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Andrea ([info]awesome_andrea) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-07-07 20:47:00

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Entry tags:awesome andrea, kristoff vernard, npc - stature, team - fantastic four, vincent vernard

Never Anything Good On
Andrea, to the untrained and unfamiliar eye, seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time watching television.  And it was true that she enjoyed television very much and did spent a lot of time watching it.  What this ignored, however, was her ability to multitask and process different strands simultaneously.

At this moment, for example, she was watching the news, using approximately 30% of her processing power to pay attention to it.  A full 40% of her processing power was devoted to her on-line education classes, including a portion devoted to research for an assignment.  A surprising 20% of her processing power was being devoted to Vincent, including several recursive strings that she did not fully understand and that had, in fact, begun to worry her to the point where she should likely ask Kristoff to run a deeper-diagnostic.  And the remaining 10% was devoted to basic systems funcationality.

All of which basically meant she could split her attention several ways without the loss of performance that an ordinary human might have.

Even still, it was several moments before the TV-watching strand connected with other parts of her processor, signaling a high-priority alarm. She redistributed her processing power to give her complete attention to the television.

"....amateur video from the random attacks on the Fantastic Four showcasing "Awesome" Andrea of the young Fantastic Four fighting the criminal know as the Thinker.  "Awesome" Andrea, also known as Andrea Denker, appears unusually effected by a localized electromagnetic pulse and then..."

The video continues, showing Andrea being decapitated (she shuddered at that memory), leaving a shower of sparks, circuits, and wires.

"This raises serious questions about the most mysterious and least-known member of the Fantastic Four.  Their public relations officer declined to comment when questioned earlier this week..."

Andrea's processing faculties largely failed to notice just how tightly she was gripping the arm of the couch.

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2009-07-08 05:58 am UTC (link)
Vincent growled from his throat and scratched the back of his head in frustration. "I've just got finals to pick off, can't we simply skip town for a few weeks until the media frenzy fades? I don't want to perjure myself, but I'm not eager to recognize him publicly either."

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2009-07-08 06:20 am UTC (link)
"Best get used to it. It doesn't matter who your father is, you're a hero. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch were in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and now they're respected Avengers." Of course there were still some who hated them. "It doesn't matter what anyone says about any of us." Cassie glanced at Andrea as she spoke, to let her know that went for the two of them.

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2009-07-08 07:13 am UTC (link)
"Indeed." Kristoff nods in agreement with Cassie. "As I said, the sensationalizing will have died down reasonably in a week or so. Until then... I've still plenty in my alloted Extravagance Fund. Going somewhere is quite possible if that is what the rest of you prefer."

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2009-07-08 07:23 am UTC (link)
"A vacation would be a nice diversion," Andrea said. "Especially after our recent adventure."

She closed her eyes for a moment. "Additionally, traffic to the individual members pages of our website has increased by over 300% since the broadcast, with the majority going to mine and Vincent's pages. Interestingly, my page is receiving three hits for every one of his."

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2009-07-08 07:26 am UTC (link)
Kristoff raises an eyebrow slightly, with a thin smile. "Didn't it always?"

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2009-07-08 07:33 am UTC (link)
Vincent's mouth fell open slightly, cutting off the pleasant sense of accomplishment as Cassandra had referred to him as a hero.

"..I clearly need to update my photo-gallery." Vincent mumbled to himself, maybe looking at Andrea a little enviously. There was also a vague irritation at all the attention to her page on another level he couldn't quite identify.

An idea occurred to him.

"Brother..." Vincent turned to Kristoff. "I don't believe Andrea has ever been to Disney World."

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2009-07-08 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Andrea perked up at this mention of Disney World.

"Is that the one in California or Florida?"

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2009-07-08 08:34 pm UTC (link)
"Florida. And that can be arranged. The five of us, I would hope?" He looks to Cassie.

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2009-07-09 04:18 am UTC (link)
"I'm... not sure. To- Mr. Stark's in bad shape." But she didn't want Scotty to miss out on a trip to Disney World.

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2009-07-09 04:24 am UTC (link)
"There's nothing you can do for him here but go mad worrying," Kristoff says quietly. "The people of consequence will know how to reach you if there's any news important enough."

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2009-07-09 04:50 am UTC (link)
Vincent was already crunching statistical data in his head. "If we leave right after my last exam, the timing would be perfect. Minimal elderly and family crowds. The majority will be 20-somethings and college males and females."

He grinned at the beach-going prospects, 'females' practically flickering over his eyes in neon text as he spoke.

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2009-07-09 04:59 am UTC (link)
Cassie sighed and stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "You're right, Kristoff. I think you'll need all the help you can get."

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2009-07-09 05:01 am UTC (link)
Andrea was practically beaming, her own troubles largely forgotten, because, well, Disney. Though she did experience a momentary systems glitch at Vincent's mention of other females.

"I am very fond of this idea. We simply must do this, please.

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2009-07-09 08:57 pm UTC (link)
Kristoff takes Cassandra's hand and says "Thank you," quite seriously.

"I shall make the necessary arrangements as soon as possible, Andrea."

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2009-07-10 01:27 am UTC (link)
Vincent grinned and clapped his hands together, before tugging Andrea along by one arm. "Come Andrea, I've got a whole directory of travel brochures and planning dvds filed in my room. I'll need to show you all the highlights of the different parks." He started pulling her across the common area towards his room, still rambling.

"Normally the dining plans fill up three months in advance, but I'm sure, given our status, some strings can be pulled. There's a few excellent steakhouses, and of course plenty of ethnic cuisine. I'm sure we can also persuade Kristoff to enable us with access to their various wine selections as well.." He wandered off with his friend, (sure), in tow.

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2009-07-10 04:10 am UTC (link)
Andrea was more than happy to let herself be pulled along, happily taking Vincent's hand. (Note to self: Consult with Cassie and Kristoff over irregular thought-patterns).

"It sounds as though you have had much of this planned in advance, Vincent," she said.

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