Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

December 2nd, 2013

Regrouping @ 07:36 pm


Kal flew the ship to the rendezvous point to meet up with the other team. The affects of the time distortion were quite evident on the faces and in the hair of the members of her team. They all had more wrinkles and gray in their hair. Some were a little worse than others.

She brought the ship down on the small planet and they waited for the others.

February 11th, 2013

Not Creating the Universe for This... @ 03:51 am


The fruits were surprisingly Earth-like (blackberry-like, peach-like, and pear-like, respectively) for being readily available out here. Some sugar was easy to do, as she'd had a lot of practice with it. On a less synthesizing-oriented note, she'd really been working on these crusts.

And eventually, six pies are cooling on the racks of Jean-Louise's little stand in Knowhere.

October 25th, 2012

Concession Stand in the Middle of Knowhere. @ 06:42 pm


 Jean-Louise made two kinds of rock candy.  The kind with sugar and the kind made of mineral quartz, because some of the silicon-based lifeforms would get their hopes up when they saw the first kind.  She was careful to keep the two separate so she'd always sell the right one.

Business was pretty good.  In a place this diverse, she didn't have as much market-targetting to do, but she still tried to pay attention to possibilities.

She'd also fixed some pizza and was having a break to have a slice herself.

August 13th, 2012

It Begins @ 09:50 pm


 In a lot of ways, Ixtal-3 was at the back-end of the Kree Empire. It was common for officers at odds with command to be reassigned the planet's small fleet. Ixtal-3 had little in the way of resources. It's only real value was as a watchpoint in case the neighboring Skrulls made a push. In which case the planet would be overrun quick, but not before a warning would be given out to Command.

Mer-Vas grumbled at yet another day of meaningless work. Once he had led soldiers into battle! Now he was here..all because a general's daughter had some kind of fixation on him. He was about to call on in for the latest report, which he no doubt believed would be the same as always, an alarm came in. "What's happening!?"

"Something's breached the perimeter, sir!" came Lieutenant Her-Va from Station-34.


"Unknown sir, but they're coming in fa-!" The comm suddenly cut out.

At the satellite already!? He quickly put in a call to command, only to pick up static. "All troops, prepare for-!" Shots hit the base, the force driving Mer-Vas to the ground. He could hear fighting down the hall. He went to move before seeing a Kree soldier fall back into view, stained with blood. An armored figure walked into sight. Mer-Vas readied his weapon and fired on the intruder. The first two shots seemed to be repelled by some kind of miniature force-field, but the third did some damage as the invader fell back against the wall.  However, no sooner had this one fallen then two more appeared, one firing a series of shots, driving him agonizingly to the floor. He tried to move, but could barely shift as the armored figures came by.

"This is Command! Come in Ixtal-3! What's happening!?"

One of the armored figures went over to the comm, easily working the Kree equipment.  "We are coming, cousin. We are coming to take back what is ours. Enjoy your power while it lasts."  The second turned to the fallen Mer-Vas and raised his weapon. The last thought the soldier had before he died was why the invaders spoke Ancient Kree?


June 29th, 2012

Into the Maw of the Beast @ 07:35 pm


It had all been perfect. When he was left on this world in a near-death coma, he remained on this world for years. Then one day the first war between the two planets' native species caused his awakening. Still weak, he secretly pitted the two peoples against each other in order to feed off their hatred and regain his strength. It had been going so well. He killed and replaced the Rorian leader, Varas, in order to directly oversea the finl stages of his plan. However, fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor. The Guardians of the Galaxy had been contacted to mediate the dispute, and had forced him to reveal himself..but it didn't matter now. He was at full strength..and he would kill them all.

He summoned power from the depths of his own mind in an attempt to unleash a psionic burst powerful enough to lobotomize all sentients save himself.

December 14th, 2011

Knowhere Station @ 06:22 pm


The Guardians of the Galaxy had managed to make it back to Knowhere Station with their guests, the X-Men and one Shi'art citizen. The visitors were shown to temporary quarters and given a chance to rest a bit after their battle.

The next day they were asked to meet in a conference room.

November 19th, 2011

Big Damn Heroes @ 10:19 pm


Abel dropped them out of a space warp as close to Earth as possible. The ship shook as it entered the upper atmosphere and the hull started to heat up and started to glow red. Azura helped Alex pilot the ship through the turbulence. She hoped the rust bucket held together.

Once they were past the initial barrier and slowed down a bit, they set a course straight for Xavier's. They ignored hails from local enforcement agencies and continued on their way. Their passenger, the Shi'ar, had been antsy during the whole trip and seemed a little relieved once they arrived. It didn't last long and he fretted until they arrived over Xavier's.

Their timing was perfect. They arrived just in time to see the Imperial Guard standing off with the X-Men and Prince Starbridge. Azura shoved their Shi'ar guest into her seat and ordered him to take over. She grabbed her gun and Godslayer and raced for the hatch.

Alex gave the flying of the ship to their guest and raced after Azura. Once they were low enough the Guardians of the Galaxy exited the ship to help Prince Starbridge and the X-Men.

September 27th, 2011

From the Heavens to Las Vegas @ 06:04 pm


The Guardians have come to Earth to visit - a planet Iason certainly has connections to. One of which is his partial ownership of a casino, and through it, his casual friendship with Donald Trump.

Once people got past that particular news, he called The Donald;s secretary, and had reservations made. Everyone has luxury rooms, things are set to Red will be treated as a guest rather than a pet, an account is set up so people can gamble if they wish, and everyone has a number they can call to have reservations for meals, shows, whatever else they'd like made for them.

Red is required to give up any and all weapons, of course - as is everyone else, and a personal attendant with a luxury cart is gotten for Red so there's no worries about his tail getting stepped on in crowded floors. Iason makes sure everyone knows the rules, and has a quarter million dollars put into the collective account to cover food, entertainment, gambling and the rest.

August 27th, 2011

I'd'd call it a road trip, but where we're going, we don't need roads @ 12:42 am


"You ready for some time to head out, babe?" Alex talks to Ride absent-mindedly as he goes over an upgrade for her nav systems. He'd managed to put out enough brushfires that the galaxy actually seemed like it might get through a whole week without needing saving. With luck, any minor to moderate problems that would pop up could be handled by the Kree Elite and the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. So, he was planning some r&r and a long overdue visit to Earth.

Feeling charitable, or possibly mad, he'd even let it slip to his teammates that he'd be heading out. He hadn't gone so far as to say they were welcome to join him, but tagging along was certainly theirs for the asking.

He pats hand to the control console as he finishes the software maintenance, and double-checks his course with satisfaction. Everything's just coming up awesome. "Just you wait, Fed... we are gonna hit that town of yours."

February 11th, 2011

Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It @ 01:35 pm


The spaceship approached Knowhere Station at an alarming speed. Ships usually decelerated before trying to enter one of the hangar bays, but this one didn't show any signs of slowing down. Alarms went off all over the station as the ship drew closer. Fighters launched to intercept the incoming ship.

The pilot of the small craft had the sense to contact the command center in the station when she saw the ships moving to intercept. The fighters backed off and the incoming ship slowed a little. It wasn't enough and the ship crossed the forcefield barrier to the one hangar bay. The ship's landing gear touched the deck, but the ship kept moving. It skidded across the bay and came to a halt after hitting the far wall.

January 25th, 2011

All Hands Avengers Meeting @ 05:20 pm


Now that the other Avengers were back it was time to reorganize the team a bit. James didn't want to give up leadership of the team and he knew Charlie would want it. The answer to the problem was simple. A team meeting and a vote according to the charter. There was also the issue of dealing with a lot of Avengers to address.

James sent out notification of the time to all Avengers, reserve and active. When it was the right time he made his way to the conference room and took a seat.

January 23rd, 2011

Homecoming (open to Avengers) @ 10:09 pm


Charlie was glad to be home. In the end of it, he enjoyed his time hoping around through the timestream, and had gotten to become really good friends with his teammates.

But goddamn, it felt good to be back.

After stopping off at his parent's apartment for a quick change of clothes and a shower (his Mom wasn't home yet, but his Dad said that he'd tell her that they had come back later), Charlie made his way over to Avengers Mansion.

"Anybody home?"

January 22nd, 2011

Happy Birthday Eliza! @ 09:22 pm


Anya loved birthdays. She loved shopping for people and loved watching their reactions when they opened their gifts. Eliza was always hard to shop for, but Anya had tackled the problem with gusto. Anya had selected a new uniform made of some new fabric developed by Stark Inc. It would withstand knives and bullets.

She had also selected a diamond and ruby tennis bracelet.

She suited up and flew down to New Orleans.

December 31st, 2010

New Year's Battle Over New York @ 03:12 pm


The New Year was a time for sending out the old year and ringing in the new. It was always a time of partying and celebrating. This year it was time for a battle. The time and dimensionally displaced Avengers along with their possible future kids got ready for a battle with Kang and his forces.

The sun was just coming up over the city and on the new year.

December 22nd, 2010

When Out On the Lawn There Arose Such a Clatter @ 09:04 pm


Christmas. Yule. Saturnalia. Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Many cultures have celebrated and still celebrate a winter festival. There have been many names for it over the millennia. No matter the name it is a time to come together and celebrate with feasts and gifts with friends and loved ones.

Each culture has a legendary figure who would deliver gifts to children during this time. In Russia and some Slavic cultures he is known as Ded Moroz, Grandfather Frost, and comes not on Christmas but on New Year’s along with his granddaughter Snegurochka, or ‘”Snow Maiden”. In the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe he is known as Father Christmas. In the Netherlands and Belgium he is known as Saint Nicholas or “Sinterklaas” and in France he is known as Père Noël. In the United States we know him as Santa Claus.

No matter the name or who is delivering gifts, it is the season of peace, joy and togetherness. It is the season for thinking about loved ones, friends and those less fortunate. It is a time to witness the goodness and generosity the human race is capable of. It is a time for peace on Earth and goodwill toward man

The Avengers' Mansion was decorated and festive. Inside the Avengers celebrated Christmas Day. Outside there was a flash of light and six time and dimensionally displaced Avengers showed up.

December 17th, 2010

Dark Reflections: Battle In New York @ 06:00 pm


Morning came to New York and with it a brisk wind making it seem colder than it was. The weak winter sun did little to warm things up and a layer of frost covered cars and other objects left out in the cold winter air over night. The city that never slept was becoming more alive with activity as her residents started their daily routines.

High above the city the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier flew, keeping an eye on the city below.

It seemed like any other winter's morning in New York, but today would prove to be far from ordinary.

December 13th, 2010

Regrouping and making battle plans @ 06:08 am


The timely save by the Anti-Registration forces brought the Exiles to the group's secret headquarters. The rescued heroes were brought back and offered medical aid, food and a chance to rest away from the pro-registration forces. The Exiles explained who they were and what their mission was and were invited to stay for as long as they wanted.

A few hours later more rescued heroes were brought back and this time it was the six Avengers. They entered the secret underground base and escorted to the area where they could get cleaned up and get medical treatment for their wounds. They would get the chance to meet everyone when they were done and came out to the main area with everyone else.

December 6th, 2010

Dark Reflections pt 2 @ 04:27 am


Not too far from where the battle between the Avengers and the Exiles took place, another group of travelers arrived. They received instructions on what they needed to do, much like the Exiles in that regard. The instructions were simple. Find and defeat a group of dimensional travelers before they could complete their mission.

The small team took cover and waited.

It wasn't long before a flash of white light appeared and a small group of six Avengers appeared.

November 12th, 2010

Happy Birthday Charlie! @ 06:16 am


Asgardians didn't bother with birthdays and birthday celebrations, but since spending some time on Migard Svalin had come to understand that celebrating the day of one's birth was important. Svalin had made a note of her teammate's birthdays when she had read their files not long after joining the Avengers. Today, at least she thought it was today, was Charlie's birthday. It was a little difficult to keep track of exactly what day it was when one was hopping through time.

She mentioned Charlie's birthday to Vernique and Plans were made. The rest of the Avengers were let in on the plans.

One tradition of celebrating one's day of birth was to give them a gift. Svalin hadn't time to make him a dagger, but she had managed to purchase one from a pilot who seemed to be following her around along with a jacket that was called a bombadier jacket. Svalin had removed the name patch and had stayed awake all night removing the embroidery of the pilot's name and stitching Charlie's in it.

October 22nd, 2010

WW II @ 05:36 pm


There was a flash of light amidst the explosions and the loud sound of gunfire. The Avengers arrived in what was literally a war zone.

Tanks rolled across the land and fired with resounding booms and soldiers exchanged gunfire from trenches on both sides. There was a loud shout and a man in red, white and blue led a small group of brightly costumed people across the battlefield.

On the other side a man with a purple hood watched the battle and next to him was a man with a monocle.

October 15th, 2010

Battle In the Skies @ 01:49 am


The Avengers had a few days to go over the intel that Tony Stark and Captain America provided. It had been a time to rest and recuperate from any injuries sustained on their last mission.

The quiet was about to be shattered.

Alarms went off all over the flying airship. They were under attack by the forces of the Red Skull and the Skeleton Crew. Each member was on a flying platform with ten other troops, all armed with laser weapons and swords.

September 23rd, 2010

Marvels of Steam @ 11:27 pm


There's an abrupt shift in reality, and the Exiles find themselves... well, not in Kansas anymore.

In all times previous to this, the air has been fresher than that of the world they know. This one... well, it may be fresher, but there's a very distinct tang of faint coal dust in the air. The colors are muted, mostly tans and browns... except the ones that aren't. the women walking by in the distance are examplary of the era when more complex dyes and dye mixing was being discovered, the women in extremely opulent finery in many cases, the wealthy among them in a wash of bright, vivid greens and reds and blues and patterns, and even their maids in complex dress compared to the ages of simplicity and necessity they've left behind. The men are all in hats, shirts and jackets.

Everywhere, there's signs of the city being powered by a mix of old style gaslights, steam power, clockwork and electricity, sometimes with little rhyme or reason.

Over it all, a single craft, the size of a city block and being supported by numerous dirigible balloons hovers, casting a shadow over all of what could be recognized by long term residents as some ancient and steam powered version of New York City.

Iason is the first to speak.  "I... do not recognize this as similar to anything from Earth's history."

September 3rd, 2010

How the West Was Won @ 06:26 pm


A bright sun in a dull blue sky baked the earth below despite it being late October. The air didn't hold any moisture and dust was stirred up by the wind. The terrain was mostly flat and sparse of vegetation and about a mile west lay a silver-mining boomtown called Tombstone.

There was a bright flash of light about a mile outside of the town. Six very strangely dressed individuals and one white horse with wings suddenly appeared.

August 25th, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ryan @ 04:06 am


Their recovery in Camelot still lingered, and there had been time for shopping. Which was excellent, because Vernique had managed to ascertain that hers was not the only summer birthday in their little set. And, of course, she'd told.

And she'd used some of her backup silver down at the wood turner's and tanner's shops to acquire a couple of the most stylish-looking little bowls and some leather combat-accrouchments -- two things that museums didn't tend to get a hold of this old from this time period, so she figured the amateur archaeologist'd be well advised to keep some of his own.

She used sheer hero-clout in the kitchens to acquire some sort of honey-based cake, and had these things laid out for Ryan at the appropriate time.

August 16th, 2010

A Knight Afterwards @ 01:43 am


The battle was won and Camelot was victorious. King Arthur had mostly recovered from his injuries though was still hurting a bit. He had been busy awarding his Knights for their brave deeds and valor over the course of the battle. There had been a lot of knights who deserved this.

Arthur had also invited the six strangers who had been so instrumental in saving his kingdom. He planned on knighting them for their efforts calling them up one by one.

July 28th, 2010

Bye Bye Boys (and Girls)! Have Fun Storming the Castle! @ 07:03 am


The day to retake Camelot had finally come. Arthur's knights, lead by the Black Knight, rode out from their encampment. They were a force of three thousand strong. Armor gleamed in the light of the setting sun and off the sharp edges of swords and spears.

They rode for two hours before they came to a halt a few miles from Camelot.

Here a small group would split from the main body and carry out their mission while the rest would ride to besiege the castle.

July 2nd, 2010

12 Step - Medieval Age @ 11:35 pm


There was a great flash of Light and the group appeared in the middle of a great forest under a dark cloudy sky. Not far from them was a road that leads to Camelot that was not far from them and could be seen in the distance above the tree line. A great battle had recently been fought there though from here it was impossible to tell much.


June 25th, 2010

Victory Celebration @ 01:41 pm


Tomorrow the warriors of the fleet will return to mourning, begin preparations to return home without a lot of their original number and set out longer range patrols to make sure they've dealt with all of the threat. For tonight, however, there's a celebration. There's limited supplies, certainly, but they've done their best. Typical for their traveling fleets, there's boiled meat and fish. There's also plenty of mead.
Entertainment is a combination of a couple of skalds recounting stories from the history of the tribe, and then bragging and stories exchanged around a long table. The heroes are given esteemed places around the table, with Svalin at the head.

June 17th, 2010

Battle on the High Seas @ 05:12 pm


The ships moved effortlessly through the rough seas as they made their way toward land. They kept formation and large metal robots stood like silent sentinels on the decks. They were waiting to reach shore and then would sweep across the land destroying everything in their path. It had been the same tactics they had used in other areas of the North.

Sol in her chariot drawn by the horses Alsvid and Arvak came up over the horizon and snapping at Sol's heels was the wolf Skoll. One day the wolf would catch and devour Sol, but for now he continued to chase her day after day. On the sea in front of the metal ships of Kang floated the small fleet of ships of the Norsemen.

June 8th, 2010

Meeting the Locals @ 07:15 am


After a few hours of waiting for the effects of the mead and wine from previous night's drinking to wear off, Svalin led the others down to the village. Tryggvi had a blanket over him to hide his wings and the other horse walked next to him. A part of Svalin wished her brother were here to deal with the chieftain. A male who understood the customs would make things a lot easier, but seeing how Halbjorn was not here she was going to have to do it.

Svalin was quiet and pensive as they entered the village. Her sword and shield were ready in the event she needed to use them. Which was very likely.

They were immediately surrounded by warriors, all with drawn swords and shields at the ready. Svalin put up a hand for the Avengers to not draw weapons or move. It was a delicate situation and one she didn't need to get quickly out of hand.

"We hath come to speak to thine chieftain," she said as she sized up the warriors all around them.

May 31st, 2010

12 Step - Viking Age @ 02:53 am


There was a flash of bright light and the group appeared on a small hilltop overlooking what would be the modern day spot of the town of Hamre, Norway. Humans had been living in this area since the Stone Age, eking out a living in the harsh climate.

The walled settlement was set at the mouth of a river that emptied into the bay. The buildings and wall were made of timber harvested from the nearby forest and a little land had been cleared for farming. Though in the cold North, most sustenance was derived from the sea and the raiding parties that went out in boats each summer.

The inhabitants of the town were gathered in a field some distance away from the settlement. A large ship sat on top a pyre and the townsfolk gathered around. Men, warriors, carried the body of their chieftan to the ship and placed him inside the tent. A young woman, a thrall, flanked by two warriors and an old woman walked to the ship. She paused long enough to give her jewelry to the old woman and then boarded the ship. She stood on the deck and was handed intoxicating drinks. Afterward, she entered the tent with six men and an old woman. The warriors outside began to beat on their shields.

The men and the old woman left the boat and grabbed torches. They set the torches to the wood and the pyre began to burn.

May 6th, 2010

Hyborean Age: Battle @ 12:08 pm


Svalin was up with the rising of the sun. She watched the sunrise from the abandoned house they had stayed in for the night. Battle was coming and she could never sleep the night before a battle. It wasn't nerves. It was anticipation for the coming fight. Today they would hunt down this Thulsa Doom and if they were lucky, Varnae as well.

The day would be clear and sunny and perfect for battle.

Svalin, needless to say, was looking forward to it. She wasn't sure about the other Avengers, but she sensed the anticipation from the redheaded woman warrior and the male warrior. He reminded her of her brother and it made her miss her siblings.

She should go check her equipment and weapons. There was a battle coming.

April 25th, 2010

12-Step: Hyborean Age @ 10:09 am


Particularly with the extra help, Vernique didn't take long to whip up some properly local fashion. Once everyone was outfitted who needed to be, she preened a bit -- that was just unavoidable. "Well, now that everyone looks acceptably fantastic: off to town to look for signs of Kang Was Here?"

April 20th, 2010

12 Step - Hyborean Age @ 09:25 am


A dry hot wind carried dust with it as it swept across the plain. The sun scorched the earth and the summer heat was relentless. Vultures circled in the air against the backdrop of a dull blue sky. Off in the distance the brown walls and buildings of a city blended into the landscape.

There was a flash of bright light and six people and one horse stood on the dry plain.

April 9th, 2010

(Not) Just a Normal Day At Avengers' Mansion @ 08:20 pm


Svalin and Tryggvi just landed on the small lawn in the back of the Avengers Mansion. Svalin had been getting antsy and decided to take Tryggvi out for a flight around New York. They were both feeling too confined. At least at the Defenders compound there was room to move around and a nice ocean breeze. There were too many tall buildings in New York and they were all too close.

Svalin dismounted and immediately removed the saddle. She let it fall on the ground and then removed the bridle. She smiled and lightly rubbed Tryggvi's nose before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you, my friend. 'Twas a most enjoyable flight."

March 21st, 2010

You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman @ 05:37 pm


They had arrived at Earth and had orbited for awhile before Empress had selected her targets. It had taken some time. She didn't want just ANYONE. They had to be among the best. She WOULD win the gladiatorial games this time. NOTHING would stop her. Not even a small thing like gender.

Empress didn't care if it was cheating. The only thing that mattered was winning and she would win this time.

The teleporters were activated and the selected targets were beamed directly to the lab. There they underwent a little transformation and were given attitude readjustments and then put into a holding cell.

The men would wake up in the holding cell to find a few changes.

March 9th, 2010

The End is Nigh! (Horsemen vs the White Knights and Iason) @ 02:19 am


"We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you this breaking report. It seems like a giant, what can only be called a citadel, rose from the very ground itself and covered almost the entire area of Central Park just moments ago. The monstrosity seems to be composed completely out of stone and there are no discernible entrances. What appears to be people on flying robotic horses circle the citadel. Who built this and to what end has yet to be discovered."

February 20th, 2010

February 19th, 2010

(no subject) @ 08:52 pm


Eli and his cousins appear in the home of his father, Druig of Nightmares, moments after their gathering on Titan. They quartet find Druig in a roundtable meeting with other luminaries of the Eternals, engaged in some manner of heated debate.

"Father, I have returned. I have brought aid with me, as you asked." Eli says, gesturing to his cousins.

"You finally grace us with your presence, Eliosha." Druig says, his tone less than warm and inviting. "But I do not understand what you mean by 'as I asked'. I have not asked you to bring anything, or anyone, to me. I have left you to your aimless wandering among the human rabble. Tell me, have you learned anything worth reporting?"

Eli seemed stricken for a moment, before speaking. "Father, you asked me to return home with aid for--"

Druig raised a hand to silence him. "I asked for no such thing, boy. If I wanted help from outside Polaria, I have <i>capable</i> messengers to send. Why have you interrupted us now?" Druig said, his tone annoyed.

"Father, I've...we have come to tell you that Olympia has fallen to the Deviants. Polaria could be next." Eli finishes, suddenly looking as though he wishes to be anywhere but here.


February 12th, 2010

Valentine's Day @ 03:43 pm


Having found a pretty good mix of spoiling and privacy, and having a place to get both in abundance, Iason sends an invitation to Eliza to join him in Vegas for the holiday weekend - he can provide the flight, of course. Arrangements have already been made, and they shouldn't even need to leave the room if she doesn't want to.

February 9th, 2010

Battle in Olympia @ 04:42 am


Smoke rose up into the air from various parts of Olympia, the Eternals' city. The once pristine and beautiful city was almost in ruins. The Eternals themselves were lying on the ground in comatose states. Their ancient enemy, the deviants, move about the city destroying as much as they could. They had beaten their hated enemies and were celebrating.

One Eternal fought inside the city, while four had just gathered outside.

February 5th, 2010

Worlds Crumble @ 11:30 pm


Enough time had passed and Kal had decided that it was time for lunch with her two cousins. Eli needed to meet Iason and vice versa. They were family after all and they would be dealing with each other for a VERY long time. It was best to get to know each other now.

Kalypso picked a small delicatessen in the Village. It was small enough that it wouldn't be crowded with people and yet have a wide variety of foods. The three of them were curious about humans and new experiences so Kal picked a place that would give them a variety of things to try.

She was early for a change. Mom always advised being fashionably late, but Kal thought that it was only okay for parties. For meeting friends and family it was just rude. Kal grabbed a cup of coffee, a table and waited.

February 3rd, 2010

Picking up @ 12:40 am


When she got back she peeled her uniform off in her room. Her body was bruised and she smelt like that place. So she sighed then took a long shower to wash the smell out of her hair and off her skin. She dried off and got dress in a pale floral dress she found hanging up then changed into something dark green that covered her up nicely while still leaving her feeling somewhat pretty. She got a dark vest and pulled that on then went in search of the boots and knee high socks that went with the outfit pretty well.

She gave up on getting dressed and flopped on her bed. Just mostly dressed and not in a great mood. She searches for her phone and starts to go through the list of names. She almost calls Jack needing to hear from family. She doesn't though. Misha is almost picked out instead but it isn't him either she turns to.

She calls Iason while dragging a tissue. She just needed to hear him right now.

The phone rings and she waits.

January 30th, 2010

The Best Laid Plans @ 05:38 pm


The Empress was most pleased. Very pleased indeed. Things were going according to her plan. The recent fights had been entertaining and she had her champion. Now she could win the games here on her home world. Her champion would win no matter what and she now had more soldiers in her army. She was quite pleased indeed.

She was stretched out on her litter as four of her soldiers carried her to the area. It was the start of the games and by the end her champion would be victorious.

Everything was going according to plan.

January 26th, 2010

January 25th, 2010

Ding Dong! @ 09:58 pm


There was somebody waiting to be let in.  She stood with her hands on her hips and one foot stepping out.  Akilah had come to join the Avengers, since she didn't feel like she had any reason to stay at home in Wakanda any longer.

January 16th, 2010

Your mission, should you choose to accept it..... @ 11:22 pm


About a half-hour after he had overhead Steve and Anya's conversation, the Avengers get a message from Charlie on their comms.

"We've got a situation, team. Steve and Anya's futures are at stake here. Drop whatever it is you're doing and meet me in the lobby. Now." And yes, when Charlie uses a stern tone of voice it means that he means BUSINESS.

They'll find Charlie waiting the lobby, tapping his foot impatiently, keys to one of the Quinjets in one hand...and a list of the most popular quick 'n speedy wedding chapels in Las Vegas in another.

January 13th, 2010

Secret Investigation. @ 03:18 pm


Vernique was sneaking around the mansion today, flitting about at about 4 inches tall.

Her priority seemed to be investigating the kitchen. She looked around at everything almost as if she was cataloging it in her head. She even managed to open a few cabinets and sit on the edge of the door to look at the contents.

January 8th, 2010

Pym Poisoning @ 07:29 pm


In the weeks following the battle to free the various women from the Deviants, Steve had seen almost no super-heroic action.  It was as though the world of crime had decided to take a bit of a holiday break.  He'd continued to take his regular doses of growth formula, just in case, but had only had one call to change size during that time.

Now, though, he entered the training room, ready for a giant-sized work out.  He concentrated, getting ready to push himself to his nominal fifteen feet fighting height.  He felt the usual tingle run through his body and then...  pain.  It started in his guys but quickly spread to the rest of his body, feeling like his every nerve was on fire.  He couldn't move, his muscles felt locked, couldn't even cry out in pain or cry out for help.

He saw the floor coming up to meet him (or was he coming down to meet it?  He couldn't tell) but could not do anything to stop it.  He hit the floor with a hard thud.


January 7th, 2010

Earth Below Us Drifting Falling Floating Weightless Calling Calling Home @ 01:47 am


Kalypso hovered high above the Earth in the Mesosphere close to Kármán line where the Earth's atmosphere ended and space began. She looked down at her home planet, the small blue sphere spinning below her. From this height it looked so peaceful and so calm. There was no sound, no air, and only cold. It was almost perfect. Kalypso could stay up here for a very long time.

As much as she wanted to stay there, she knew she couldn't. She had to go to Olympia and talk to Ikaris and the other Eternals. The images that she pulled from the minds of the heroes were disturbing and what they meant was disturbing. It had unnerved her enough that she had barely slept in the past month. She really didn't need to sleep, but she liked doing it, especially with Jack next to her. Kal liked dreaming.

Kalypso enjoyed the calm and peace

War with the deviants would come soon. That much was guaranteed. Eventually they would strike at their ancient enemies, the Eternals. The war between the Eternals and deviants had been going on for tens of thousands of years, ever since the first days after the Celestials created the Eternals and the deviants.

Kal stared down at the planet. Being up here emphasized the point that she was pulling farther and father away from humanity. She had always known she was different, at one point believing she was just a mutant, and a little separate from normal humans. Now it was entirely different. She was an Eternal and even farther from humanity than before. This upcoming war would pull her even farther away.

A few more minutes and then she'd go to Olympia.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay