Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

December 17th, 2010

Dark Reflections: Battle In New York @ 06:00 pm


Morning came to New York and with it a brisk wind making it seem colder than it was. The weak winter sun did little to warm things up and a layer of frost covered cars and other objects left out in the cold winter air over night. The city that never slept was becoming more alive with activity as her residents started their daily routines.

High above the city the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier flew, keeping an eye on the city below.

It seemed like any other winter's morning in New York, but today would prove to be far from ordinary.

November 27th, 2010

Dark Reflections @ 08:52 pm


There was a flash of light and the Exiles appeared in a new world with a new problem to fix.

They were in a crowd just outside a courthouse in New York city. The area around the main entrance was filled with people and the media. New York's Finest tried to keep the mass of people back, but the crowd was persistent in getting in close. Two uniformed officers stood near the rear door. One officer opened the door and the other helped the prisoner out of the car.

Captain America exited the police cruiser and the two officers flanked him. Camera flashes went off in a dizzying pattern. Reporters tried to shove microphones in front of Captain America for a quote.

The officers started to lead him up the steps toward the main entrance.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay