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Rose Logan ([info]wild_rose) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-27 20:17:00

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Entry tags:inactive - anastasia summers, inactive - chris frost, inactive - chris pym, inactive - match, inactive - rose logan, plot-"providence of mutantdom", team - x-force

Some Call Me the Gangster of Love
With the fake backgrounds and IDs Summers and the rest of the crew, getting into Providence (Rose and Tina inserted in one group, Chris and Annie inserted in another, and Joey with his own plan) as part of differing immigrant groups had proven surprisingly easy.  Fake IDs listed them all as a little bit older than they were, but not impossibly so.  They'd passed the background checks, taken aptitude tests, and been given various placements within Providence society.

Per the initial meeting outline, they'd purposefully avoided each other for the first three days on the island itself.  Now, however, it was time to meet.

Rose--whose fake ID identified her as Elizabeth Howlett--sat down on the park bench that was X-Force's rendezvous point.  She took a long sniff, breathing in the air.  It was cleaner than back in the states, clean like the wilderness.  Whatever Nate was up to here... it sure seemed to her like he was doing something right.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-07-31 06:21 am UTC (link)
"Well unless you deem my present outfit not quite enough and I need to change I'm ready now. The sooner we do this, the sooner we're closer to being done and I can go home and be with my boyfriend a little longer before he discovers I'm a liar and dumps me.

"I probably won't have much difficulty with him. Like I told Summers, I have pretty effective spy skills."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-07-31 06:31 am UTC (link)
"You look fine." Joey says, sighing at Tina's obsession with being dumped.

"You really love this guy, huh? You're so worried about him finding out about your real job that it colors everything you do, Tina." Joey says.

"I know I said this before, but you're doin' the right thing by keeping him in the dark. There's too much at stake to trust anyone that ain't on this team with Cassidy's secret. The kid is messed up, and if someone else learns what's goin' on, there's no knowing what they'll try to do." Joey explains.

"So, what's our story. We need to come across as two people who get along well-enough. You don't need to let the guy touch you or anything crazy, just...get him to open up to you. A few drinks, do you brain mojo and we should be good." Joey says.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-07-31 06:41 am UTC (link)
"Yes, Joey. I love Justin. If you had any idea of the things I've been through you'd understand exactly how precious the idea of love and trust is to me. He's too good for me, frankly, but I don't want to lose him. He...he has values, Joey. I don't think I need to remind you of who my mother is for you to understand why that counts in my book."

She gave herself a once over in the mirror and picked up her purse.

"And Cassidy isn't messed up. He's been through a lot and unlike the rest of us, he's got a power that he doesn't have even a clue of how to control. It practically eats him alive, but his mind and heart are probably more healthy than any of ours. As for our targets, you said he's the type to be into pretty girls and he's bored of his trophy wife? She's probably a second or a third wife and he probably regularly trades up for a younger model. He's likely the sort to be looking to cheat and if he can steal someone else's girl, all the better. It'll puff his ego and men like him always need ego puffs. Our story needs to be that we're dating and have been for awhile, that our families know each other and our relationship is more or less a foregone conclusion. We need to be affectionate, but slightly aloof and bored with it. This way when our mark starts flirting with me I can express how nice it is. I figure he'll probably have a three drink threshold with some reciprocal flirting and then I'll get in his head. Though I may have to let him touch me marginally, nothing too much. But guys like that are always the touchy type."

She walked towards the door.

"Sound good?"

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-07-31 07:08 am UTC (link)
Joey nods at Tina's assessment of Justin. He used to think guys like that were wimps, but then he met Rose. Rose might not think it, but she was the kind of girl that would make a criminal consider going respectable full time, which really clashed with Joey's plans to steal enough money to live on comfortably for the rest of his life.

Funny enough, he was starting not to care about the money.

He blinks at Tina's idea for their cover story.

"And here I thought I was the only criminal type on the team. Wish I'd known you in Australia, Tina. You'd have fit in great with my old crew. I used to be a pretty shitty person. Seducin' heiresses, like yourself, and bein' gone before morning with all their money and such." Joey says.

"All sins come due eventually, though." he says to no one in particular.

"Sounds good. Let's go." Joey says.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-07-31 07:11 am UTC (link)
"I was a prostitute," she says flatly. "I may be an heiress but trust me when I say everything I have I earned."

She closed the door and locked it.

"Lead the way."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:17 am UTC (link)
A prostitute? Really?

Joey still couldn't believe it, even as they sat across from the rich, bored couple.

"So I said, "Well, that's what you get when you leave it like that!" he says, in character as Alexander Crittenden.

Cue uproarious laughter.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:21 am UTC (link)
Adrienne laughed politely and shook her head a bit.

"Oh darling, you are so funny. Why don't you tell them one of your other stories." She locked her eyes on the husband directly across from her. There was a subtle shift in the musculature of her body, the way she held herself, the expression on her face. It wasn't flirtatious; it was something deeper and almost more sinister. "Alexander has such a sense of humor if he'd simply stop limiting himself. I've never found it particularly attractive, limits that is."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:26 am UTC (link)
"Limits only stifle the mind, body, and soul. Especially the body." Thurston Hale IV says, as he look at Adrienne. He definitely wants to test out her limits. He's already imagining doing so before the end of the night.

"Adrienne, tell us about you. We've hardly heard a word from you all evening." Thurston says, smiling.

I'd love to hear several words from you later on.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Me?" Adrienne smiled coyly. "Oh but Thurston I want to hear more about you. Like why is such a handsome and powerful man like yourself here? Personally, this time of year, I much prefer the French nude beaches."

She slid her fingertips up and down the stem of her wine glass. She heard his thought loud and clear. Foolish man...he'd only had one and a half drinks, not enough to be pliable but he wasn't shielding. She held back, though, letting her verbal words be suggestion enough for now.

"Wouldn't you?"

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:43 am UTC (link)
"France is so last year. Providence is the new France, though the lack of nudity on the beaches /is/ a drawback. But...there are ways around it if one wishes." Thurston says.

He idly wondered certain things about Adrienne's apparel and how easy it was to remove. He was also hoping that Alexander struck his wife's fancy enough to take her off his hands for the evening...as long as she didn't get pregnant again. He didn't want to have to pay for another procedure.

"But really, Adrienne, I'm here trying to set up an agreement for my company to provide medical supplies to the island. I work for a firm that does distribution and Providence is an untapped market.

I've got a meeting tomorrow with Brad Simmons, the head R&D guy here to determine rates and such." Thurston says.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 01:48 am UTC (link)
"Oh?" Adrienne made her eyes light up and her lips part slightly with surprise and she leaned forward slightly, just enough that her already very low-cut dress was just a little more revealing. "Perhaps we could...help each other. I'm interviewing for a lab management position tomorrow morning and as I'm sure we both know, it's the lab managers who rather control the medical supplies. If you could get me that job, I can promise you exclusive distribution of those supplies."

She reached over and brushed her fingertips against his.

"I would be so indebted to you..."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:02 am UTC (link)
"Well, I might be able to call in a favor. Brad and I went to school together at UC Berkeley, and he does owe me. I'll talk to him and see what I can do. No promises, though." Thurston says.

Oh, she is SO mine. And I'm gonna make sure she pays that debt. Over and over and over...

"Are you two busy this evening? We know some guys on the security force that will let us down onto the beach with no trouble." Thurston says.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:04 am UTC (link)
"Oh, I wish I could, but I've got a conference call with the head office back home in the morning. I think I'm just going to head over to my place and call it a night." Alexander says.

"Honey, are you still up for fun with the Hale's?" he asks.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:09 am UTC (link)
No, he was so hers. At his most recent dirty thought, she pushed a thought into Thurston's mind of her beneath him on that beach, with him doing all sorts of filthy things to her. He was that kind of man which made it easier for her to know just how to play him.

"Oh I am certainly up for more...fun with the Hales. You do need your sleep and I have energy to burn yet."

She never took her eyes off of Thurston.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:30 am UTC (link)
Thurston downs a full glass of wine at the thought Tina presses into his head, stifling his desire to drag her down to that beach right now.

"Well, I've got a round of shopping with the girls in the morning, so I think I'll call it a night." Rosalie Hale says coolly. She pats her husband on the shoulder.

"Don't be out too late, darling." she says. She shoots Tina a knowing look and a smile as she leaves.


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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:32 am UTC (link)
Thurston Hale has eyes only for Adrieene right now, and orders another glass of liquid courage.

"Well, Adrienne, I've got an idea. Why do we do a little dancing, then see what else comes up?" he asks.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:39 am UTC (link)
Tina hears Rosalie's thought but pushes it away. It's more or less proof she's doing a good job selling this. She smiles at Thurston as his second drink disappears. A dance or two and it will be game over for Thurston.

"I like this idea very much, Thurston." She presses further thoughts into his head, of dancing with her, her body close to his, the smell of her hair, her perfume... "Perhaps we can just...dance on the beach. It's so much more private there."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 02:58 am UTC (link)
"I'm up for that. Like I said, I know some guys on the security force, so we can do that. Sorry you won't be comin' out with us, Alex. It could have been fun." Thurston says in a tone that suggests he is not sorry in any fashion.

"Shall we go, Adrienne?" Thurston asks.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 03:13 am UTC (link)
Forty minutes and I'll have everything we can get from this guy. Tina lets Joey know as she stands to go.

"I'll be home in a bit, darling," Adrienne says without looking away from Thurston. She lets him lead her down to the beach, carefully keeping his advances at bay until they are alone in the semi-darkness of the beach. Then, she slides up to him and drapes her arms around his neck.

"I hope you have more in mind than dancing, Thurston..."

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Oh yes. So much more..." the man says, smashing his lips against Adrienne's and getting much more friendly with her using his hands.

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Re: Dinner with the Rich
2010-08-01 03:32 am UTC (link)
That was all she needed. He was fully distracted so she pushed her way into his mind setting about extracting everything she could get out of there about what he knew, what he suspected, who he knew, and just exactly how to best charm this Simmons guy. Truth was Thurston didn't know much, but he did have connections. And she was going to make sure that he used them to get her exactly where she wanted to be.

He wouldn't notice it, but she was passive at his touch, still as a statue while he tried to molest her. She was seeding thoughts in his mind, false memories of what he wanted to do with her, filthy thoughts that were vivid and real--to him. In short order she was able to step physically back from him and let him fall to the sand, completely possessed with false thoughts and sensations of the best sexual experience he'd ever had. At her suggestion, he undressed himself and rolled in the sand while she boredly messed up her hair and smeared her makeup a bit.

Once she was satisfied that she'd done enough, she slipped out of his mind, made a show of zipping up her dress and picking up her shoes.

"I should go before Alex gets restless. It was such a pleasure, Thurston."

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