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team_mascot ([info]team_mascot) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-09 07:37:00

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Entry tags:eiltin, inactive - andy walters, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

Summer Fun (open to Eiltin and Andy/Titan)
Zoey was bored. Mom was on a conference call (she seemed to have a lot of those) and Zoey had to wait to go get ice cream with her like she promised. Zelbar and Spencer were in the kitchen because Sarah was cooking and they waited for her to drop some food. Eyhvatr was sleeping in a patch of sun not far from the pool. Her usual playmates were busy.

Zoey went to see who was around.

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2010-08-20 03:45 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry, E. Happens to the best o' us, even if I think the kid has magic powers when it comes ta this game." Titan says.

"But I bet if we played Uno, she wouldn't be so tough." Titan says, making a taunting face at Zoey, narrowing his eyes in challenge.

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2010-08-20 03:47 am UTC (link)
Zoey's eyes narrowed. "You think so, Big Green? Ask Hal and Simon about Halloween and Uno. Bring it on, Big Green."

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2010-08-20 03:52 am UTC (link)
Yeah it really didn’t help that they were talking about games he had never heard of. Still Eiltin could possibly do worse than that the last game.

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2010-08-20 05:11 am UTC (link)
"Oh, it's already brought, Short Stack! You get the cards, I'll get the cookies and we'll settle this in the World Series of Uno." Titan says.

He is ready to show Zoey a thing or two about being Awesome. Oh yeah.

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2010-08-20 10:10 pm UTC (link)
"Okay!" Zoey said and ran off to get the deck of Uno cards.

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2010-08-20 10:40 pm UTC (link)
“So this isn’t a hard game to learn correct,” Eiltin asked.

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2010-08-21 12:36 am UTC (link)
"Nah, Big E. The object is the game to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Of course, there's all kinds of ways to make your opponent draw more cards." he says.

"It's a great game you play for cookies, which Zoey and I have a runnin' tally of who owes who." Titan says.

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2010-08-21 12:59 am UTC (link)
“Ah thank you, that does not sound so bad,” Eiltin said figuring he should be able to pick up the rest of the game as he goes.

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2010-08-21 03:24 am UTC (link)
Zoey came running back with a deck of Uno cards in her hand. She climbed up onto a chair. "Okay, Big Green. I got the cards, you show the cookies."

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2010-08-21 04:43 pm UTC (link)
Titan leaves the room, then comes back with a a plate full of several kinds of cookies. Chocolate chip, Oreo, shortbread, and the like.

"I got the cookies, Short Stack. You can back out at any time. I won't even tell your Mom." he teases, grinning.

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2010-08-21 05:00 pm UTC (link)
"You are going down, Big Green," Zoey said as she started dealing the cards.

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2010-08-21 06:58 pm UTC (link)
"I got three cookies here that say otherwise, Short Stack." Titan says.

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2010-08-22 08:58 pm UTC (link)
“Sounds like you have some history with these games,” Eiltin said before looking at his cards.

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2010-08-22 09:27 pm UTC (link)
"I like to play," Zoey said as she finished dealing the cards. "I'll play with anyone who will play with me."

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2010-08-23 02:56 am UTC (link)
“Well you have clearly gotten quite good at them,” Eiltin said. He had never played games like theses back home so he found this all quite entertaining.

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2010-08-24 02:44 am UTC (link)
"She's really good for a Short Stack, but everyone's luck must come to an end...just like their cookies." Titan grins, waiting for Zoey to deal the cards.

"Watch and learn, Big E. This is Uno."

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