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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-06-28 07:07:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - artemis, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - nightingale, lady devil, npc - mandarin, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, team - avengers, toni rhodes

Divide and Conquer
Hadelinde was a meticulous planner. She knew what she had to accomplish and had devised a plan to reach her first goal. Then she drafted a backup plan in case things went south. There was also a backup plan for the backup plan. She couldn’t fail. She wouldn’t fail. It wasn’t even an option. Plans for the second and third stages had been drafted as well along with backup plans for them.

Beetle had been sent to do recon on the Avengers. With her suit being undetectable and invisible she was the most logical choice for recon. It seemed like things had changed a little since her last excursion against the Avengers. It seemed like the younger ones had moved out of the mansion and onto an island a few miles off shore. It had been a most fortuitous change. The kids were more exposed and the adults weren’t around, leaving them a lot more vulnerable.

Hadelinde would exploit this to her advantage.

She didn’t like the fact that there were a few Avengers she didn’t know about. The files Temujin had provided her weren’t complete. It was another reason for the recon. She had to know what they were capable of.

She looked at the assembled group. Enforcer, Jurassic, Gravedigger, Gargantua, Frenzy, and Titanium Titan were all waiting for the orders to start the attack. She looked at each one of them and nodded.

"Let’s go.”

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2009-07-03 06:11 am UTC (link)
Once he was out, Anya stood up and sighed heavily. The suit was barely working, hell she didn't know if she could fly out of here, but it was so worth it. She could always fix this suit or build another.

Now all she had to do was call S.H.I.E.L.D. and have them come pick him up.

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