Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Stopping By @ 10:58 pm


Gretchen had called ahead to let Rose and Anastasia and Mina -- and the rest of Xavier's, for that matter, she supposed -- know that they were hoping to come up. It was a long trip, and she as glad to get there.

Place was still very Uncanny Valley, though. Just familiar enough to be uncomfortable.

News Broadcast: Attacks on Atlantis and Wakanda @ 11:17 pm


Staggered and vague reports are coming that Dr. Doom has now followed his unprovoked aggression against neighboring Symkaria with attacks against Atlantis and Wakanda. As both of these nations are insular and isolated, these reports have been difficult to confirm, and no public announcements have been made by any of the governments involved.  There are even rumors that the respective kings of Atlantis and Wakanda are missing in action.

Even though all the reported victims so far have been isolated or marginalized nations, the U.N. and various governments around the world are reported to be in an uproar trying to decide what action to take.

Teaming Up @ 11:53 pm


The Masters of Evil had attacked the Thunderbolts headquarters and had made off with Victor's body and with it a way to eventually access Ultron's files on the Avengers. It was a situation where a collaboration of the Thunderbolts with another team was needed. They needed to get Victor's body back as soon as possible.

The Thunderbolts made the trip to New York and were gathered in the conference room at Avengers Mansion along with the Avengers. They needed to discuss strategy and form a plan to retrieve Victor's body.

Anya sat back in her chair and let her brother take the lead. James was more experienced with leading a team and if anyone could get them to all work together as one big team, he could.

In which Kassia goes Nancy Pelosi on shit. (Marrina.) @ 11:53 pm


If the Doombots were supposed to cause panic and mass chaos under the sea they failed, at least with the citizenry.  Certainly there was a good bit of noise and confusion, but no one ran screaming or jumped behind buildings for cover.  The Atlantean people had dealt with Lemurians for goodness sake.  A Doombot was cause for concern but not full on Nathan Lane-style drama.  No, that type of drama was reserved for the advisers inside the palace.  The first Doombot received notice and almost immediately there was great shouting and flailing and someone actually yelped that the sky was falling.  It woke Kassia from her half-nap and she, like everyone else in the inner sanctum, came running to the war room to find out what the King would do.

Except...there was no King.  Just a lot of nattering, worrying, and flailing.  It went on for about twenty minutes before Kassia realized that something was off.  "Um.  So where's the Army?"  She was told that only the crown could call the Army.  "So where's my Dad?"  No one had an answer. Kassia looked at each adviser in turn, then rolled her eyes. "Oh for fuck's sake...fine.  I'm the crown.  Until my sister can get here I'm the damn Queen.  You there in the...skirt-like toga with the ruffle the Army.  We're under attack, people!" 

"Goddamn worthless advisers...gotta do everything my own damn self..."  Kassia shoved past palace staff and went straight for the throne room.  Her dad hat a triton in there somewhere.  She'd seen it.  Crowned heads wield cool stuff, right?  Once she found the triton, she grabbed it and then, as advisers yelled after her to seek refuge in the safe room Kassia charged for the door.

"The Fist of Atlantis doesn't cower in safe rooms when her people are under attack." 


An hour later, while the Army was dispatching the bulk of the invading 'bots, Kassia stormed back into the palace, a little disheveled and a little scuffed up, and headed straight for the war room...dragging what appeared to be the mangled leg of one of the Doombots with her.  She heaved it up and slammed it down on the table.

"And THAT is how we deal with invaders.  Get my sister on the line.  NOW."

She may have well been Namor Jr.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay