Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Attack of the Evil Grandfathers: Time for Dramatic Splash Pages! In a Sociopath's Delusional Mind! @ 07:56 pm


Well, that'd been a fun little jaunt uptown. Here was hoping it would put some ideas in the girl's head that his new buddy could make use of. Or not. Maybe it wasn't that kind of story. And of course, the Thinker hadn't been able to take down Alpha Flight. No harm, no harm. All just interlude. Just softening up.
But waltzing up to a base in the middle of nowhere, of course, isn't Zeb's style. Too vulnerable, not enough leverage. So he's in town, cozy in a restaurant he's properly taken over, having analyzed a few choice haunts, keeping an eye out for any of Kara's girl's little friends.

He dialed the phone.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay