Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Target Practice @ 12:54 am

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Eiltin was doing some target practice off to the side at the defenders compound. He was currently practicing with a sling though had been practicing with his spear earlier. He was whipping small stones with the sling at a target fifty yards away from him at or sometime above the speed of most bullets.

Ruarc wasn’t far from him relaxing in the warm sun seeming deceptively unaware.

Dusty revelations. (Anselm) @ 05:33 pm


Shelly couldn't exactly tell Matt that she was still having some residual issues from being bitten by Dracula.  This was something that she knew with complete certainty because if Matt knew he was likely to try something incredibly stupid which would ultimately be worse than what she was dealing with.  She chatted minimally with a friend at the hospital about it and he suggested it was a mild case of PTSD, but Shelly rather knew better.  Dracula's bites were strange things and often had to have magic or occult intervention.  That is what lead Shelly to Wick and Wonder, a small occult-type shop a block or two from Matt's.  That and the pressing need for more candles to use in her healing rituals for private clients.

It may also have been an excuse to take Whisper a cheeseburger.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay