Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

I'd'd call it a road trip, but where we're going, we don't need roads @ 12:42 am


"You ready for some time to head out, babe?" Alex talks to Ride absent-mindedly as he goes over an upgrade for her nav systems. He'd managed to put out enough brushfires that the galaxy actually seemed like it might get through a whole week without needing saving. With luck, any minor to moderate problems that would pop up could be handled by the Kree Elite and the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. So, he was planning some r&r and a long overdue visit to Earth.

Feeling charitable, or possibly mad, he'd even let it slip to his teammates that he'd be heading out. He hadn't gone so far as to say they were welcome to join him, but tagging along was certainly theirs for the asking.

He pats hand to the control console as he finishes the software maintenance, and double-checks his course with satisfaction. Everything's just coming up awesome. "Just you wait, Fed... we are gonna hit that town of yours."

Your mission if you choose to accept it... @ 08:36 am


Nicolai made sure that a message was send to the Wild Pack letting them know that they had a conference call meeting at 11 about a potential mission. He wanted them all there and on their best behaviors. There were a lot of zeroes attached to this.

When the others got there they would find Nicolai seated a cup of coffee in front of him on the table going over the latest reports and numbers. The conference room itself was fairly nice looking with a modern feel to it.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay