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Cassidy Summers ([info]sound_and_fury) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-24 18:48:00

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Entry tags:inactive - cassidy summers, sylvia mccoy

These Iron Bars Can't Hold My Soul (Open)
Cassidy Summers sits out on the porch behind the school, staring out at the forest behind the school. This place is bigger that the compound he lived in until a day or so ago, but his room is small. Too small. Some of the other students seem nice, others don't really say much to him, or ignore him entirely.

Do they know what he did in Georgia? Or what he did to Tina?

Could he get to the highway before someone caught him? 

He doesn't want to be rude to Rose and the others, because he's glad they saved him from George and the others, but he's an orphan with a power he can barely control. Professor Xavier told Cassidy that he had an idea on how to help him with that, based on something done for an ally of theirs once upon a time, but that solution will take time to complete. For now, Cassidy has to wait.

That's the hardest part.

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2010-06-27 06:01 pm UTC (link)
"Well, as I happen to know all the necessary supplies were fairly recently acquired from the grocery store, the best solution's going to be to make a pastrami-and-olive sandwich, a peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich, and each take half of each."

And when they reach the kitchen, Sylvie will start climbing about to put that plan into action, setting her drumstick on the kitchen counter.

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2010-06-27 06:36 pm UTC (link)
"I like you already, Sylvie. You make great plans." Cassidy says.

He'll help her in any way he can, keeping an eye on the walls of the kitchen. Did this room just shrink a bit? No. No, it didn't.

"Oh...and there's root beer. Okay, today rules." he says.

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2010-06-27 06:42 pm UTC (link)
"Why thank you!"
Sylvie will provide useful information about various steps of the process, and soon, they each have half an pastrami and olive salad sandwich, half a peanut butter and banana sandwich, and a glass of root beer.

"Viola!" Sylvie says, deliberately mispronouncing.

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2010-06-27 07:25 pm UTC (link)
Cassidy laughs at the mispronunciation. Sylvie is the first person here, besides the people who rescued him, to speak to him for more than ten seconds.

He takes a bite of the pastrami sandwich and nods in approval.

"This is really good! I can't believe I've never had pastrami before." he says, taking a sip of root beer. This is probably the best food he's had in a long, long time and he savors every bite.

"So...what do people do for fun around here?" he asks.

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2010-06-27 10:21 pm UTC (link)
"Well, plenty of opportunities for exercise. The gym in the basement, the lake, all kinds of options there. We've got a library, and collectively, a pretty good DVD collection. Then there's going into town or all the way into the city."

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2010-06-28 03:57 am UTC (link)
"You have a library here? Awesome!" Cassidy exclaims. He loves to read, and takes any chance he can to do so. The amount of activities that allow him to get out of the confines of the mansion also interest him and he nods.

"Um...what about learning to control what I do? I...want to get a handle on being a mutant." he says.

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2010-06-28 12:17 pm UTC (link)
"I've never had control issues, but it's happened to plenty of people, and enough danger room training sessions and other precautions generally provide a handle on things."

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2010-06-28 12:45 pm UTC (link)
"I hope they can help me. I don't want to go through life afraid." Cassidy says.

"What's the Danger Room?" he asks.

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2010-06-28 01:32 pm UTC (link)
"The Danger Room's a room in the sub-basement that's used to prepare people for all kinds of situations. And currently is just finished being repaired and cleaned up after somebody had a little accident."

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2010-06-29 12:37 pm UTC (link)
"An accident?" Cassidy asks, a little shocked. "Why does that sound like it's anything but an accident?" he asks.

"Maybe you could show me this Danger Room sometime? After we eat?" he asks, taking another bite of his sandwich.

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2010-06-29 02:07 pm UTC (link)
"It was an accident. It's just that Ellie and Daniel weren't supposed to be in there unsupervised in the first place. They're too young."

"I can show it to you, but I'd have to ask Uncle Scott before anything got turned on."

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2010-06-29 11:56 pm UTC (link)
"Is your Uncle Scott one of the teachers here? Is he nice?" Cassidy asks.

He wonders if he has any uncles or other family out there. Would they care if they knew he was alive? He didn't know. He continued to eat, trying not to let the question bother him.

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2010-06-30 12:45 am UTC (link)
Sylvie smiles. "Uncle Scott's the deputy headmaster. And well, if we want to use a Sondheimesque ethical terminology pedanticness, it's hard to say whether Uncle Scott's nice, but he's often Good and-or Right. And to clarify, he's an Uncle By Consensus, not blood. He and Dad were in the first graduating class together here."

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2010-06-30 01:48 am UTC (link)
"You use big words and I still understand you. You're pretty cool, Sylvie." Cassidy tells her, finishing the rest of his sandwich. He then takes another swig of root beer.

"So, then Mr. Scott is like extended family, then. Very cool." he says.

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2010-06-30 02:42 am UTC (link)
"Mhm. I'm sure somebody's probably mentioned a Mr. Summers. That's him."

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2010-06-30 04:04 am UTC (link)
"Mr. Summers? That's pretty cool. That's my last name, too." Cassidy says.

"How well do you know Professor Xavier?" he asks.

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2010-06-30 04:22 am UTC (link)
"Neat. It's certainly a well-known last name in our kinds of circles. Occasionally thought to be cursed, but don't let it worry you; they're some of the best people."

"Well enough. Why?"

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2010-06-30 12:03 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, just asking. He seems...kinda scary. He can talk to you without speaking. I knew someone like that. She wasn't very nice." Cassidy says, looking away.

Virginia was terrible to him, probably the worst after Steve.

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2010-06-30 02:03 pm UTC (link)
"Okay, Cassidy. Let me be straight here. Living at a mutant school, you can't make personal comparisons based on abilities. Some telepaths? Are nasty, nasty people. It's a fact. But you can't let every telepath you meet remind you of them before they're actually, you know, acting like it."

"I can't promise you that Professor Xavier will never, ever be a jerk. I can only promise that if and when he is one, it won't be for the purpose of being a jerk; it'll be for some reason he finds necessary, and whatever jerkishness may happen is a side effect."

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2010-07-01 12:30 am UTC (link)
Cassidy becomes red with shame. Sylvie is right. He's being unfair to the Professor because of how Doctor Milbury and Virginia hurt him.

"I'm sorry, Sylvie. You're right." Cassidy says. He starts to get up from the table.

"I should go. Thanks for the food." he says.

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2010-07-01 01:14 am UTC (link)
"Hey, no need to rush. I was just trying to clarify the situation. And you're welcome."

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