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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-05 20:05:00

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Entry tags:inactive - addy baxter, ryan spector

Night on the Town

After finishing up his work for the day including classes, homework, training, and other things Ryan was feeling surprisingly energetic. Since Addy and him had been busy hadn’t gone out and done anything in a while he decided to call her up and see if she wanted to do something. It really had been a crazy couple weeks not that he really wanted to reflect on it.

Ryan grabbed his phone and dialed her number.

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2010-04-08 09:16 pm UTC (link)
"Hey!" She replied holding up a pie. "Bumbleberry ok?" she asked.

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2010-04-08 09:19 pm UTC (link)
“Cool thanks,” Ryan says before giving her a kiss after she gets into his room.

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2010-04-08 09:30 pm UTC (link)
"Aliens!" she said seeing his posters. "Have I mentioned how I wanted to be Sigourney Weaver when I was litte?" she asked smiling up at him.

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2010-04-08 09:34 pm UTC (link)
“It’s a personal favorite of mine if you want to watch it later we can I’ve got it on DVD somewhere in here,” Ryan said.

Pointing towards the fridge he says, “You can put the pie in the fridge for now if you want and I’ve got a bunch of fruit in there for smoothies if you want I could make you one.”

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2010-04-08 09:38 pm UTC (link)
"Energy before patrol sounds good." she replied as she put the pie in the fridge.

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2010-04-08 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Tell me what you want in it and I’ll make you it or if you want I can surprise you,” Ryan said as he set up the blender.

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2010-04-08 09:43 pm UTC (link)
"Surprise me" she laughed.

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2010-04-08 09:50 pm UTC (link)
“Ok,” Ryan said as he went over to the fridge and grabbed some ice, bananas, lemons, a pineapple, and some orange juice.

Talking while he set up the ingredients and up them in the bender he said, “So you’ve never told me what you costume looks like.”

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2010-04-08 09:54 pm UTC (link)
"It's not a costume. No capes or yellow spandex." she said with a laugh. "And it isn't nothing to diffrent. All black, easy to move in, pockets to hold my crap. Because you can't patrol with a big ass purse."

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2010-04-08 09:58 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah I’m the same way and pockets are great for taking stuff around especially as a weapon user,” Ryan says as he starts bending their drinks.

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2010-04-08 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I used my appartment keys once." Addy said thinking back at the time not to long ago. "Wasn't to fun."

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2010-04-08 10:06 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah I’ve never done that myself but I saw my mom do that once very bloody and nasty. If I use a bladed weapon I prefer to make cleaner cuts,” Ryan says as the drinks finish, “but this isn’t good conversation to have before eating.

Ryan pour the drinks and says , “I just need to grab one more thing and they’ll be finished.”

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2010-04-08 10:15 pm UTC (link)
"Alright." Addy said smiling. She really had missed Ryan lately.

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2010-04-08 10:21 pm UTC (link)
It might be goofy and a bit childish but Ryan didn’t care and had fun with it. What he had grabbed were the small drink umbrellas one for each drink and two others, one of which was open with the pick tucked behind his ear the other was in case Addy wanted one. Ryan then turned around and handed the one of the drinks to Addy, “Here you go, tell me what you think.”

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2010-04-08 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Addy laughed as Ryan gave her the drink. Taking a sip she smiled, closing her eyes and enjoying the fruity goodness. "Oh my god! This is so good."

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2010-04-08 10:29 pm UTC (link)
“Glad you liked it, in case you can’t tell its lemon-pineapple favored,” Ryan said.

Then taking out the other umbrella he said, “I’ve got a blue one if you want one.”

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2010-04-08 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"I do!" she said laughing. "If this super hero thing doesnt work out you need to open up a smoothy bar."

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2010-04-08 10:48 pm UTC (link)
“I guess that is one option though I really do want to get a job with a museum or something working with weapons,” Ryan said, “When you’re ready I can cut some pie and I think I may have some Whip Cream too.”

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2010-04-08 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"I can see you at the museum." Addy said.

"And that is kinda kinky Ry. Having Whip Cream in your dorm room."

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2010-04-08 11:09 pm UTC (link)
“Well I hadn’t thought of that,” Ryan said, “I had for some of the smoothie which taste better with it or just to had some style points but I guess it could definitely be used for something like that.”

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2010-04-08 11:17 pm UTC (link)
Addy just laughed and took another sip of her smoothy.

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2010-04-08 11:29 pm UTC (link)
Ryan laughed with Addy and then took a big sip from his smoothie. Ryan also made a mental note to keep his fridge stocked with some whip cream.

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