Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Calling @ 05:35 pm


27 September. The Wedding Anniversary. The wedding only left incomplete because of the monster controlling her Lady-Mother's mind. As far as Mariko, and thus, as far as Amiko was concerned, her parents had really been married anyway.

Amiko knew her Father no longer made his attempts to get roaring drunk -- or as close to it as he could possibly get -- on the anniversary, but she liked to keep calling anyway. Just in case, and just to talk to him.

This year was a little... complicated. She hadn't really kept a secret from him before. But it didn't seem like time yet to mention her mentally ill boyfriend for whom she was a parole officer. The ethical questions were bad enough; there was also the safety issue.

She takes a breath and calls.

From the Heavens to Las Vegas @ 06:04 pm


The Guardians have come to Earth to visit - a planet Iason certainly has connections to. One of which is his partial ownership of a casino, and through it, his casual friendship with Donald Trump.

Once people got past that particular news, he called The Donald;s secretary, and had reservations made. Everyone has luxury rooms, things are set to Red will be treated as a guest rather than a pet, an account is set up so people can gamble if they wish, and everyone has a number they can call to have reservations for meals, shows, whatever else they'd like made for them.

Red is required to give up any and all weapons, of course - as is everyone else, and a personal attendant with a luxury cart is gotten for Red so there's no worries about his tail getting stepped on in crowded floors. Iason makes sure everyone knows the rules, and has a quarter million dollars put into the collective account to cover food, entertainment, gambling and the rest.

Flashback - Formation of the TBolts @ 09:44 pm


It had been a long day of enforcing her lord's will and delivering his justice and Lady Mandarin returned to the base and to her lord. She removed her armor and let the servants take it away. Her arms went out and the two women worked efficiently to remove the clothes she wore. Once she was naked, Lady Mandarin stepped into the hot shower that had been prepared for her.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay