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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-28 21:43:00

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Entry tags:inactive - dj whedon, inactive - julian gallo, plot-"the uprising"

Small Favor
DJ Whedon will receive a message asking him to meet with Julian around ten a.m. to discuss a favor of importance. He'll request that they meet in the boardroom at X-Factor Plaza on the third floor, and that DJ should come hungry.

When DJ arrives, Julian is there in one of his usual tailored suits, along with a pretty blond woman and two other men who look like scientists of some kind.

"DJ! Glad you could make it." Julian says cordially, getting up to shake his hand. "Before we get down to the reason for the meeting, I'd like to meet Dr. Jennifer Crane. These are her assistants, Miles and Warren.

There's food, of course, so please don't be shy. Let's all eat, and then we'll talk about why I asked you to stop by today." Julian says.

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2010-07-30 12:51 am UTC (link)
"We're hoping it will be, DJ. You're actually in a unique position to help Dr. Crane and marine biologists everywhere...but I'll let her explain." Julian says.

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2010-07-30 01:05 am UTC (link)
Dr. Crane smiles and nods at Julian.

"Mr. Whedon, as Mr. Howard said, I am a marine biologist. We do a lot of studies of ocean life and how our actions impact the seas and vice-versa. I work with a company that does several dives and expeditions a year in areas all around the world, and most times things are fun, but never dangerous." she says.

"At least, not until now."

"The loss of several different species of predator has allowed sea-vipers to flourish in many regions. Sea-vipers are aggressive and territorial. Their venom is extremely lethal if one is not innoculated with an anti-venom made, ironically, from their venom. This is why I asked Mr. Howard to meet with you today." Dr. Crane says.

"You ability to mimic several creatures is, to put it simply, amazing. I'd like to know if you are able to mimic any form of sea-viper at all. If so, we would be willing to pay you to produce a large quantity of their venom in order to create anti-venom for our divers." Dr. Crane says.

"Now, we'd only like as much as you can safely provide, Mr. Whedon. We don't want you hurting yourself on our behalf. But anything you can provide would be appreciated." Dr. Crane finishes.

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2010-07-30 06:29 am UTC (link)
"First, DJ, please. I'm not that big on formality. Second... yeah, most snakes are relatively primitive creatures that have been around a long time, and haven't changed much. I'd need information on the specific species, but I can certainly try it. I have a number of snakes in my usual repertoire, but usually not aquatic species."

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2010-07-30 12:42 pm UTC (link)
"DJ, would it help you if we have a sea-viper you can look at up close?" Dr. Crane asks. "We do have a few we're keeping at the Zoo until they can be transported back to sea. Before coming to you, we tried to do with them what we're asking of you.

It hasn't gone well, even with removing them from their natural habitat." she says.

"If and when you're ready, we can set up an appointment for you to come down." she says.

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2010-07-30 03:49 pm UTC (link)
"It couldn't hurt. I obviously usually don't have that kind of reference material, so write-ups would be fine, but anything I can get, really. And my schedule is pretty open during the days... other than filming the show I mostly work nights."

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2010-07-30 10:44 pm UTC (link)
"Then how about this Saturday at nine a.m?" Dr. Crane suggests. "You can come by, take a look around, and then we'll see if we can get things going?

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2010-08-01 08:09 pm UTC (link)
"Nine? I guess I can get someone to cover and spin for me past about midnight at the club. Its a good cause... sure, I can do nine. Unless you have an opening at a more sane hour, like, say, one?"

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2010-08-01 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sorry. We start at seven, and we forget all the time that not everyone is up as early as us. Why don't we make it two p.m.? Most of the staff should be gone by then, so we're not waiting in line to use anything." Crane suggests.

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2010-08-02 12:03 am UTC (link)
"Two is awesome. Yeah, sorry... I run the sound and spin at a couple punk clubs. Three AM is usually bedtime for me. I'll be there at two."

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2010-08-07 12:56 am UTC (link)
"Two p.m. it is, DJ. We look forward to working with you." Dr. Crane smiles.

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