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ng_omega_flight ([info]ng_omega_flight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-09 18:40:00

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Entry tags:inactive - mystic, inactive - vindicator, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"frame up"

Taking Out a National Landmark
The Canadian National Tower in Toronto stood an impressive 553.3 meters(1,815ft) and was still the largest free standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. It was a popular tourist attraction and many people have taken the elevator up to the top to look out over the city of Toronto.

Today Omega Flight was visiting the tower, but they weren't there as tourists. Today they were going to destroy the tower and turn it into a pile of rubble.

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Marrina Vs...
2010-04-13 09:53 pm UTC (link)
Being one of the flyers of the team (even if she's a newbie to it), Marrina had taken to the air from the Flier.

She hovered over the battle field for a moment, looking for a target.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-14 02:55 am UTC (link)
A trio of explosive pucks comes flying at her, accompanied by maddened cackling.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-14 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Marrina was aerially agile enough to dodge two of the pucks, but not the third. The explosion rocked her body, knocking her from the air and crashing into the ground.

She quickly channeled sea-cucumber abilities, repairing what damage she could, as she worked to get back to her feet.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-15 04:08 am UTC (link)
"Tough little bitch, ain'cha? Let's see how many times that growing back trick works!" Shred laughs as he sends more pucks in while he himself advances.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-15 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Marrina sidestepped the pucks, dodging out of the way just in time.

"You're insane," she snapped. "Let's see how well you respond to shock treatment!" She channeled electric eel powers and unleashed an electrical blast.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-16 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Shred spasms as the blast hits him, but he keeps moving, rushing forward and swinging at her.

"Pain just means it's getting FUN!" He shrieks madly.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-16 11:35 pm UTC (link)
Marrina took a step back, dodging the swing, then returned with a punch of her own.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-16 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Shred goes flying, but manages to land still conscious. He scrambles back to his feet and charges again. This time he comes in with a wicked diagonal slash, kinetic stick fully powered.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-17 12:00 am UTC (link)
Marrina brought a hand up to block it, covering the arm with crab-like armor.

Her face was set in a scowl. "Stay down, dammit!" she said, throwing a harder punch this time.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-17 09:39 am UTC (link)
Shred feels a pair of ribs crumple under that one, but coughs out another laugh. He gets to his feet, weakly this time.

"G'nna hav t' kill me... freakshow." He staggers forward with another swing, clumsy this time.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-17 11:44 pm UTC (link)
Marrina sidestepped the blow easily enough. "What the hell is wrong with you, you... maniac!" she snapped.

She threw another punch. "Imperius Regina!"

It just felt right.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-17 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Some people just like killin'!" He shouts back, before collapsing under her attack.

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Re: Marrina Vs...
2010-04-18 12:27 am UTC (link)
Marrina looked down at the unconscious hockey-person and resisted the urge to give him a kick. As much as she hated to admit it, hitting him had felt good.

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