Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Whoa, Whoa, Here comes Tokyo. @ 12:28 am


Sylvie was downright gleeful when they touched down in Tokyo. Bright lights, big city! Fascinating linguistic differences all around her! After some prattling about this, she clears her throat. "So, hotel first, or Amiko's HQ first?"

Not an after school special. (Open to Ben and/or Mac.) @ 06:36 pm


Kassi hated gym.  Hated it with a passion, even more now that they were very near the end of the school year and it was hot outside.  Heat didn't go well for a girl with a largely Atlantean physiology nor did it go well with those damn socks.  The socks were the bane of her existence and so Kassi tried to time it just so that when she went in to dress out for gym she could be alone, allowing her to free her wings for a moment before stuffing back in their little elastic prisons.

She had just slipped off her shoes and sat down thinking she was alone when she heard a noise.


The Plot Thickens (Karen) @ 08:39 pm


Fifteen hours after the Chicago PD responded to an incident at a warehouse on the pier, Detective Lynch is contacted by Seargeant Griswold, who ended up working overtime and was the first to respond when the call came in.

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Marvel Next Generation Roleplay