Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

A Day For Tom Foolery @ 02:02 am


April 1st is celebrated around the world as a day for pranks and tom foolery. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.

This April Fool's is no exception.

It's April First; Do You Know Where Your Tricksters Are? @ 08:17 am


Ohu Amane wakes early on April First. He comes out to the kitchen, brews the coffee, makes pancakes -- plenty for everyone -- and then moves to the living room with a stack of pancakes, a large cup of coffee, and a massive smile perched on his face.

He sits... and he waits. Smiling broadly.

A night out @ 02:36 pm


Halbjorn is definitely all for celebrating having his own body back. Getting Sersi's number was a good start. The night out with Vernique and Svalin was nice as well. But as long as he's on this coast he has one more stop to make. The Avengers may not want him too close to the mansion, but Xavier's put him under no such restriction.
He announces himself at the gates and waits, indicating he's there to see Chris Pym.

(no subject) @ 05:22 pm


Valeria lay flat on her stomach on bed.

Franklin was awake. Vincent was home. She should be happier than what she was feeling right now.

Val sighed. Yes, her brother being awake was a good thing, and for that she was happy. But what her 'other brother' did? ....That was going to take some time to heal.

She sat up, and reached over to where her cellphone lay on the nightstand next to her bed. She could really use someone to talk to right now.

She dialed up James.

The Most Magical Place on Earth @ 07:22 pm


Sarah is about as nervous as it gets. A double date was one thing, but she had Anya and Steve along then, and Anya has usually been her social occasion security blanket. And now she has a whole week alone with Molly, who is quickly earning 'as wonderful as it gets' points.
She'd done everything she could to set things up properly. Anya had the trip and reservations in hand, of course. She still had to get help showering and all, so it may have been a bit of a letdown there - not quite so easy to surprise your date with strawberry scented shampoo, slightly tight jeans and the rest when your date helped wash your hair and get you dressed. Ah well.

The wheelchair also isn't quite ideal, but the people on the plane, and then the airport attendants were nice enough to help out so Molly didn't have to do everything. Sarah is also getting use of her arm back, so she can manage short distances on even ground pretty well. Tomorrow should be better still. The limo was a bit tougher, but between the two with super strength and a little help from the chauffer they managed.

Even with all she's seen though, the gates take her aback. "Wow... this place is huge."

Keep Your Friends Close @ 07:58 pm


She was still nursing the broken arm, but her injuries were mostly stabilized. In light of all she had gone through with her family right now, she needed to get out. A standard scrying spell determined the location of the friend she had in mind. After letting Kristoff know she would be leaving the building, and her general destination, she was off.

She arrived at the front gates of the Defenders' headquarters, asking for Asleif over the intercom.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay