Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo.... @ 10:51 am


With Darlene's help, Misha had Anya's birthday box ready for mailing in time for her birthday. Included with the must have Mets jersey (he didn't want her to forget the greatest team in baseball history!) were a pair of Cthulhu slippers and gift cards to burger places around Boston.

And truffles. Always remember the truffles.

Two Girls and a Demon walk into a bar... @ 12:07 pm


The couple dates so far with Aine have gone well. There was drinking - lots of drinking - and they're both flirty, outgoing drunks. There was karaoke, there was table dancing. All in all, this worked.
Relations with Irina are, in Nick's mind, perfect. No strings, no fuss. Lots of vodka. Now and then, she shows up naked. It works, and she's right there.

Dating Aine, on the other hand, is kind of a pain - she's on the other coast, and he's not a sappy e-mails kind of guy - and suspects its not her style either. He likes the drive, but it still takes time. And, then there's the fact he knows a teleporter.

He called to set up a meeting at one of Aine's favorite bars, and let her know Irina was coming along - drinks were on him. After all, if she's likely to have a huge problem with the fact that he's sleeping with Irina, at least while they're in casual stages, then dating a demonblood likely isn't the best idea anyway.

One of the Guys, or something like that (semi-open) @ 01:54 pm


Vincent supposed he had nothing to lose except maybe a few hours of his time, and it was for a good cause in any event. So, he had bought a number of tickets to an Unlimited Wrestling Federation charity event that Grimm was emceeing, and sent out invitations to his only notable male friends, Halbjorn and MacKenzie. He encouraged them to invite anyone else they liked, and he would most likely accommodate them.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay