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icallnopowers ([info]icallnopowers) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-02 01:53:00

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Entry tags:inactive - leech, jenny woolverton, team - excalibur

Leech was cleaning the kitchen. He was particularly avoiding his brother, because Art was Concentrating and the last thing he needed was a chance accident disrupting his three-dimensional blueprints.

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2010-05-02 05:15 am UTC (link)
Jenny was sticking close to the Excalibur headquarters for the time being. After the Limbo mission, she'd had a row with Robert over his demands to know where she'd been. It was the first time she'd realized that he had somehow had her tracked without her knowledge. It made her feel stupid. Sure, Robert always seemed to know where she was and how she spent her day, but this was slap in the face.

Sooner or later she would go home and make up with her brother. She loved him. But there was no denying that things had changed. Her life was complicated now, but she couldn't deny that she was finally living a life.

She wandered into the kitchen and paused just inside the doorway. "Uh...hi."

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2010-05-02 05:19 am UTC (link)
"Hi," Leech said pleasantly, looking up from wiping off the stove. "Hope I'm not in the way if you need anything. "Just trying to get a few chores done while the timing's convenient."

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2010-05-02 05:23 am UTC (link)
"Anything I can help with?" she asked immediately.

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2010-05-02 05:27 am UTC (link)
"Well, it's tough for a grubbiness expert such as myself to ask for help," Leech says cheerfully, "But if you'd care to help me find which of these cabinets my brother put the sponges in, I'd be grateful."

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2010-05-02 04:22 pm UTC (link)
She went to the row of cabinets nearest her and because searching. "How long have the two of you lived in England?"

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2010-05-02 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"We just moved here. New Yorkers, previously. London's a great city, though. Art was really excited to get this architecture commission here."

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2010-05-02 05:04 pm UTC (link)
"It is a great city." She sank to her heels to peer into a bottom cabinet. "We moved here when Rob got a transfer."

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2010-05-02 05:48 pm UTC (link)
"Where were you before?" Leech checks the drawers.

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2010-05-02 05:59 pm UTC (link)
"New York. Rob works for the S.H.I.E.L.D. He's a liaison to the Metro police. Does Arthur often put things in out of the way places?"

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2010-05-02 06:09 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds like pretty serious business."

He sighs. "Seriously, you would think a guy who's a genius at 'using space efficiently' and can read minds would put things where people can find them, but no-- oh." And finally, Leech pulls a pack of sponges out from the last of the drawers.

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2010-05-02 06:15 pm UTC (link)
She laughed a bit and stood up to lean against the cabinet. "I hear that's not unusual for geniuses. Thinking big ideas doesn't seem to leave room for the more mundane stuff." She looked at the toe of her sneaker. "What's your opinion on pets?"

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2010-05-02 06:32 pm UTC (link)
"In general, I like them all right. Sometimes wished we could've afforded a puppy when I was little." But Mama barely had enough scraps to feed the family.
"Here, specifically, there's luckily no zoning problems or anything. Why?"

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2010-05-02 07:35 pm UTC (link)
"I have a cat, YC. I wanted to check if everyone was okay with a cat in the house before I brought him over. My brother kind of tolerates him, which means YC gives him lots of attention."

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2010-05-02 07:37 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think anyone here's allergic, not that I know of anyway, so he won't be a problem at all." Leech grins at the subject of cat attention and its targets. "What does VC stand for?"

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2010-05-02 07:46 pm UTC (link)
"YC. Yankee Clipper." She grinned back. "It's hard to fall asleep sometimes without him sitting over my head watching out for the boogeyman. I don't want anybody to be uncomfortable with him because it's really not fair to YC or the team."

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2010-05-02 08:18 pm UTC (link)
"I'll check with everyone else, but it's definitely fine with Art and me."

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2010-05-02 08:29 pm UTC (link)
"Thanks, I appreciate it. There won't be any hard feelings if somebody doesn't want him around. Is there anything else I can help with? I'm not working today and I'm not ready to forgive Rob for being a cranky older brother."

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2010-05-02 09:03 pm UTC (link)
"Well, now that we've got the sponges, care to give me a hand with the dishes? It's one of those big triple sinks, fortunately."

"And hey, we big brothers are usually just trying to help." He smiles, then shrugs. "Actually, they're not even certain I'm older than art. Just guesswork, really."

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2010-05-02 09:12 pm UTC (link)
"I'd love to help. Wash or dry?"

She shrugged a bit. Leech was very undemanding as company. She wasn't sure about the others, but she liked Leech's calm demeanor. "I think it has a lot to do with Rob being much older. Our parents died when I was young and he was already out in the world. He's been more like a father and it couldn't have been easy for him, especially since my accident. You older brothers have a tendency to treat us younger kids like, well, kids."

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2010-05-02 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"I'll wash, you dry."

"Probably so. What happened, if you don't mind talking about it?"

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2010-05-02 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Jenny opened a drawer where there had been no sponges but had towels and took one out. "They tell me it was a car accident, but I don't remember any of it. The only thing I do remember is waking up in S.H.I.E.L.D. medical. It was bad enough that I don't have many memories from before it. Just Rob. I had to learn a lot of things again."

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2010-05-02 09:52 pm UTC (link)
"I'm really sorry to hear that. Must have been hard for you both."

Leech gets the dishes started, keeping his hands busy.

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2010-05-02 09:57 pm UTC (link)
"I was lucky. And it's another reason why I can't stay mad at the guy. He's been through a lot and he's never said a word about it. I'm hoping that with me gone, he might finally get a real life outside of work."

She waited for the first dish to dry. "It had to be Fate to meet all of you the way I did."

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2010-05-02 10:10 pm UTC (link)
He hands it over carefully.
"Things have a way of working out like that for people like us."

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2010-05-02 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"I'm glad to be here." She took the dish to dry and put away. "You sit surrounded by books day after day and want to be doing something, but not really knowing where to start. Or rather, I sat in the bookstore and wondered what the heck I'm doing."

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2010-05-03 02:34 am UTC (link)
"I've always been able to handle tedium well. I guess 'cause Art and I didn't get much of it when we were little. But I can still understand, and it's great to have you here."

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2010-05-03 04:03 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. I'm glad to be here. It all seems kind of familiar."

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2010-05-03 04:35 am UTC (link)
"Hang around the 'mutant community' any in your brother's SHIELD work, maybe? I bet they're both weird bunches to be noncombatants in."

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2010-05-03 05:20 am UTC (link)
"Maybe." She hummed thoughtfully through the next few dishes. "Rob doesn't talk about his work. Security reason. I don't really see SHIELD people outside of my quarterly checkups. If you believe the news, all the mutants migrate to the States. Haven't met any here since we arrived."

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2010-05-03 05:28 am UTC (link)
Leech listens. "Probably keeps you safer in some ways, I guess. These action lifestyles can be tough to be on the periphery of." Then he smiles a litle as he hands the next dish. "Well, now some of us are reversing the trend and coming from the States."

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2010-05-03 05:34 am UTC (link)
She laughed. "That just might be the case, because pub crawling is not a mutant power no matter how much Casey, Quinn and Joe want to believe it is."

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2010-05-03 05:37 am UTC (link)
Leech laughs. "Actually, one of our friends back home does have his ability to handle alcohol tied into his mutation. Technically, I could probably make him tipsy, in some circumstances, with a wave of my hand."

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2010-05-03 05:57 am UTC (link)
"Where were you when I was trying to get through the after holiday sales crowds? I almost caused a riot at Marks & Spencer when someone ran into me and bounced off into marked down bin."

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2010-05-03 06:02 am UTC (link)
Leech winces sympathetically. "Ooh, that's rough. Well, if next Christmas we have the opportunity to do our shopping together, I'll be there for you," he adds good-naturedly. Then, a bit more seriously. "Does it become a problem a lot?"

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2010-05-03 06:16 am UTC (link)
"Only when I'm in a crowd that's getting excited. Dating. Riding the Underground." She shrugged and reached for the next dish. "It's the only reason Rob let me have a car in London."

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2010-05-03 06:45 am UTC (link)
"That's too bad," he says quietly as he passes the next dish. "Well, the handshake offer stands for anytime you want the shields out of the equation for a specific brief time."

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2010-05-03 09:09 am UTC (link)
"I do okay as long as I'm not approached in a rush." She dried and put the dish away. "Thank you, Leech. I appreciate the offer. You're very kind."

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2010-05-03 08:37 pm UTC (link)
"You're welcome."

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2010-05-04 06:38 pm UTC (link)
"Have you done the team route before? I noticed most of you seemed to know each other." The dishes were going faster by hand than she imagined with the chat distracting her.

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2010-05-04 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, some. Art and I've been house mascots or tagalongs for a few ever since Mama and the girls died when we were kids. And Tamara and Joe and Dmitri went to the same school we did, although we all covered different times."

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2010-05-05 05:13 am UTC (link)
She found herself a little envious over their shared past. "Like alumni? It must've been a good school. Everyone seems like they have control over their powers."

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2010-05-06 07:14 am UTC (link)
"It's a good school, yes. And yeah, we've all had a lot of chance to practice over the years. Time was, when I was a kid, I had absolutely no control at all."

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2010-05-06 07:37 am UTC (link)
"I'd like to visit there sometime."

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2010-05-06 01:40 pm UTC (link)
"We'll see what we can do."

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