Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

July 1st, 2010

Going out with a bang @ 05:05 pm


The Avengers would only find two things. A hole in the wall and a note from Wally. It might have been a bit worrying considering the subject matter of the note...


Okay, gotta write this quick. Usually crappy cosmic awareness kicked in and I've gotta go stop something big and bad before it gets anywhere near Earth. Just uh...pretty sure I'm not walking away from this one so look, I love you guys. I'm weird as all hell but you guys accepted me as one of your own and just...yeah. Luna, I'm sorry to ask this but please make sure my dads know what happened to me and that I love them too. Right...time to go save the universe. Keep on fighting, Avengers.

--Wally Altman-Kaplan aka Captain Marvel.


A Hero's Exit )


June 24th, 2010

Reporting Live From The Gutter (Open to Reactions) @ 06:32 pm


“…The damage here in Fargo, Georgia is catastrophic tonight. Reports are still coming in, but the latest casualty toll is over 2,000. Military planes are being loaded with supplies and moved in from as far away as New York at this time.” Adrian Carver says solemnly, looking directly into the camera.

“Behind me, you can see the damage that occurred yesterday morning.” Adrian says, and the camera pans around the area to show the husks of ruined buildings, rubble, and emergency crews helping people to medical tents. The camera returns to Adrian, his eyes slowly misting.

“ Eyewitness accounts say that a battle between rival groups of mutants reached a fever pitch before a bomb or explosives of some kind were activated. Investigators are still researching the cause of this disaster; more information will come as this story develops. My name is Adrian Carver, signing off from Fargo, Georgia.” he says.

 “Good night and God Bless.”


June 20th, 2010

Father's Day @ 01:20 am


What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it ... Dad

June 15th, 2010

But I'm a Super-Hero... @ 10:45 pm


Steve had, frankly, been joyriding.  But when one was an Avenger, with access to incredible technology, including the latest model Sky-Cycle, one could joyride now and then.  Of course, if anyone asked, he was on patrol. 

The sounds of gunshots broke his train of thought and he looked down to see a shoot-out between some kind of gang and the police.  He could help here.  The guys had a lot of guns--big ones, military models of some kind--and the cops were pinned down.  He quickly set  a program into the Sky-Cycle's auto-pilot.

The Cycle swooped low and he jumped off it, firing a pair of arrows in the process.  The Cycle itself continued its arc and parked itself in the air.  One net arrow wrapped up a trio of gang members, while the other, a glue arrow, insured another gun wouldn't fire.  Fists made sure the guy holding that gun was out of the fight.

He pulled his vibranium boomerangs and threw them, quickly disarming more of the gun men and catching them when they returned to his hands.  The others rushed him now and he relied on his batons and his martial arts skills.  He used the bow and arrows so often, people tended to forget that he had other skills too.  He received his share of blows, but he gave better than he got, putting everything his dad and Uncle Steve had taught him to incredibly good use.

Steve had his severe doubts about what he was doing leading the Avengers, hell, even being an Avenger at all.  Even with all his gear, he was the least super-powerful of the Avengers (or maybe second most, compared to Spector).  What the hell was he doing fighting Skrulls or the Masters of Evil or whatever? 

But this?  Fighting your regular old garden variety thugs?  This he had a damn good handle on.  Here, at least, he knew he could make headway, make a difference.


That was...  that...  that kinda...  hurt...  A lot.

He looked down and saw that the bullet had penetrated the kevlar weave of his uniform entirely.  Had to have been a pretty powerful round then.  And... oh.  Wow.  That was a lot of blood.  Really hurt.

He found himself slumping forward to the ground, faintly aware of the cops moving toward him...

June 13th, 2010

What If: Chaos Uncontroled @ 05:10 am


Wally knows the others are downstairs. The rest of the team. He knows that they're all gathered in the meeting room listening to the team's mages and a few other magic using heroes tell them exactly what's been going on for the past six months. But he doesn't leave the roof of the mansion. They'll be up there soon enough to confront him.

He was aware his powers had been growing beyond the ability of the NegaBands to completely control. Or at least part of him was. And while that same part of him wanted desperately to ask his friends for find some way to regain control...certain darker aspects of Wally's that had been affected by that same chaotic power...kept him quiet. For six months, he'd been pretending everything was fine while those darker parts of his mind subtly unleashed bits of chaos magic that influenced quite a lot. Some teammates had left and been replaced with people from other teams...some relationships had been ruined and loves broken and replaced with others...unexplainable events like an attempted invasion by a renegade Sh'iar cult and a battle with alternate universe duplicates had occurred and more. It was all small stuff that made sense if one didn't look too closely at it. After all it had happened at random...nothing connecting it really and nothing to make anyone suspect Wally was behind it all. Then the Chaos Wave occurred.

He's lost the bands during a fight and his magic went out full force, turning New York City into a practical hell of random chaos and destruction. And while the Wave had been undone the moment Wally recovered his NegaBands...the whole incident made everything his growing power had done light up like a Chistmas tree to those with mystic awareness. It showed that he might just one day go completely out of control and do much worse.

Now he just had to worry what would happen next. Would the team be angry with him for not telling them while his powers influenced them and others? Would they try to help? Would the just attack? Or would something else happen? He didn't he waited. There was some yelling downstairs so he was pretty sure it wouldn't be long until something happened.

June 11th, 2010

The Night Before Life Goes On @ 10:59 pm


Anya was glad to get into a daily routine and be back in classes again. Summer classes had started on the 9th and Anya couldn’t have been happier. Classes and school were parts of The Plan and steps to running Stark Inc one day. A year ago it would have been the only thing she wanted in life, but now it was one of two things she wanted in life. The only other thing she wanted in life was graduating today.

While she was starting classes again, Steve was just finishing high school. As soon as her Friday classes were over she donned her suit and rocked off to New York for Steve’s graduation ceremonies. It was a mad dash into the condo and into a dress. Quick job on her hair and makeup and she climbed into the car with the family.

Anya had attended with her parents, James and Steve’s parents. She was so proud of him. She knew he could do it even when he thought he couldn’t do it. She believed in him even when he didn’t believe in himself. Impatiently she waited for his name to be called.

Tomorrow she'd give him his graduation gift. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he got it. Patience was not a strong suit of Anya's.

June 5th, 2010

Been hard day's night (open) @ 11:24 pm


Luna nearly collapsed face down on the sofa in the lounge.

Riots were never a fun thing to handle. Playing crowd control for those riots was never really very fun either, especially when she'd taken in all of that rage and frustration. But, when the Avengers were called in, they said they needed someone good at crowd control, which was something that Luna considered herself an expert in. It had taken her awhile to rid herself of all that anger. Taking into much off a single emotion always did set her into a bit of an overdrive.

Luna turned her head over her shoulder, and stared at the television. Maybe she'd pop in a movie to help her unwind before heading off to bed....

May 23rd, 2010

Male bonding(After the Wakanda plot) @ 12:40 am


Daniel had decided it was time to get to know more guys in the super hero community. So he had sent word out every way he could that he was hosting a male bonding night. People were expected to be good or he would open up a portal with a well placed spell to drop them on the front lawn.

He had done a lot of cooking. He had also managed to get drinks for any of the guys who might take him up on the offer who could drink.

And he also asked that they bring movies with them. He had a card table set up for poker if anyone felt like playing.

Now all he had to do is wait.

May 9th, 2010

Mother's Day @ 01:24 am


Mothers are the place that we call home.
On them we rest our heads and close our eyes.
There's no one else who grants the same soft peace,
Happiness, contentment, sweet release,
Erasing nighttime tears with lullabies,
Restoring the bright sun that makes us bloom. - Anonymous

May 6th, 2010

Going for a ride... @ 03:31 pm


Ohu Amane does more with his time than just eating, reading, playing video games, watching movies, and sleeping. Today, he's gone out to help live up to the name of his team. He will Defend people!

So it is that he's sitting in the back seat of a car, smiling quietly, while the two carjackers in the front seat swear and fire back at the police chasing after them.

"I don't think you're going to get away," Ohu says pleasantly.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the one riding shotgun declares, leaning out the window, firing at the police behind them.

"Noisiest damn hostage we've ever fuckin' taken," the driver declares, spinning the wheel to take a corner at top speeds, hoping to lose the cops.

"I think you're supposed to use your turn signal," Ohu comments.

"Shut UP!!" the gunman declares.

Ohu smiles quietly. He hasn't seen yet any potential danger to any civilians or policemen yet, or to himself of course. But eventually, he'll put an end to the whole thing, when it's gone on long enough to make a good story.

April 29th, 2010

(Open to Avengers) @ 12:58 am


After they had dropped their stuff off at a local hotel room and caught a quick nap (the joys of continental flights), Aine and Luna had hopped in a cab and took off for Avengers Mansion.

"Here we are," Luna said when they arrived, paying the cabbie before climbing out of the cab. She looked over to Aine. "Relax. Don't be nervous. It'll be fine. You're with me, so there's nothing to worry about. Unless the team's changed drastically, they all know me, for the most part."

She made her way to the front door and knocked.

April 25th, 2010

(open) @ 10:36 pm


Since he'd finished his patrol and his homework Wally elected to go for a flight on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. It was one of his favorite powers after all. He flies out over the ocean at high speed, enjoying the air and the sun. The hybrid hero skims along the surface of the water and then shot up high into the air. After a few flips and barrel rolls, he notices a plane and flies closer to give people looking out the window a little thrill in the form of getting to see a superhero. With that done, he heads back towards the land.

"Great day so far. Maybe I'll get some more patrolling in," he muses, idly searching for any trouble or other flying heroes as he heads back into the air over New York City.

April 20th, 2010

Meanwhile at the Avengers Mansion... @ 01:02 am


With most of the others all off on some cross dimensional adventure, his parents away for the week, and no villains to beat up at the moment, Wally Altman-Kaplan has made his way to the Avengers Mansion since he finished is homework at school.

And since no one was around when he got there, Wally's in the kitchen. And something smells pretty good. There's some rock music playing in the kitchen as Wally dances a bit. He's dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt and not bothering to hide the golden Nega-Bands on his wrists. There's a small mess on the counter and come cookies in the oven. Wally seems quite pleased with himself for not setting anything on fire.

April 9th, 2010

(Not) Just a Normal Day At Avengers' Mansion @ 08:20 pm


Svalin and Tryggvi just landed on the small lawn in the back of the Avengers Mansion. Svalin had been getting antsy and decided to take Tryggvi out for a flight around New York. They were both feeling too confined. At least at the Defenders compound there was room to move around and a nice ocean breeze. There were too many tall buildings in New York and they were all too close.

Svalin dismounted and immediately removed the saddle. She let it fall on the ground and then removed the bridle. She smiled and lightly rubbed Tryggvi's nose before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you, my friend. 'Twas a most enjoyable flight."

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay