very mad at Kal and charged at her spuing acidic breath all over as she did.

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2010-03-26 03:29 am UTC (link)
Argh! Acid burned and hurt! Kal screamed and charged the attacking woman.

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2010-03-26 03:35 am UTC (link)
Skarpirus was glad that she had final been able to really hurt Kal but her head was now spinning when she collided with Kal and was sent flying into another wall. Skarpirus was now going to have trouble getting up after that.

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2010-03-26 03:38 am UTC (link)
Her skin hurt where the acid had struck. It was time to end this. Kal probably couldn't kill her, the thing was too tough, but there was a way to get her out of the fight. Kal charged and tried to grab the woman to teleport the thing out of there.

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2010-03-26 03:43 am UTC (link)
Normally Skarpirus would have had the strength to break free of Kal but right now all she could do was vainly struggle do to how hard it was for her to concentrate with her head spinning like it was. Even still whatever Kal was going to do to Skarpirus she had to do it fast before she could collect her bearing enough to put up a real fight.

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2010-03-26 03:46 am UTC (link)
Kal teleported them to a spot above Mauna Loa volcano and threw Skarpirus toward the fiery caldera.

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2010-03-26 03:52 am UTC (link)
Skarpirus was not really affected by the heat of the molten lava but when some of it started to harden around her it started to slow her down as she tried to escape to keep fighting for the deviants. By the time that she would be able to escape the lava she would still be too far from the Eternal cities to actually do anything to continue helping in the fight.

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2010-03-26 03:53 am UTC (link)
Kal teleported back to a spot outside of Olympia. She needed a few moments to recompose herself.

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2010-03-26 02:29 am UTC (link)
Tongree lumbered through the city and had been happy to hear the Eternals were attacking. This ought to be fun.

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2010-03-26 02:44 am UTC (link)
Dae was in the air and spotted a Deviant for an attack. he launched blasts of heat that only he could produce at it.

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2010-03-26 02:52 am UTC (link)
Tongree's rock like skin protected him from most of the blast. He was mildly warm. He inhaled deeply and then let out a breath of thick noxious fog.

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2010-03-26 01:22 pm UTC (link)
Dae flew above the fog and sent concussive blasts at where he last saw Tongree.

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2010-03-26 06:15 pm UTC (link)
Tongree was hit by the concussive blast and was knocked backward into a building. He picked himself up and looked around for the person responsible for the blst.

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2010-03-26 07:54 pm UTC (link)
Dae continued with the blasts and slowly got closer to the Deviant. He was planning something.

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2010-03-27 02:25 am UTC (link)
Tongree started for the man responsible for knocking him down.

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2010-03-28 01:53 am UTC (link)
Dae flew at the thing with heat rising around his body. No human would be able to get near him. He tried grabbing hold of the Deviant to melt its rocky skin (without knowing heat was largly ineffective when used like that against Deviants).

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2010-03-28 02:16 am UTC (link)
Tongree wasn't affected by the heat. He felt it, but it did nothing to him.

Tongree pulled back a rocky fist and hit the Eternal.

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2010-03-28 02:30 am UTC (link)
Dae was thrown back but recovered in the air. He wasn't a tough as the rest of the Eternals, but he was going to try. He heated up quickly and slipped down into the ice, going under Tongree and reaching out with his hands to try and pull the Deviant down.

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2010-03-28 02:45 am UTC (link)
The ice melting under his feet and his sheer weight brought Tongree down into the hole with no problems. He struggled to move and climb back out, but he couldn't get a hold of anything that would help him pull himself up.

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2010-03-28 02:48 am UTC (link)
Dae moved swiftly back to the air above the hole he'd put Tongree in and started firing a plethora of consecutive concussive blasts. Heat blasts were added periodically to keep the ice melting around the Deviant.

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2010-03-28 03:02 am UTC (link)
Tongree kept sinking further and further into the ice. For all intense purposes he was out of the fight.

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2010-03-28 03:05 am UTC (link)
Dae stopped throwing blasts at the Deviant and eyed the hole for a moment. He'd taken care of that Deviant for awhile, so he moved out to meet with Kalypso.

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2010-03-28 08:56 pm UTC (link)
Kalypso recovered from teleporting and headed toward the city. She ran into Dae on the way.

"We need to get back in the city and help. This is far from over."

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2010-03-28 09:24 pm UTC (link)
"I agree, sister. Let's move quickly."

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2010-03-28 09:46 pm UTC (link)
Kal flew toward the city. Eyes and hand glowing, ready to unleash blasts upon her enemies.

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2010-03-28 09:51 pm UTC (link)
He followed behind her, rather intent on doing the same thing she planned on doing.

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2010-03-29 02:40 am UTC (link)
The battle was not quite one sided, but the deviants definitely had the upper hand. The new deviants had been created specifically to battle the Eternals and they were standing up to the challenge.

The Eternals for the most part were barely holding their own. They had never seen the like of these deviants before. The Earth Eternals were used to the typical deviants which were easily killed or destroyed. These new ones were a different matter.

//We need to form a Uni-Mind// Ikaris sent out to the Eternals in Olympia.

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2010-03-29 02:47 am UTC (link)
Dae understood, although he was a little worried about somebody shattering the Uni-Mind again. However, he accepted the honor and responsibility to become part of the Uni-Mind.

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2010-03-29 08:23 am UTC (link)
Kal understood. Though she did have concerns about the last time a Uni-Mind had been formed on Earth.

She let her will go and joined with her fellow Eternals.

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2010-03-29 08:44 am UTC (link)
The Uni-Mind formed with the gathered host of Eart and Titan Eternals. It swept through the city and grabbed any deviant it came across.

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2010-03-30 11:37 pm UTC (link)
The deviants were removed from Olympia and the Uni-Mind dissolved. The Eternals went back to their individual forms and Ikaris looked at the gathered crowd. "It is now time to rebuild our cities. Thank you to our Titanian cousins. Without their help we could not have been able to take back our cities. This has shown us that we need to keep strong ties with our cousins."

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