Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

January 22nd, 2011

Opening Salvo @ 10:27 am


Aaron Zothelle gives a rueful smile and a sigh to Adrian Carver, ignoring the heat of the bright lights overhead as he prepares to answer the question asked of him. Carver isn’t taking it easy on him, which is good for the press that the League of Human Nationalists will receive from this broadcast. Still, Aaron wishes that Carver wasn’t so bloodthirsty in his investigation of the League.
The rest of the interview... )

September 26th, 2010

NEWS! (Open to Reactions) @ 10:29 am


Spider-Man on a Rampage! - Just when you thought it was safe to walk the streets of New York again, the menace known as Spider-Man has reared his web-covered head. Recent months has seen an surge of gang violence gripping New York, beginning with the shooting death of a 15 year-old student from Midtown High. Since then, the so-called "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" has attacked any groups with gang-affiliations. Members of street gangs such as the Poison Memories, the Midtown Saints and the Grim Bastards Motorcycle Club have been admitted to hospitals with alarming frequency. ..(CONTINUED ON PAGE 2A)

Local Media Mogul Seeks Support For Relief Efforts- Julian Howard, known as the manager behind the mutant reality sensation, X-Factor, has met in recent weeks with a slew of politicians and attended Congressional hearings in Washington D.C. seeking ways to bring more federal aid to the embattled citizens of Fargo, Georgia.

"We are just a few months removed from this tragedy, but we cannot forget its impact or that there are real people still suffering." Howard says.

Mr. Howard has been outspoken in his desire to bridge the divide between humanity and mutantkind in the wake of the tragedy that took the lives of over 3,000 people. A three-day benefit concert is close to being announced and is rumored to have the names of several prominent mainstream and independent artists on the marquee. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10A)

USA v. Mutants? - A robbery enacted by a group of mutant criminals two weeks ago was thwarted by a new task force created by the Department of Homeland Security. A unit of the Mutant Response Division, led by Command Master Chief Windham Carter, apprehended the crew of mutant thieves after an hour long stand-off. Eyewitness reports also state that another group of mutants came to the aid of the MRD, but this cannot be confirmed. Colonel Audra Wesker, head of the Division, expressed relief and gratitude that there were no serious injuries or deaths. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3B)

August 21st, 2010

(no subject) @ 10:26 pm


Zoey would have a lot to write about when she did her "What I Did This Summer" report when school started. First there had been two new arrivals to the Defenders with Andy and Eiltin. Three if you counted Titan, who Zoey liked to call Big Green. Next came finding George and taking care of him. That lead to an adventure into space and beating Galactus.

Now it was a trip to Boston. Zoey loved taking trips and flying on airplanes, especially to places she never been before. Boston was a city she hadn't been to before and when Mom asked if she wanted to go, Zoey immediately said yes. Daddy had said he would show her around and she would get to meet her grandparents. Zoey never had grandparents before and thought it would be neat to meet them and get to know them.

The only downside was that she couldn't take George. She left him in her room and George assured her that he would be able to get his own food and take care of himself. Zoey didn't like leaving him, but she had no choice. She packed her own suitcase and backpack. She took clothes and some books to read on the plane. Her iPod and Nintendo DS were also put in her backpack.

Zoey read on the plane and also took a nap. They were in Boston in what seemed a short while. She started out the window as they were landing. The city looked pretty from the air and there was a lot of water. It was the Atlantic Ocean. Zoey had looked at the atlas before she left.

They collected their luggage and Zoey walked with her dad out of the airport. Holding his hand as was the rule when around a large number of people.

July 9th, 2010

The Meeting @ 07:58 am


"...No, you need to have Emma Frost call me back at her earliest convenience, which should be before my show tomorrow night. I assure you, she'd like to speak to me." Adrian Carver is telling the receptionist at the other end of the phone. These people had tried to give him the runaround for the last several days, and he was tired of it. After everything he'd seen in Fargo, he was tired of a lot of things.

Mutants were starting to get out of control again, and they had to be dealt with. Many people in government circles were coming up with ideas to do that, and he was sitting on a major announcement that he'd break on his show tonight. Meanwhile, though, he had another story that was about become front page news if Emma Frost decided to ignore him.

"Thank you, tell her I'll be awaiting her call." Adrian says, sitting back at his desk.

June 24th, 2010

Reporting Live From The Gutter (Open to Reactions) @ 06:32 pm


“…The damage here in Fargo, Georgia is catastrophic tonight. Reports are still coming in, but the latest casualty toll is over 2,000. Military planes are being loaded with supplies and moved in from as far away as New York at this time.” Adrian Carver says solemnly, looking directly into the camera.

“Behind me, you can see the damage that occurred yesterday morning.” Adrian says, and the camera pans around the area to show the husks of ruined buildings, rubble, and emergency crews helping people to medical tents. The camera returns to Adrian, his eyes slowly misting.

“ Eyewitness accounts say that a battle between rival groups of mutants reached a fever pitch before a bomb or explosives of some kind were activated. Investigators are still researching the cause of this disaster; more information will come as this story develops. My name is Adrian Carver, signing off from Fargo, Georgia.” he says.

 “Good night and God Bless.”


May 31st, 2010

In Remembrance @ 04:33 pm


On the last Monday in May the country pauses to mourn its war dead, the spirit of redemptive sacrifice is extolled and pledges to American ideals are renewed. Flags are placed on soldiers' graves and those who sacrificed their lives for their country are remembered.

The holiday first began in the 1860s to honor the Civil War dead and took place near the day of reunification after the war, it has since come to encompass all war dead. People observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries and memorials. A national moment of remembrance takes place at 3 p.m. local time and another tradition is to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Volunteers often place American flags on each grave site at National Cemeteries. The National Memorial Day Concert takes place on the west lawn of the United States Capitol where music is performed, and respect is paid to the men and women who gave their lives for their country.

Families and friends come together for barbecues and cookouts. Kids rejoice at the opening of pools and knowing that summer has begun and school is ending.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay